Japan urges biden to be strong in his dealings with China

So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.
Only the police and military own guns in North Korea.

The first thing communists/socilists/marxists do if they gain control of a nation is to eliminate private ownership of weapons.

If biden survives to take control of our military....you well see a huge,huge effort to eliminate private ownership of guns......like nothing we have ever seen before...and if they manage to get control of the senate...they could very will be successful.

It will come about in stages....first they will make it impossible for you to get ammunition for your weapons and they they will gradually start confiscating weapons.
So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.
Ahh, if only the world was so simple! If only everybody and every nation was either a “criminal” and wholly “evil & communist,” or else ... an upstanding “can-never-tell-a-lie” good guy sheriff !


p.s. Do you think you — and the U.S. — are in a comic book world?
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So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.
libs never learn

rogue nations like iran and n korea could be stopped early without a war if peace loving nations stand up to them.

But they almost never do

The same applies to china which can be dealt with economically before it comes to a choice of capitulation or war.

But the western nations are sleeping at the wheel again
Ahh, if only the world was so simple! If only everybody and every nation was either a “criminal” and wholly “evil & communist,” or else ... an upstanding “can-never-tell-a-lie” good guy sheriff !
If china has any redeeming qualities I have never seen them

And I doubt if you can either
Ahh, if only the world was so simple! If only everybody and every nation was either a “criminal” and wholly “evil & communist,” or else ... an upstanding “can-never-tell-a-lie” good guy sheriff !
If china has any redeeming qualities I have never seen them
And I doubt if you can either
Actually I have seen many, having lived there for over eight years and having family & friends there still. Probably China’s greatest “redeeming quality” is its proven ability over the last thirty years to harness private, corporate and state capitalist elements in the economy to solve acute problems of underdevelopmentfaster and more successfully than any other undeveloped region of the world. This has improved Chinese citizen’s lives immensely, allowed their people freedoms and opportunities previously unknown and impossible.

That the political regime has worsened under XiJinping in terms of “free speech” and state and judicial independence from Party control ... is undoubted. China’s authoritarian one party system is certainly dangerously susceptible to abuse and corruption, but our own corrupt two-party system shows that any system may produce profound corruption, foreign aggression, even self-destruction. China’s modern evolution is neither fixed nor finished, however.

The West needs to be realistic about China, take precautions, look to defending itself where necessary, but always recognize China’s legitimate needs and rights in the international arena. China’s development need not mean our absolute standard of living declines, nor that we lose our own freedoms.
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China’s development is oxymoronic considering our non-manufacturing development.
Probably China’s greatest “redeeming quality” is its proven ability over the last thirty years to harness private, corporate and state capitalist elements in the economy to solve acute problems of underdevelopmentfaster and more successfully than any other undeveloped region of the world. This has improved Chinese citizen’s lives immensely, allowed their people freedoms and opportunities previously unknown and impossible.
Yeah right

And Mussilini made the trains run on time

I’m talking about qualities that do not endager our freedom

sure they grow good spies

And some of them are really good looking while others are just smart

but they are as dangerous as a rattlesnake

From Tibet to the south china sea and beyond china is expansionist

and inhuman when they imprison 1 million Uighur’s and Falun Gong and harvest their organs for profit
Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

Yawn. China hasn't attacked a neighboring country since 1979. The US engaged in wars of aggression across the Middle East. Who's the criminal nation here again?

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

Actually, it's nice to see you got the High School level version of the Munich Conference. Here's the grown up College version.

The UK had no treaty with Czechoslovakia. The Germans actually HAD a legitimate complaint, the border regions of Czechoslovakia were ethnically German. The Slovaks wanted their independence, and the Hungarians wanted to join Hungary. So what you had was a country called "Czechoslovakia" that was kind of a polite fiction of people who didn't want to be part of such a country.

So looking at the tactical situation. Germany had the Czech portion of the country surrounded on three sides. The Poles were bought off with promises of territorial concessions. The only people who could actually aid the Czechs was the USSR< which was the LAST thing the West wanted. The USSR had a treaty to help the Czechs agains Germany ONLY if the French did, and the French had no offensive capability, putting all their military spending into defensive measures like the Maginot line. They couldn't stage an offensive into Germany if they wanted to.

So faced with an unwinnable war over an untennable country, Chamberlain actually got a pretty good deal that avoided war, giving him more time to build up the UK's military.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

Mao died 45 years ago.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.

Um, sorry, guy, I just can't get worked up that China controls something called the "South China Sea".
So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.
libs never learn

rogue nations like iran and n korea could be stopped early without a war if peace loving nations stand up to them.

But they almost never do

The same applies to china which can be dealt with economically before it comes to a choice of capitulation or war.

But the western nations are sleeping at the wheel again
So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.
Ahh, if only the world was so simple! If only everybody and every nation was either a “criminal” and wholly “evil & communist,” or else ... an upstanding “can-never-tell-a-lie” good guy sheriff !


p.s. Do you think you — and the U.S. — are in a comic book world?
Probably China’s greatest “redeeming quality” is its proven ability over the last thirty years to harness private, corporate and state capitalist elements in the economy to solve acute problems of underdevelopmentfaster and more successfully than any other undeveloped region of the world. This has improved Chinese citizen’s lives immensely, allowed their people freedoms and opportunities previously unknown and impossible.
Yeah right

And Mussilini made the trains run on time

I’m talking about qualities that do not endager our freedom

sure they grow good spies

And some of them are really good looking while others are just smart

but they are as dangerous as a rattlesnake

From Tibet to the south china sea and beyond china is expansionist

and inhuman when they imprison 1 million Uighur’s and Falun Gong and harvest their organs for profit

When one mentions the ruthless cruelty of Chi-Coms such as how Mao is responsible for over 60 million chinese deaths....the democrats shut down any rational ability they have.

Such monstrous atrocities that Mao was well known for simply will not register with them....they cannot accept it. They go into denial and talk about how they have such a good economy etc.

What they should be pondering is if the Chi-Coms can slaughter millions of their own....what will they be willing to do to other peoples.....democrats will not and cannot face up to the threat China poses to the whole world.

Mao is dead but the Chi-Coms have not changed their goal and remain steadfast in their belief that the end justifies the means.

Most people in China know very little of Mao’s terrible mistakes. Indeed, the dictator is more popular today than at any time since his death. Last year nearly 17 million people made pilgrimages to his home town — Shaoshan — in rural central China. In the mid-1980s, barely 60,000 undertook the journey.

Chinese Proverb:
On the outside, be benevolent; on the inside, be ruthless."
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So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Extremely stupid post.....you equate a criminal nation like China with legitimate western nations......criminal nations do not have the same rights as legitimate free nations nor should they....we must treat them like the criminals they are, like the threat to mankind that they are.

A good example would be how the English reacted to hitler and how chamberlain tried to negotiate with hitler like was a legitimate leader....we should have learned from that and actually for a long time it was recognized that one should never appease a evil and violent nation.

One only need look at the millions mao killed....what mao did dwarfs anything Hitler did yet liberals want us to treat China as a legitimate government who should be given the same rights as Western Nations....ridiculous.

China is a chinese communist dictatorship....rapidly increasing its military power....appease him and you will get the same result we got with appeasing Hitler.

We must do everything in our power to limit their power and anything else they could use to dominate the world.

Allowing them to dominate the S. China sea will end in tragedy for the rest of the world.
libs never learn

rogue nations like iran and n korea could be stopped early without a war if peace loving nations stand up to them.

But they almost never do

The same applies to china which can be dealt with economically before it comes to a choice of capitulation or war.

But the western nations are sleeping at the wheel again

Chinese Domination Over The South China Sea: Already a Done Deal?

If not yet.....it will certainly be under a biden administration.

Fat chance of that.

Biden is weak, stupid, and beholden to China to protect hunter biden.

Not even to mention he has been wrong on every foreign policy for at least the last 30 yrs.

Biden replies to Japan: "Yeah I'll be strong against Kim Jong Un, and I won't let the Soviets start another Asian war."
Fat chance of that.

Biden is weak, stupid, and beholden to China to protect hunter biden.

Not even to mention he has been wrong on every foreign policy for at least the last 30 yrs.

The only thing biden gives a shit about is his bank account. Anyone who hasn't figured that out yet voted for the tyrant and deserves what ever he dishes out. If this fraud stands there will be revolution.
Fat chance of that.

Biden is weak, stupid, and beholden to China to protect hunter biden.

Not even to mention he has been wrong on every foreign policy for at least the last 30 yrs.

The only thing biden gives a shit about is his bank account. Anyone who hasn't figured that out yet voted for the tyrant and deserves what ever he dishes out. If this fraud stands there will be revolution.

By the end of bidens term if he makes it that far his son hunter will be richer than the Queen of England.

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