Japan urges biden to be strong in his dealings with China

iden, the first US paedophile president who's been in politics for forty odd years with no accomplishments to speak of, to get tough with China? Obviously Japan doesn't know Biden.

Why doesn't japan use it's massive wealth to build up their own military?


Dammit, Godzilla!!!!
Show me a corporation that gave six, seven and eight figure compensation to a crack addict burnout like Hunter Biden, Joey! Equating HIM with the CEO of GM is laughable!

Quite right. He actually produced results for his clients.

Unlike the CEO of GM, who let's not forget, ran his company so badly the government had to bail it out.

Should also point out that George DWI Bush put Hunter on the board of Amtrak. Didn't he realize he was a "Crack Addict"?
Hunter Biden produced "results" for Burisma? Now that's an amusing statement, Joey! Hunter Biden never stepped foot in the Ukraine when he was on their board...never attended a board meeting in person...and knew zero about the natural gas business! What "results" do you think Hunter produced other than being a pipeline of funds from Burisma to the Biden family?
Hunter Biden produced "results" for Burisma? Now that's an amusing statement, Joey! Hunter Biden never stepped foot in the Ukraine when he was on their board...never attended a board meeting in person...and knew zero about the natural gas business! What "results" do you think Hunter produced other than being a pipeline of funds from Burisma to the Biden family?

I've made deals with countries all around the world, and never stepped foot in any of them.

They hired Hunter's firm (not just him) for a specific reason, to improve their international image and to establish rules of corporate governance. He didn't need to go to the Ukraine or know anything about the gas industry for any of that.

Trump spent two years trying to get dirt on Hunter Biden.

If only he had spent as much time fighting Covid as he had trying to find dirt on Hunter, we might have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths from TRUMP PLAGUE.

You see, I don't worry about what they paid Hunter. It has no effect on my life. The fact that I am in the SECOND LOCKDOWN working from home this year, and my income has dropped by tens of thousands of dollars due to TRUMP PLAGUE, um, yeah, that bothers me a lot.
They are making new deals due to trump's trade wars and bullying tactics, the global thing notwithstanding. Isolationism is not the way to go because we will be alone...not healthy.
Who is “they?”

all of those nations still want to buy nothing from America but sell us all their junk
They are making new deals due to trump's trade wars and bullying tactics, the global thing notwithstanding. Isolationism is not the way to go because we will be alone...not healthy.
Who is “they?”

all of those nations still want to buy nothing from America but sell us all their junk
Their stuff is not junk and many items with an American name are no longer manufactured here.
Items "made in America" are expensive and due to trade wars, will become more expensive. That
is why American companies moved--to be more competitive so that they can remain in business.
You move to remain in business at the expense of the American workers you leave behind, all of which should boycott Chinese lastingly.
I suspect China Joe will be just like his commie buddy Justin from up north.

Secret files show Trudeau invited China to train troops in Canada

Justin Trudeau invited China's People's Liberation Army to train troops in Canada, according to top secret documents published by Canadian conservative news site which claims 'they were sending spies not just soldiers to train'
  • The bombshell 34-page access to information document was released by the Canadian government to Rebel News and The Globe and Mail
  • The two outlets published excerpts from the files Wednesday
  • The memos revealed that members of the PLA were scheduled to attend a military exercise at a base in Ontario in 2019
Face it Japan.
You're next on the list when China rolls on Taiwan and Xiden rolls over for China.
The Chinese have no claim on Japanese land, and differences over the Daoyu/Senkaku islands should not lead to significant conflict, which would disrupt the deep mutually beneficial trade relations between China and Japan. Of course this assumes Japan continues to handle its relations with China as they have in recent years (without demagogic insults, exaggerations and charges like the Trump administration). It also assumes that China itself remains led by a rational CCP leadership.

Taiwan is profoundly different. It is considered by international agreement as part of “One China.” That China has long been officially seated in the UN, on the Security Council no less, and recognized by innumerable Republican and Democratic administrations, which have also discouraged Taiwan from making any move like “declaring independence.” The CCP has always maintained Taiwan is a province of China. It has no desire to invade Taiwan, but the CCP leadership has always made it clear that it will not tolerate the island becoming an independent nation, armed to the teeth, acting as a stalking horse for China’s enemies. This has always been a “red line” for the People’s Republic of China.

The strong pressures the Trump Administration applied to Taiwanese high tech businesses to refuse to deal with their biggest trading partner ... have only made the situation more dangerous. Such moves infuriate mainland Chinese. They believe their country’s military power is growing overwhelming and the island should be reunited eventually. Only lunatics want to force China’s leadership’s hand in this matter, or precipitate a crisis that would destroy the island’s economy. It is certainly not an ideal situation, and could become a tragic one, but playing for time remains the best policy for Taiwan. There is not much the U.S. can realistically do, in any case.

"No claim" means nothing when the world revolves around "might is right" and a part-time employee of The Xia regime poised to pose as "president" of these (once) United States.
They are making new deals due to trump's trade wars and bullying tactics, the global thing notwithstanding. Isolationism is not the way to go because we will be alone...not healthy.
Who is “they?”

all of those nations still want to buy nothing from America but sell us all their junk
"THEY" are EU nations that trump has been bullying and "they" are moving away from America and in a different direction. You don't know this?
Face it Japan.
You're next on the list when China rolls on Taiwan and Xiden rolls over for China.
The Chinese have no claim on Japanese land, and differences over the Daoyu/Senkaku islands should not lead to significant conflict, which would disrupt the deep mutually beneficial trade relations between China and Japan. Of course this assumes Japan continues to handle its relations with China as they have in recent years (without demagogic insults, exaggerations and charges like the Trump administration). It also assumes that China itself remains led by a rational CCP leadership.

Taiwan is profoundly different. It is considered by international agreement as part of “One China.” That China has long been officially seated in the UN, on the Security Council no less, and recognized by innumerable Republican and Democratic administrations, which have also discouraged Taiwan from making any move like “declaring independence.” The CCP has always maintained Taiwan is a province of China. It has no desire to invade Taiwan, but the CCP leadership has always made it clear that it will not tolerate the island becoming an independent nation, armed to the teeth, acting as a stalking horse for China’s enemies. This has always been a “red line” for the People’s Republic of China.

The strong pressures the Trump Administration applied to Taiwanese high tech businesses to refuse to deal with their biggest trading partner ... have only made the situation more dangerous. Such moves infuriate mainland Chinese. They believe their country’s military power is growing overwhelming and the island should be reunited eventually. Only lunatics want to force China’s leadership’s hand in this matter, or precipitate a crisis that would destroy the island’s economy. It is certainly not an ideal situation, and could become a tragic one, but playing for time remains the best policy for Taiwan. There is not much the U.S. can realistically do, in any case.

"No claim" means nothing when the world revolves around "might is right" and a part-time employee of The Xia regime poised to pose as "president" of these (once) United States.
Your latest comment packs into one sentence an abstract platitude, followed by two typically hysterical partisan fantasies about Biden, followed by a complaint about disunity in this country — which you and partisans like you are doing your best to increase. Congratulations!

But my “no complaint” remark was concrete and carefully made to show that Japan is not “next” on China’s list of targets for “takeover” in any real or even distantly related sense.

Or do you really think that China has any plans to conquer and occupy Japan?

Does China — on the other hand — have a longstanding often repeated national “claim,” as well as the advertised intent and military potential ... to reclaim Taiwan? Yes, indeed it does!

Your American parochialism makes you project onto China your own nation’s longtime quest for world domination, and our military adventurism around the entire globe.
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Their stuff is not junk and many items with an American name are no longer manufactured here.
Items "made in America" are expensive and due to trade wars, will become more expensive. That
is why American companies moved--to be more competitive so that they can remain in business.
American companies were forced to move to china once the cheap chinese products were available here

Blame the loss of factories and unemployed American workers on idiot politicians not greedy corporate ceo’s
Your latest comment packs into one sentence an abstract platitude, followed by two typically hysterical partisan fantasies about Biden, followed by a complaint about disunity in this country — which you and partisans like you are doing your best to increase. Congratulations!

But my “no complaint” remark was concrete and carefully made to show that Japan is not “next” on China’s list of targets for “takeover” in any real or even distantly related sense.

Or do you really think that China has any plans to conquer and occupy Japan?

Does China — on the other hand — have a longstanding often repeated national “claim,” as well as the advertised intent and military potential ... to reclaim Taiwan? Yes, indeed it does!

Your American parochialism makes you project onto China your own nation’s longtime quest for world domination, and our military adventurism around the entire globe.

I don't pretend to read your bosses minds. It is simply logical that once Xiden has rolled over on Taiwan there is no logical reason to think China would have Japan on the list. After all, when you're out to rule the world is it not logical to take what's closest and easiest first?

But that would take logic so you're excused.
There is an important, often unrecognized, but very deep cultural aspect to the Japan-Taiwan-China issue. Taiwan was occupied by Japan for fifty years until the end of WWII and Japan’s imperial / Greater East Asia / colonial policy there was more successful than anywhere else.

Even today, Taiwanese identity is conflicted. Its population has roots in many waves of immigrants, “natives,” distinct Chinese ethnic groups, and conquests. Today many feel a strong nostalgia for Japanese culture. Prominent older non-KMT “native” leaders of the country grew up speaking Japanese. While hundreds of thousands of Japanese were forcibly returned to Japan after WWII, the arrival of the KMT ragtag army and their families was accompanied by new conflicts and dictatorship under Chiang Kai Shek. Taiwan’s modernization was also largely built on Japanese foundations, with many Taiwanese serving in Japan’s armies. So there is a unique “left behind” aspect to Taiwan identity that goes deeper than mere KMT-imposed anti-communism.

In mainland China too, despite old nationalist hatreds toward Japan that remain and are easily inflamed, there is also a certain respect for and appeal of Japanese cultural products, especially among the youth. Taiwan is at the center of many intersecting currents, its new rough-hewn democratic institutions, economic success and million plus residents/businessmen on the mainland all have a visible presence in China. The U.S. (and Japanese) role in how all this finally plays out can be either constructive or very destructive, especially if we try to impose our own will on all these complex issues.

Nobody should want war and a return of the dark days of WWII. I am reminded of a sad “joke” that circulated in the dark days of the early 1950s on Taiwan: “The Japanese were lucky. The U.S. only dropped an atomic bomb on them. They dropped the whole KMT on top of us.”
iden, the first US paedophile president who's been in politics for forty odd years with no accomplishments to speak of, to get tough with China? Obviously Japan doesn't know Biden.

Why doesn't japan use it's massive wealth to build up their own military?

View attachment 435389
Dammit, Godzilla!!!!

They are. But basically, Japan knows that it simply wouldn't have the ability to fight China alone. This is why they are hoping we'll help mitigate China aggression. It doesn't help that we just elected a blatantly corrupt politician who openly has no problem taking money for personal benefit, at the expense of national security and the American public.
They are. But basically, Japan knows that it simply wouldn't have the ability to fight China alone. This is why they are hoping we'll help mitigate China aggression. It doesn't help that we just elected a blatantly corrupt politician who openly has no problem taking money for personal benefit, at the expense of national security and the American public.

The Chinese don't have enough of a navy to invade Japan....

And your comments about Biden taking money is pure bullshit.... Do you people believe half the crap you post?

Look. You supported Trump. He fucked up. Royally. too bad most of you don't have the courage or integrity to admit you fucked up, but that's fine. You deal with that.

But this paranoid rambling about China is getting a little boring, isn't it?
Fat chance of that.

Biden is weak, stupid, and beholden to China to protect hunter biden.

Not even to mention he has been wrong on every foreign policy for at least the last 30 yrs.

Asking Jersey Joe to be strong is like asking Nancy Pelosi to be young again like it's just not going to happen!

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