Japan urges biden to be strong in his dealings with China

Moron....they only need to vaccinate their leadership. This is the problem....if they have a vaccine for the leadership, they can let loose the next Chinese flu to devastate our country for real.

Well, yeah, if they don't mind economic devastation.

You must think the Chinese are some kind of weird aliens like the Borg.

The Chinese have a vested interest on us having a good economy. We have a good economy, we buy their stuff, they buy our stuff.

You don't understand communists, you doofus....
For four years under Trump China has been speeding up building island bases in the southern Spratley Islands, turning three South China Sea islands into permanently occupied Chinese territory. What has the Trump Administration been willing to do about it? Nothing. Like Obama before him, Trump has chosen to talk, appeal to the UN “Law of the Sea” — which the U.S. was too arrogant to ever itself sign — and run infrequent U.S. navy ships and aircraft through the area.
What would satisfy you?

a war?

the islands are just one small but important provocation in a larger struggle with china that your boy obama shied away from entirely

trump is far more anti china and pro American than any democrat in captivity

Wait. Wait. China is laying claim to something called the "South CHINA Sea"?
You cant be this ignorant, can you?

Or do you also think the Gulf of Mexico belongs to mexico?

Exactly.......Trump had china by the balls....until covid arrived. The First American President to get tough with China.

Anyhow....when it comes to Joe B. you have to consider the source....he is well known on here and not for being very bright.....in fact he might be Joe Biden...that would explain a lot of his posts.
So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.
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So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Not to mention that, without China's generosity and protection, North Korea wouldn't have death camps and tens of millions of people under the thumb of one evil, far-left, tyrant.
Exactly.......Trump had china by the balls....until covid arrived. The First American President to get tough with China.

Anyhow....when it comes to Joe B. you have to consider the source....he is well known on here and not for being very bright.....in fact he might be Joe Biden...that would explain a lot of his posts.

Actually, Trump's unncessary trade war with China probably caused the recession as much as Covid did.
Actually, if anything, China is the factor keeping the Hermit Kingdom behaved.

You see everyone? Leftists like Joe don't have a problem with death camps, as long as they benefit the Democratic Party in some way.
Exactly.......Trump had china by the balls....until covid arrived. The First American President to get tough with China.

Anyhow....when it comes to Joe B. you have to consider the source....he is well known on here and not for being very bright.....in fact he might be Joe Biden...that would explain a lot of his posts.

Actually, Trump's unncessary trade war with China probably caused the recession as much as Covid did.

The economic issues of 2020 were caused by an overreaction to the virus and mass shutdowns of industry, mostly by your leftist comrades. But that's ok. An economic collapse and MILLIONS of Americans suffering was a small price to get China-Joe into the White House, right, comrade?
You see everyone? Leftists like Joe don't have a problem with death camps, as long as they benefit the Democratic Party in some way.

Naw, man, I just don't get upset about fake outrage anymore.

I think I stopped doing that after the lie about Kuwaiti baby incubators.

Our foreign policy should be like Star Trek's Prime Directive. No interference in the internal affairs of other cultures.

The economic issues of 2020 were caused by an overreaction to the virus and mass shutdowns of industry, mostly by your leftist comrades. But that's ok. An economic collapse and MILLIONS of Americans suffering was a small price to get China-Joe into the White House, right, comrade?

Two problems with this premise.

The first is that Biden needed this plague to get rid of Trump. He was leading Trump in all the polls long before we heard of Covid and his campaign was struggling.

The second was that the Plague was the sole factor in the recession. It wasn't.

In Q-1 of 2020, GDP contracted by 5%. That was with Covid still being only a MINOR problem. There were less than 1000 deaths from Covid by March 31, 2020, but the GDP shrank by 5% for the whole quarter.

Part of that was Trump's trade war really did screw up supply chains. You see, the thing is, a company that manufactures machinery in the US requires components from all over the world.
So what. they are building bases in the Spratly Islands. Wow. Of course, they already have planes that can reach most targets in the region from their mainland.
You really should study the issue before you speak

the islands are being used as a claim for ownership of the entire south china sea and all the wealth in and under the sea including rifht of passage, fishing fights and vast mineral wealth
The U.S. had a Monroe Doctrine for generations aimed at keeping foreign powers out of all the Americas. The U.S. has absolute naval military control over the Gulf of Mexico, and in one way or another controls the oil under its sea.

It is certainly true that XiJinping has decided that China needs to control oil and gas resources in the South China Sea. Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII. Chinese companies are already sanctioned when they try to buy Iranian oil. The U.S. similarly prevents China from investing in Iraq (and Venezuela). Even an “accidental-on-purpose” outbreak of war in the Persian Gulf could devastate China’s economy, already too dependent on coal. Japan and South Korea oil imports, however, would be “protected” — unless China itself can control trade routes in the South China Sea and China’s immediate vicinity. It is called “Great Power Politics,” and anybody who thinks only the U.S. can play this game is a fool.

China is a great export and import nation — it has the interest and power to ensure “freedom of navigation” and access to crucial trade routes in its own neighborhood.

Not to mention that, without China's generosity and protection, North Korea wouldn't have death camps and tens of millions of people under the thumb of one evil, far-left, tyrant.
The relationship between China and North Korea is complicated. China was opposed to North Korea getting and testing atomic bombs and ballistic missile technology and has supported most international sanctions. North Korea’s longstanding family dictatorship / totalitarian bureaucracy is unstable but has a primal national fear of China — yet it cannot survive long without trade and smuggling along its Northern border. China above all fears a collapse of North Korea which would lead to waves of refugees, the threat of South Korean and U.S. troops at its border, not to mention possible nuclear launches. The leaders of the pro-China faction in North Korea were murdered a few years ago, so China has much less real influence over events there than ignorant U.S. posters here imagine.

This reminds me of media campaigns blaming the Vietnamese for supporting the Khmer Rouge after the latter took power in Cambodia. Pol Pot and his clique actually led a crazed racist/nationalist anti-Vietnamese peasant teenage army, and when the Vietnamese finally stepped in to crush it — saving at least a million lives — Uncle Sam (and its new ally China) defended the Khmer Rouge jungle “government” for ten years at the United Nations — this after the prison camp massacres and genocide there were well known.

Things are often not what they seem in the American media!
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Tom Paine 1949

Nice post. I have read quite a few books about North Korea and it is a fascinating place. If you have a special interest in North Korea, I HIGHLY recommend a couple of books for you, books that I listened to on Audible. If you don't have a subscription, you can join and get your first book for free.

Tom Paine 1949

I have told many that North Korea's nuclear arsenal is purportedly to deter the U.S. and South Korea, but the likely reality is that it exists to deter the Chinese, which is the greatest threat to the North Korean regime. Jung-un and his father knew that the U.S./South Korea were never going to invade them. The Chinese have to be careful about forcing regime change, lest the North Koreans put a nuke on a sub and detonate it in a Chinese harbor.
Naw, man, I just don't get upset about fake outrage anymore.

You're indifferent about North Korean death camps just like you're indifferent about the oceans of blood and mountains of dead black bodies that pile up every week in black communities.
In the end, China DID permit North Korea to go nuclear. I have advocated that, unless North Korea is VERIFIABLY disarmed by CHINA, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan should develop their own nuclear deterrents. As well, China should be quietly told that a nuclear strike by North Korea against us or our allies would be considered a strike by China itself which would require a nuclear response against China.

The only thing the Chinese oligarchs respect is POWER and the willingness to use it. The U.S. has become soft and that includes Trump.
Why? 1.4 billion Chinese overwhelmingly depend on Middle East oil, and China knows these imports could be cut off by the West.

XiJinping is aware that the U.S. navy can cut off Gulf oil imports as the West did to Japan before WWII.
Thats a bullshit excuse

the US opened our markets to china and American companies flocked to china to invest and build up their economy

Since nixon America has shown nothing but friendship to china

of course if china is planning more naked hostility to toward the US, japan, taiwan, vietnam and the philippines then the dictatorship is wise make the kind of power moves that china is making in preparation for war.
That asshole Biden is owned lock. stock and barrel by China. Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer needs to be paid off. America is fucked and China will flourished.

China Joe (aka Big Guy) also got a nice paycheck from the Russians with the wife of Moscow's Mayor being the bag lady and we all know about Hunter's dream job paycheck with the Ukraine.

Most corrupt politician since this Crooked Hillary piece of shit.
You're indifferent about North Korean death camps just like you're indifferent about the oceans of blood and mountains of dead black bodies that pile up every week in black communities.

You just spent the last two posts conceding that Beijing doesn't have much control over North Korea, and now you are whining that I'm "indifferent". We can't control what's going on in North Korea. Neither can China. The biggest threat from North Korea is if that regime collapses, plunging the region into chaos.

It's like you fucks learned not a fucking thing from toppling Saddam.

I have a solution to the piles of black bodies. Ban private gun ownership. Send the ATF door to door to collect guns. Put out rewards if you rat out your neighbor who is keeping guns after the gun ban.

You want to talk about the body count, talk to your buddies at the NRA. They did this.

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