Japan urges biden to be strong in his dealings with China

trump is far more anti china and pro American than any democrat ...

Your first problem here is that “Anti-China” does not equal “pro-America.”

For that matter “Pro-U.S.A.” also does not equal “pro-America.”

When the 2008-2009 financial collapse occurred it was China’s steady economy (on both the demand and supply side) which helped pull the whole world out of recession.

Mexicans and Cubans, Argentines and Brazilians, Bolivians and Chileans ... they are all also “Americans.” Most of them need and want to trade with China without D.C. bureaucrats and crazy U.S. politicians interfering. Without free trade with China and emerging Asia, “Americans” — including the U.S. — cannot prosper and develop!
Spoken like a real pro China-bot. You never fail to give cover to the CCP.
Nonsense. I often criticize in the harshest terms CCP policy and conduct. But I speak clearly, put China’s and the U.S.’ realities in context, and warn Americans drunk with 150 years of being the richest and strongest nation in the world ... that times have changed.
trump is far more anti china and pro American than any democrat ...

Your first problem here is that “Anti-China” does not equal “pro-America.”

For that matter “Pro-U.S.A.” also does not equal “pro-America.”

When the 2008-2009 financial collapse occurred it was China’s steady economy (on both the demand and supply side) which helped pull the whole world out of recession.

Mexicans and Cubans, Argentines and Brazilians, Bolivians and Chileans ... they are all also “Americans.” Most of them need and want to trade with China without D.C. bureaucrats and crazy U.S. politicians interfering. Without free trade with China and emerging Asia, “Americans” — including the U.S. — cannot prosper and develop!
Spoken like a real pro China-bot. You never fail to give cover to the CCP.
Nonsense. I often criticize in the harshest terms CCP policy and conduct. But I speak clearly, put China’s and the U.S.’ realities in context, and warn Americans drunk with 150 years of being the richest and strongest nation in the world ... that times have changed.

You say that like it is a bad thing......are you ashamed of America being able to create the American Dream.....which allowed so many working people a opportunity like no other nation in the history of the world....you want to apoligize for that?

It is very obvious you believe that we should be more concerned about the welfare of others more so than our own.

As Trump has said .....America first and then we will help the less fortunate.

I forgot to mention Hong Kong.....how the Chi-Coms broke their agreement with the British regarding Hong Kong.

That is standard operating procedure for goat nations.

And why did the democrats ignore what was going on in Hong Kong....never advocated that we help them retain the status that the Chi-Coms guranteed them if the U.K would turn over Hong Kong.

Yet the democrats claim to be great defenders of democracy and biden lying again that he will protect America.

Very dark days ahead folks.....totalitarianism is making huge gains as we speak......it is amazing how the internet is becoming so censored and saturated with propaganda

google 'left wing terrorism'and see what you come up with.....i will tell you---article after article hundreds of articles on right wing terrorism.
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trump is far more anti china and pro American than any democrat ...

Your first problem here is that “Anti-China” does not equal “pro-America.”

For that matter “Pro-U.S.A.” also does not equal “pro-America.”

When the 2008-2009 financial collapse occurred it was China’s steady economy (on both the demand and supply side) which helped pull the whole world out of recession.

Mexicans and Cubans, Argentines and Brazilians, Bolivians and Chileans ... they are all also “Americans.” Most of them need and want to trade with China without D.C. bureaucrats and crazy U.S. politicians interfering. Without free trade with China and emerging Asia, “Americans” — including the U.S. — cannot prosper and develop!
Spoken like a real pro China-bot. You never fail to give cover to the CCP.
Nonsense. I often criticize in the harshest terms CCP policy and conduct. But I speak clearly, put China’s and the U.S.’ realities in context, and warn Americans drunk with 150 years of being the richest and strongest nation in the world ... that times have changed.

You say that like it is a bad thing......are you ashamed of America being able to create the American Dream.....which allowed so many working people a opportunity like no other nation in the history of the world....you want to apoligize for that?

It is very obvious you believe that we should be more concerned about the welfare of others more so than our own.

As Trump has said .....America first and then we will help the less fortunate.

I forgot to mention Hong Kong.....how the Chi-Coms broke their agreement with the British regarding Hong Kong.

That is standard operating procedure for goat nations.

And why did the democrats ignore what was going on in Hong Kong....never advocated that we help them retain the status that the Chi-Coms guranteed them if the U.K would turn over Hong Kong.

Yet the democrats claim to be great defenders of democracy and biden lying again that he will protect America.

Very dark days ahead folks.....totalitarianism is making huge gains as we speak......it is amazing how the internet is becoming so censored and saturated with propaganda

google 'left wing terrorism'and see what you come up with.....i will tell you---article after article hundreds of articles on right wing terrorism.
There you go again, Mr. comic book character, talking out of your Green Hornet hat about “Goat Nations.”

Chinese study English as a second language. They are listening to Americans’ ravings against them. They know lunatics like you are not a danger, and they are right to repudiate tiny, impotent England’s imperial pretensions, like those spouted by “Sir This” and “Sir That” in that 2014 Guardian article you link to. The Chinese have done nothing to violate their agreements with Britain over Hong Kong, but the U.S. and Little England have certainly violated the spirit of the accords by stirring up violent demonstrations there. The result is unfortunate ... for Hong Kong.
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And the maculine violence of the Chinese virus, evolved from culinary promiscuity, whose origins in nature are known by the Chinese, continues to drive it deep into non-Chinese DNA.
trump is far more anti china and pro American than any democrat ...

Your first problem here is that “Anti-China” does not equal “pro-America.”

For that matter “Pro-U.S.A.” also does not equal “pro-America.”

When the 2008-2009 financial collapse occurred it was China’s steady economy (on both the demand and supply side) which helped pull the whole world out of recession.

Mexicans and Cubans, Argentines and Brazilians, Bolivians and Chileans ... they are all also “Americans.” Most of them need and want to trade with China without D.C. bureaucrats and crazy U.S. politicians interfering. Without free trade with China and emerging Asia, “Americans” — including the U.S. — cannot prosper and develop!
Spoken like a real pro China-bot. You never fail to give cover to the CCP.
Nonsense. I often criticize in the harshest terms CCP policy and conduct. But I speak clearly, put China’s and the U.S.’ realities in context, and warn Americans drunk with 150 years of being the richest and strongest nation in the world ... that times have changed.

You say that like it is a bad thing......are you ashamed of America being able to create the American Dream.....which allowed so many working people a opportunity like no other nation in the history of the world....you want to apoligize for that?

It is very obvious you believe that we should be more concerned about the welfare of others more so than our own.

As Trump has said .....America first and then we will help the less fortunate.

I forgot to mention Hong Kong.....how the Chi-Coms broke their agreement with the British regarding Hong Kong.

That is standard operating procedure for goat nations.

And why did the democrats ignore what was going on in Hong Kong....never advocated that we help them retain the status that the Chi-Coms guranteed them if the U.K would turn over Hong Kong.

Yet the democrats claim to be great defenders of democracy and biden lying again that he will protect America.

Very dark days ahead folks.....totalitarianism is making huge gains as we speak......it is amazing how the internet is becoming so censored and saturated with propaganda

google 'left wing terrorism'and see what you come up with.....i will tell you---article after article hundreds of articles on right wing terrorism.
There you go again, Mr. comic book character, talking out of your Green Hornet hat about “Goat Nations.”

Chinese study English as a second language. They are listening to Americans’ ravings against them. They know lunatics like you are not a danger, and they are right to repudiate tiny, impotent England’s imperial pretensions, like those spouted by “Sir This” and “Sir That” in that 2014 Guardian article you link to. The Chinese have done nothing to violate their agreements with Britain over Hong Kong, but the U.S. and Little England have certainly violated the spirit of the accords by stirring up violent demonstrations there. The result is unfortunate ... for Hong Kong.

God does not exist. Wallnau is another sacerdotal theologian who thinks we will take the sensationalist bait that there’s an actual entity out there that cares about us.
Trump lost first of all because the election was fraudulent.....not even to mention a biased media which managed to stir up the infamous Trump Derangement Syndrome among all the clueless voters.....the irrational hatred of a Great President.....which demonstrates the power of propaganda.

The people knew from the get go that this guy was unfit to be president. He proved us right in ways we never would have expected.

If you got into a Blue Box and went back to 2017 and told me by 2020 that we'd have 332,000 dead from a plague, double digit unemployment and double digit shrinkage of GDP, I probably would have said, "Man, I know Trump's a fuckup, but he couldn't fuck things up that bad."

Trump: "Hold my Beer!"

Also the chinese virus worked in biden's favor. Trump should not have downplayed the virus in my view but he was the leader of the nation....he wanted to prevent a panic....who is to say what might have happend had he not done so.

Actually, we can easily say. We can look at every other nation that took the problem seriously and see that they had both less economic damage and less deaths.

Trump also deserves tremendous praise for his Warp Speed program to develop a vaccine faster than ever before.....thus enabling folks to get vaccinated against the deadly disease much,much faster than was anticipated.

Actually, the Vaccine was developed in West Germany by a Muslim Scientist... nothing to do with Trump.

Trump also kept claiming we'd have a vaccine before the election, so by his own standards, he failed.

The media subverted Trump by convincing so many Trump was responsible for the virus....forgetting or not wanting to admit that Trump saved millions of lives by shutting down the ability of Chinese Nationals continuing to come over here.

As my Drill Sergeant once told me, "There's no such thing as a patriotic germ". The virus was brought back by infected Americans.... Viruses recognize no nationality.

Also the virus gave biden a legitimate excuse to hide out in his basement.....thus not allowing the American people to see how his cognitive ability has declined and dramatically so.

You know, you guys said that, and we were all going to see that in the debates, and what happened in those debates? Oh, that's right, Trump came off like a petulant child and Biden sounded kind of sensible.
God does not exist. Wallnau is another sacerdotal theologian who thinks we will take the sensationalist bait that there’s an actual entity out there that cares about us.

The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
Everybody should watch a few moments of the “Goat & Sheep Nations” video TheGreenHornet presents in comment #125 above: it is apparently what underlays this OP writer’s perspectives on world politics...

It is truly pathetic and laughable Trumpster religious babble...

A country, even a great country like ours, can never succeed with a population enthralled by such madness.

Would that it were only a few USMB maniacs whose view of geo-politics are based on such nonsense. In truth, “Rapture” evangelicals and “Christian Zionists” like V.P Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo filled the outgoing administration. The godless narcissist conman Trump was not “the devil,” but he was certainly less competent than Putin or XiJinping. Sober and rational people all over the world worried about his leadership, even his sanity. But no matter that. We seem to have at least avoided a major war under Trump. He’s almost out the door now. Now we must worry about the Biden team — a much more “professional” and bureaucratic bunch of Wall Street and “security state” neo-cons.

Competent Western statesmen able to deal with China are hard to find these days. Remarkably, perhaps, Japanese leaders have been handling their own security and far more important trade relations with China a lot better than we have over the last four years. They have a lot more at stake than we do too, including troublesome border issues in the East China Sea over the Senkaku/Daoyu islands. They of course have some terrible history with China as well.

Here is an interview with liberal China expert, fluent Mandarin speaker, ex-Ambassador to China & former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd. Among other things Rudd contrasts the recent Japanese approach with that of the ruling Australian Conservative Party — and by implication with the still crazier U.S. approach:

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Trump lost first of all because the election was fraudulent.....not even to mention a biased media which managed to stir up the infamous Trump Derangement Syndrome among all the clueless voters.....the irrational hatred of a Great President.....which demonstrates the power of propaganda.

The people knew from the get go that this guy was unfit to be president. He proved us right in ways we never would have expected.

If you got into a Blue Box and went back to 2017 and told me by 2020 that we'd have 332,000 dead from a plague, double digit unemployment and double digit shrinkage of GDP, I probably would have said, "Man, I know Trump's a fuckup, but he couldn't fuck things up that bad."

Trump: "Hold my Beer!"

Also the chinese virus worked in biden's favor. Trump should not have downplayed the virus in my view but he was the leader of the nation....he wanted to prevent a panic....who is to say what might have happend had he not done so.

Actually, we can easily say. We can look at every other nation that took the problem seriously and see that they had both less economic damage and less deaths.

Trump also deserves tremendous praise for his Warp Speed program to develop a vaccine faster than ever before.....thus enabling folks to get vaccinated against the deadly disease much,much faster than was anticipated.

Actually, the Vaccine was developed in West Germany by a Muslim Scientist... nothing to do with Trump.

Trump also kept claiming we'd have a vaccine before the election, so by his own standards, he failed.

The media subverted Trump by convincing so many Trump was responsible for the virus....forgetting or not wanting to admit that Trump saved millions of lives by shutting down the ability of Chinese Nationals continuing to come over here.

As my Drill Sergeant once told me, "There's no such thing as a patriotic germ". The virus was brought back by infected Americans.... Viruses recognize no nationality.

Also the virus gave biden a legitimate excuse to hide out in his basement.....thus not allowing the American people to see how his cognitive ability has declined and dramatically so.

You know, you guys said that, and we were all going to see that in the debates, and what happened in those debates? Oh, that's right, Trump came off like a petulant child and Biden sounded kind of sensible.
God does not exist. Wallnau is another sacerdotal theologian who thinks we will take the sensationalist bait that there’s an actual entity out there that cares about us.

The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
God does not exist. Wallnau is another sacerdotal theologian who thinks we will take the sensationalist bait that there’s an actual entity out there that cares about us.

The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
Trump lost first of all because the election was fraudulent.....not even to mention a biased media which managed to stir up the infamous Trump Derangement Syndrome among all the clueless voters.....the irrational hatred of a Great President.....which demonstrates the power of propaganda.

The people knew from the get go that this guy was unfit to be president. He proved us right in ways we never would have expected.

If you got into a Blue Box and went back to 2017 and told me by 2020 that we'd have 332,000 dead from a plague, double digit unemployment and double digit shrinkage of GDP, I probably would have said, "Man, I know Trump's a fuckup, but he couldn't fuck things up that bad."

Trump: "Hold my Beer!"

Also the chinese virus worked in biden's favor. Trump should not have downplayed the virus in my view but he was the leader of the nation....he wanted to prevent a panic....who is to say what might have happend had he not done so.

Actually, we can easily say. We can look at every other nation that took the problem seriously and see that they had both less economic damage and less deaths.

Trump also deserves tremendous praise for his Warp Speed program to develop a vaccine faster than ever before.....thus enabling folks to get vaccinated against the deadly disease much,much faster than was anticipated.

Actually, the Vaccine was developed in West Germany by a Muslim Scientist... nothing to do with Trump.

Trump also kept claiming we'd have a vaccine before the election, so by his own standards, he failed.

The media subverted Trump by convincing so many Trump was responsible for the virus....forgetting or not wanting to admit that Trump saved millions of lives by shutting down the ability of Chinese Nationals continuing to come over here.

As my Drill Sergeant once told me, "There's no such thing as a patriotic germ". The virus was brought back by infected Americans.... Viruses recognize no nationality.

Also the virus gave biden a legitimate excuse to hide out in his basement.....thus not allowing the American people to see how his cognitive ability has declined and dramatically so.

You know, you guys said that, and we were all going to see that in the debates, and what happened in those debates? Oh, that's right, Trump came off like a petulant child and Biden sounded kind of sensible.
Trump lost first of all because the election was fraudulent.....not even to mention a biased media which managed to stir up the infamous Trump Derangement Syndrome among all the clueless voters.....the irrational hatred of a Great President.....which demonstrates the power of propaganda.

The people knew from the get go that this guy was unfit to be president. He proved us right in ways we never would have expected.

If you got into a Blue Box and went back to 2017 and told me by 2020 that we'd have 332,000 dead from a plague, double digit unemployment and double digit shrinkage of GDP, I probably would have said, "Man, I know Trump's a fuckup, but he couldn't fuck things up that bad."

Trump: "Hold my Beer!"

Also the chinese virus worked in biden's favor. Trump should not have downplayed the virus in my view but he was the leader of the nation....he wanted to prevent a panic....who is to say what might have happend had he not done so.

Actually, we can easily say. We can look at every other nation that took the problem seriously and see that they had both less economic damage and less deaths.

Trump also deserves tremendous praise for his Warp Speed program to develop a vaccine faster than ever before.....thus enabling folks to get vaccinated against the deadly disease much,much faster than was anticipated.

Actually, the Vaccine was developed in West Germany by a Muslim Scientist... nothing to do with Trump.

Trump also kept claiming we'd have a vaccine before the election, so by his own standards, he failed.

The media subverted Trump by convincing so many Trump was responsible for the virus....forgetting or not wanting to admit that Trump saved millions of lives by shutting down the ability of Chinese Nationals continuing to come over here.

As my Drill Sergeant once told me, "There's no such thing as a patriotic germ". The virus was brought back by infected Americans.... Viruses recognize no nationality.

Also the virus gave biden a legitimate excuse to hide out in his basement.....thus not allowing the American people to see how his cognitive ability has declined and dramatically so.

You know, you guys said that, and we were all going to see that in the debates, and what happened in those debates? Oh, that's right, Trump came off like a petulant child and Biden sounded kind of sensible.
Trump lost first of all because the election was fraudulent.....not even to mention a biased media which managed to stir up the infamous Trump Derangement Syndrome among all the clueless voters.....the irrational hatred of a Great President.....which demonstrates the power of propaganda.

The people knew from the get go that this guy was unfit to be president. He proved us right in ways we never would have expected.

If you got into a Blue Box and went back to 2017 and told me by 2020 that we'd have 332,000 dead from a plague, double digit unemployment and double digit shrinkage of GDP, I probably would have said, "Man, I know Trump's a fuckup, but he couldn't fuck things up that bad."

Trump: "Hold my Beer!"

Also the chinese virus worked in biden's favor. Trump should not have downplayed the virus in my view but he was the leader of the nation....he wanted to prevent a panic....who is to say what might have happend had he not done so.

Actually, we can easily say. We can look at every other nation that took the problem seriously and see that they had both less economic damage and less deaths.

Trump also deserves tremendous praise for his Warp Speed program to develop a vaccine faster than ever before.....thus enabling folks to get vaccinated against the deadly disease much,much faster than was anticipated.

Actually, the Vaccine was developed in West Germany by a Muslim Scientist... nothing to do with Trump.

Trump also kept claiming we'd have a vaccine before the election, so by his own standards, he failed.

The media subverted Trump by convincing so many Trump was responsible for the virus....forgetting or not wanting to admit that Trump saved millions of lives by shutting down the ability of Chinese Nationals continuing to come over here.

As my Drill Sergeant once told me, "There's no such thing as a patriotic germ". The virus was brought back by infected Americans.... Viruses recognize no nationality.

Also the virus gave biden a legitimate excuse to hide out in his basement.....thus not allowing the American people to see how his cognitive ability has declined and dramatically so.

You know, you guys said that, and we were all going to see that in the debates, and what happened in those debates? Oh, that's right, Trump came off like a petulant child and Biden sounded kind of sensible.

God does not exist. Wallnau is another sacerdotal theologian who thinks we will take the sensationalist bait that there’s an actual entity out there that cares about us.
The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.
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Though at this point, Tom, Narcissus himself may be getting a bad rap. A pseudo-Narcissus may be those who swerve back towards the mother rather than identify with the father. In these may arise those who dive into the flesh itself: the transgendered. How might this align with the zealot? Another recognition Jones?
Nature is not opposed to inventions, inventions being a part of nature itself. Though if badger develops a Japanese alphabet, Tom, not only the Chinese will tweak, the Japanese ruling class will too, because it seriously questions traditions. There should be a handful of common everyday Japanese who will learn and use it simply because they refuse to apologize for the Nanjing massacre. Once again, if the British were attempting to manipulate the value of American currency, thus starting the Revolutionary War, we only need point to the Udihe of Primorskye Krai for comparison. Boycott Chinese fentanyl.
China Joe is going to give away the store to China. Just like he did when he was VP.

Hear that sucking noise? That is the sound of jobs and technology being sucked out of the US into China. We will see that big time when China Joe gets the ability to make it happen.

Hear that laughing noise? That is the sound of Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer having a fun life.
One suggestion for zealot studies is Robert Service, A Short History of Russia, and passages on the genital-mutilating Kleisty Old Believers.
A ridiculous whore of a URL to transcribe, the title of the pertinent video for this thread is ‘Chinese Buyers Drive Real Estate Boom in Seattle.’
Japan understands the threat. The Democrats and half of America do not.

Or maybe we don't consider Japan's problems to be our problems.

China is not a threat to the US. They don't have a large enough Navy and frankly, the Pacific is too big for them to cross to attack us.

If anything, the smartest thing we can do is to continue to engage China. If China is making money off of trade, they'll have an incentive to keep the peace.
God, you're a clueless idiot! The Pacific is too big for China to cross? Japan could do that 60 years ago! China is spending huge amounts of money on modernizing their Navy and they're not doing so to protect their fishing fleets! China IS a growing danger to the world...not Russia but you on the left have your heads so far up your asses you can't see it!

Exactly......those who still think the oceans protect us like they did a hundred years ago need to study up.

Joe B. is on of the dumbest posters you will ever see on this board or any other.....I have yet to see him right about anything.

'The eight presidents who have managed U.S. dealings with modern China, Nixon through Obama, have essentially drawn from the same playbook. The situation could be different for the ninth. The China of 2016 is much more controlled and repressive than the China of five years ago, or even 10. I was living there at both of those earlier times—in Shanghai in 2006 and in Beijing five years later—and have seen the change firsthand. Given the chaotic contradictions of modern China, what any one person sees can be an exception. What strikes me is the consistency of evidence showing a country that is cracking down, closing up, and lashing out in ways different from its course in the previous 30-plus years.'

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.....Biden won't even get tough on US criminals--so he definitely won't get tough with China
He can be tough on China without saber-rattling, which did not work. There is an old saying: "walk softly and carry a big stick". A much better idea than the current idea.

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