Japan urges biden to be strong in his dealings with China

.....Biden won't even get tough on US criminals--so he definitely won't get tough with China
He can be tough on China without saber-rattling, which did not work. There is an old saying: "walk softly and carry a big stick". A much better idea than the current idea.
no, he can't be tough----he kisses BLACK ass

hehheh I remember Trump saying all biden did for his term as vice president was to kiss obama's ass.

Truer woids were never spoken.

Harrs/Biden had better be, or else I am predicting that Japan, Australia, Taiwan and others are going to be more cautious in dealing with the West. In particular in dealing with England, Canada and USA. They have to decide what is best for their interests and national security and not be cornered in on former alliances.

It's easy for some wannabe communist dirtbag living, commie ass kisser in California to tell everyone "it's ok, China is our friend", as they are living oceans away and with a massive military protecting them. Others don't have that situation and they will feel there is a better path forward dealing with others who are strong on China, than say, Western leaders who don't take that same perspective.

Ironically, for all those who said Trump was dividing the West, it was actually he who was isolating and confronting the biggest threat to the U.S and others. You won't read on CNN or MSNBC what nations like Japan and others are doing, but it was clear which nations embraced Trump and understood that a strong, chest thumping America lead by a non-politician was good for their safety and prosperity.
Trump is kissing Putin's ass, which is not good for any country's safety, security, and prosperity.
China is hardly isolated as western nations are embracing trade relations with China and China is laughing at us. They are stepping in where we have stepped out. Saber rattling does not work, and what trump has accomplished is to isolate our country. We will pay one hell of a price, as
imports and exports decrease and prices for goods increase dramatically. Already starting to happen.
Harrs/Biden had better be, or else I am predicting that Japan, Australia, Taiwan and others are going to be more cautious in dealing with the West. In particular in dealing with England, Canada and USA. They have to decide what is best for their interests and national security and not be cornered in on former alliances.

It's easy for some wannabe communist dirtbag living, commie ass kisser in California to tell everyone "it's ok, China is our friend", as they are living oceans away and with a massive military protecting them. Others don't have that situation and they will feel there is a better path forward dealing with others who are strong on China, than say, Western leaders who don't take that same perspective.

Ironically, for all those who said Trump was dividing the West, it was actually he who was isolating and confronting the biggest threat to the U.S and others. You won't read on CNN or MSNBC what nations like Japan and others are doing, but it was clear which nations embraced Trump and understood that a strong, chest thumping America lead by a non-politician was good for their safety and prosperity.
Trump is kissing Putin's ass, which is not good for any country's safety, security, and prosperity.
China is hardly isolated as western nations are embracing trade relations with China and China is laughing at us. They are stepping in where we have stepped out. Saber rattling does not work, and what trump has accomplished is to isolate our country. We will pay one hell of a price, as
imports and exports decrease and prices for goods increase dramatically. Already starting to happen.
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!
Harrs/Biden had better be, or else I am predicting that Japan, Australia, Taiwan and others are going to be more cautious in dealing with the West. In particular in dealing with England, Canada and USA. They have to decide what is best for their interests and national security and not be cornered in on former alliances.

It's easy for some wannabe communist dirtbag living, commie ass kisser in California to tell everyone "it's ok, China is our friend", as they are living oceans away and with a massive military protecting them. Others don't have that situation and they will feel there is a better path forward dealing with others who are strong on China, than say, Western leaders who don't take that same perspective.

Ironically, for all those who said Trump was dividing the West, it was actually he who was isolating and confronting the biggest threat to the U.S and others. You won't read on CNN or MSNBC what nations like Japan and others are doing, but it was clear which nations embraced Trump and understood that a strong, chest thumping America lead by a non-politician was good for their safety and prosperity.
Trump is kissing Putin's ass, which is not good for any country's safety, security, and prosperity.
China is hardly isolated as western nations are embracing trade relations with China and China is laughing at us. They are stepping in where we have stepped out. Saber rattling does not work, and what trump has accomplished is to isolate our country. We will pay one hell of a price, as
imports and exports decrease and prices for goods increase dramatically. Already starting to happen.
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!
You got that right!
What really matters to most Trump fanatics is their fantasy, their desire to return to a post WWII America that no longer exists and cannot ever exist again
Why cant it ever exist again?

we freely gave away our post war advantage to other nations such as china

but I see no reason that we have to rely on china’s will for the importation of vital supplies such as medicine
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!

Naw, it's about making a big deal about some uninhabited islands in the South China Sea.

The whole world is going to celebrate when Trump gets on that helicopter on Jan 20th.

21 days to go!!!
The biggest celebration will take place in China, Joey! They desperately wanted Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump. Trump held their feet to the fire on trade...Biden will give the Chinese exactly what they want...us back in the Paris Accord while they continue to pollute and their kicking our asses again on trade! Why do you think the Chinese funneled millions of dollars to the Biden family? Because Hunter Biden is such an "asset" as a businessman? Don't make me laugh!
Everybody should watch a few moments of the “Goat & Sheep Nations” video TheGreenHornet presents in comment #125 above: it is apparently what underlays this OP writer’s perspectives on world politics...

It is truly pathetic and laughable Trumpster religious babble...

A country, even a great country like ours, can never succeed with a population enthralled by such madness.

Would that it were only a few USMB maniacs whose view of geo-politics are based on such nonsense. In truth, “Rapture” evangelicals and “Christian Zionists” like V.P Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo filled the outgoing administration. The godless narcissist conman Trump was not “the devil,” but he was certainly less competent than Putin or XiJinping. Sober and rational people all over the world worried about his leadership, even his sanity. But no matter that. We seem to have at least avoided a major war under Trump. He’s almost out the door now. Now we must worry about the Biden team — a much more “professional” and bureaucratic bunch of Wall Street and “security state” neo-cons.

Competent Western statesmen able to deal with China are hard to find these days. Remarkably, perhaps, Japanese leaders have been handling their own security and far more important trade relations with China a lot better than we have over the last four years. They have a lot more at stake than we do too, including troublesome border issues in the East China Sea over the Senkaku/Daoyu islands. They of course have some terrible history with China as well.

Here is an interview with liberal China expert, fluent Mandarin speaker, ex-Ambassador to China & former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd. Among other things Rudd contrasts the recent Japanese approach with that of the ruling Australian Conservative Party — and by implication with the still crazier U.S. approach:

Rudd summed up his position by using japan as an example and urging everyone to do more and talk less

but I sum up rudd as talking a lot but doing nothing

folks like yourself are too impressed with the power of china and too willing to submit to china
Harrs/Biden had better be, or else I am predicting that Japan, Australia, Taiwan and others are going to be more cautious in dealing with the West. In particular in dealing with England, Canada and USA. They have to decide what is best for their interests and national security and not be cornered in on former alliances.

It's easy for some wannabe communist dirtbag living, commie ass kisser in California to tell everyone "it's ok, China is our friend", as they are living oceans away and with a massive military protecting them. Others don't have that situation and they will feel there is a better path forward dealing with others who are strong on China, than say, Western leaders who don't take that same perspective.

Ironically, for all those who said Trump was dividing the West, it was actually he who was isolating and confronting the biggest threat to the U.S and others. You won't read on CNN or MSNBC what nations like Japan and others are doing, but it was clear which nations embraced Trump and understood that a strong, chest thumping America lead by a non-politician was good for their safety and prosperity.
Trump is kissing Putin's ass, which is not good for any country's safety, security, and prosperity.
China is hardly isolated as western nations are embracing trade relations with China and China is laughing at us. They are stepping in where we have stepped out. Saber rattling does not work, and what trump has accomplished is to isolate our country. We will pay one hell of a price, as
imports and exports decrease and prices for goods increase dramatically. Already starting to happen.
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!

Playing hardball is one thing. trump can play hardball without acting out and threatening with chest-thumping verbiage which could lead to something more serious. Do you even know what the following expression means...".Walk softly and carry a big stick"? Negotiation trump's way doesn't work, because all that accomplishes is for the other guy to hunker down.

Merriam Webster dictionary:
"Occasionally a rival branch of the military will use a related phrase. For example, when opposing sides are trading threats that involve naval power, it’s properly known as cutlass-rattling, but that phrase has never caught on. Now saber-rattling is used for all kinds of threatening language or behavior in a real war, a trade war, or just a fight in a faculty meeting over who gets to teach which classes."
Anna Politkovskaya used the Russian term, zheltoe na chernom ‘yellow on black.’
Harrs/Biden had better be, or else I am predicting that Japan, Australia, Taiwan and others are going to be more cautious in dealing with the West. In particular in dealing with England, Canada and USA. They have to decide what is best for their interests and national security and not be cornered in on former alliances.

It's easy for some wannabe communist dirtbag living, commie ass kisser in California to tell everyone "it's ok, China is our friend", as they are living oceans away and with a massive military protecting them. Others don't have that situation and they will feel there is a better path forward dealing with others who are strong on China, than say, Western leaders who don't take that same perspective.

Ironically, for all those who said Trump was dividing the West, it was actually he who was isolating and confronting the biggest threat to the U.S and others. You won't read on CNN or MSNBC what nations like Japan and others are doing, but it was clear which nations embraced Trump and understood that a strong, chest thumping America lead by a non-politician was good for their safety and prosperity.
Trump is kissing Putin's ass, which is not good for any country's safety, security, and prosperity.
China is hardly isolated as western nations are embracing trade relations with China and China is laughing at us. They are stepping in where we have stepped out. Saber rattling does not work, and what trump has accomplished is to isolate our country. We will pay one hell of a price, as
imports and exports decrease and prices for goods increase dramatically. Already starting to happen.
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!

Playing hardball is one thing. trump can play hardball without acting out and threatening with chest-thumping verbiage which could lead to something more serious. Do you even know what the following expression means...".Walk softly and carry a big stick"? Negotiation trump's way doesn't work, because all that accomplishes is for the other guy to hunker down.

Merriam Webster dictionary:
"Occasionally a rival branch of the military will use a related phrase. For example, when opposing sides are trading threats that involve naval power, it’s properly known as cutlass-rattling, but that phrase has never caught on. Now saber-rattling is used for all kinds of threatening language or behavior in a real war, a trade war, or just a fight in a faculty meeting over who gets to teach which classes."
Prior to trump millions around the world were totally blind to the chinese menace

but no one can use that excuse anymore
So you can evoke Californians about China. Can you talk about Californian history, such as the anti-Chinese anti-miscegenation laws that eventually required federal intervention in the matter due to actual Chinese DNA living in that state. And such big, broad shoulders. Show us the first citation from Californian archives that confirms badger’s claim.
Harrs/Biden had better be, or else I am predicting that Japan, Australia, Taiwan and others are going to be more cautious in dealing with the West. In particular in dealing with England, Canada and USA. They have to decide what is best for their interests and national security and not be cornered in on former alliances.

It's easy for some wannabe communist dirtbag living, commie ass kisser in California to tell everyone "it's ok, China is our friend", as they are living oceans away and with a massive military protecting them. Others don't have that situation and they will feel there is a better path forward dealing with others who are strong on China, than say, Western leaders who don't take that same perspective.

Ironically, for all those who said Trump was dividing the West, it was actually he who was isolating and confronting the biggest threat to the U.S and others. You won't read on CNN or MSNBC what nations like Japan and others are doing, but it was clear which nations embraced Trump and understood that a strong, chest thumping America lead by a non-politician was good for their safety and prosperity.
Trump is kissing Putin's ass, which is not good for any country's safety, security, and prosperity.
China is hardly isolated as western nations are embracing trade relations with China and China is laughing at us. They are stepping in where we have stepped out. Saber rattling does not work, and what trump has accomplished is to isolate our country. We will pay one hell of a price, as
imports and exports decrease and prices for goods increase dramatically. Already starting to happen.
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!

Playing hardball is one thing. trump can play hardball without acting out and threatening with chest-thumping verbiage which could lead to something more serious. Do you even know what the following expression means...".Walk softly and carry a big stick"? Negotiation trump's way doesn't work, because all that accomplishes is for the other guy to hunker down.

Merriam Webster dictionary:
"Occasionally a rival branch of the military will use a related phrase. For example, when opposing sides are trading threats that involve naval power, it’s properly known as cutlass-rattling, but that phrase has never caught on. Now saber-rattling is used for all kinds of threatening language or behavior in a real war, a trade war, or just a fight in a faculty meeting over who gets to teach which classes."
Prior to trump millions around the world were totally blind to the chinese menace

but no one can use that excuse anymore
Since Trump started a trade war, millions around the world are reaping the benefits of the trade deals that their countries are making with China, as they move away from us due to trump's bullying.
Trump's "negotiating" tactics have not brought countries together. Rather, quite the opposite as millions have opened their eyes and like what they see.
Since Trump started a trade war, millions around the world are reaping the benefits of the trade deals that their countries are making with China, as they move away from us due to trump's bullying.
Thats nonsense

no country on the planet is making sweetheart deals for their people with china

they are getting raped by the Middle Kingdom
Chinese want to buy America. They want to buy the Russian Far East. They have total trade control over the Udihe, one needs not refer to an entire country. Avarice is their inherent pathology, and not one particular person gets blamed for it.
Since Trump started a trade war, millions around the world are reaping the benefits of the trade deals that their countries are making with China, as they move away from us due to trump's bullying.
Thats nonsense

no country on the planet is making sweetheart deals for their people with china

they are getting raped by the Middle Kingdom

Exactly bobob been watching msnbc aka doing his research. hehheh
Where did that moron come from?
God does not exist. Wallnau is another sacerdotal theologian who thinks we will take the sensationalist bait that there’s an actual entity out there that cares about us.

The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
Actually, the Vaccine was developed in West Germany by a Muslim Scientist... nothing to do with Trump.

The research and development of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which proved to be 90% effective against SARS-CoV-2 in November 2020, was funded by U.S. President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.

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Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!

Naw, it's about making a big deal about some uninhabited islands in the South China Sea.

The whole world is going to celebrate when Trump gets on that helicopter on Jan 20th.

21 days to go!!!

I predict biden will fall knock himself out and be unavailable for the innauguration.....Kamel Toe harris will show up but the American People will rise up and ship her back to Kalifornicate. hehheh it could happen.
Do you even know what the term "saber rattling" refers to? I'll give you a hint...it isn't about playing hard ball on trade deals!

Naw, it's about making a big deal about some uninhabited islands in the South China Sea.

The whole world is going to celebrate when Trump gets on that helicopter on Jan 20th.

21 days to go!!!
The biggest celebration will take place in China, Joey! They desperately wanted Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump. Trump held their feet to the fire on trade...Biden will give the Chinese exactly what they want...us back in the Paris Accord while they continue to pollute and their kicking our asses again on trade! Why do you think the Chinese funneled millions of dollars to the Biden family? Because Hunter Biden is such an "asset" as a businessman? Don't make me laugh!

Biden along with the democratic party has a strange admiration for the Chi-Coms....one ignorant biden appointee even mentioned her admiration for Mao....ignorant and clueless sums up the democratic party....not understanding at all the chi-com threat.


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