Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into pacific ocean sparking safety c


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Daily Mail) – Japan may decide to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Diplomats from 22 countries and regions attended a briefing at the Foreign Ministry where Japanese officials stressed the importance of combating rumors about safety at the plant. Fukushima was decimated by a 2011 earthquake and tsunami and was the most catastrophic nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said last month that it would run out
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns

And as usual the nations gawd dam idiots still think FUKUSHIMA is a conspiracy meanwhile------------


Japan Could Dump 1.1 Million Tons of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into Pacific Ocean
This sounds like the start of a Godzilla movie.
So what would keep Japan from contaminating the Pacific ocean and by extension, most of the world?
(Daily Mail) – Japan may decide to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Diplomats from 22 countries and regions attended a briefing at the Foreign Ministry where Japanese officials stressed the importance of combating rumors about safety at the plant. Fukushima was decimated by a 2011 earthquake and tsunami and was the most catastrophic nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said last month that it would run out
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns

And as usual the nations gawd dam idiots still think FUKUSHIMA is a conspiracy meanwhile------------

View attachment 278158

Japan Could Dump 1.1 Million Tons of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into Pacific Ocean
Sometimes you cannot believe in everything that you here or that you were taught. A lot of H-bombs were exploded in the past. that released large amounts of gamma rays. But nothing serious happened. But only cause a little climate change. But if we releases any of these nukes, that it will spread radiation miles away from where it has exploded.

Sometimes the government uses scare tactics to make a little pocket change. By telling those that have money. That if you gives them some cash. That they can clean up the mess.
It is just like if you ate a bunch of red beets. And you eliminated the waste into the toilet. That turned the inside of your commode a reddish color. But you was scare to flush it down. Because you were thinking that while eliminating, that you must of had accidentally squeezed so hard. That you have erupted something inside of you.
And then someone comes over and warn you not to flush your toilet, or else, something very bad will happen. But then that person will tell you that he can dispose of it safely, without harming the environment. But only for a hefty price.
but the Bible do talks about something humongous will come from the sky. Destroying some parts of the world.

The Americans launched their first atomic nuclear tests above the Earth's atmosphere in 1958. Atom bombs had little effect on the magnetosphere, but the hydrogen bomb of July 9, 1962, did. Code-named "Starfish Prime" by the military, it literally created an artificial extension of the Van Allen belts that could be seen across the Pacific Ocean, from Hawaii to New Zealand.

In Honolulu, the explosions were front page news. "N-Blast Tonight May Be Dazzling: Good View Likely," said the Honolulu Advertiser. Hotels held what they called "Rainbow Bomb Parties" on rooftops and verandas. When the bomb burst, people told of blackouts and strange electrical malfunctions, like garage doors opening and closing on their own. But the big show was in the sky.

To hear eyewitness accounts of what it looked like, listen to our broadcast on All Things Considered by clicking the Listen button on the top of this page.

A Very Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space

Coal plants emit more radioactive waste than nuclear plants (2007) | Hacker News

Uses and Dangers Of Gamma Rays - Gamma Rays

Revelation 8:8
The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. 10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
(Daily Mail) – Japan may decide to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Diplomats from 22 countries and regions attended a briefing at the Foreign Ministry where Japanese officials stressed the importance of combating rumors about safety at the plant. Fukushima was decimated by a 2011 earthquake and tsunami and was the most catastrophic nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said last month that it would run out
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns

And as usual the nations gawd dam idiots still think FUKUSHIMA is a conspiracy meanwhile------------

View attachment 278158

Japan Could Dump 1.1 Million Tons of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into Pacific Ocean
That would not make any diff it is a big Ocean, with a lot of stuff in it. We set off a many of H bombs over it.
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(Daily Mail) – Japan may decide to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Diplomats from 22 countries and regions attended a briefing at the Foreign Ministry where Japanese officials stressed the importance of combating rumors about safety at the plant. Fukushima was decimated by a 2011 earthquake and tsunami and was the most catastrophic nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said last month that it would run out
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns
Japan warns that it could dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, sparking serious safety concerns

And as usual the nations gawd dam idiots still think FUKUSHIMA is a conspiracy meanwhile------------

View attachment 278158

Japan Could Dump 1.1 Million Tons of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into Pacific Ocean
That would not make any diff it is a big Ocean, with a lot of stuff in it. We set off a many of H bombs over it.

Dude you have no idea how . severe this is . it's bad and has been since it happened they made it (like) another 911 cover up.
Japan never said that. The "Daily Mail" makes the U.S. tabloid "Enquirer" look like the primary news source in comparison. The Japanese power plant officials simply said that they would be running out of storage room in about 20 years and some other way to dispose of radioactive water needs to be considered.
No this was never a conspiracy ---> .

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)

What was the most dangerous nuclear disaster in world history? Most people would say the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, but they’d be wrong. In 2011, an earthquake, believed to be an aftershock of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, created a tsunami that caused a meltdown at the TEPCO nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Three nuclear reactors melted down and what happened next was the largest release of radiation into the water in the history of the world. Over the next three months, radioactive chemicals, some in even greater quantities than Chernobyl, leaked into the Pacific Ocean. However, the numbers may actually be much higher as Japanese official estimates have been proven by several scientists to be flawed in recent years.

Just one little piece of info on this I've followed FUKUSHIMA since the day it happened.
I think it'll all be OK because between China and India, they're dumping MORE than enough garbage and plastic in the oceans to absorb it all.
So meh...nothing to worry about.
Japan never said that. The "Daily Mail" makes the U.S. tabloid "Enquirer" look like the primary news source in comparison. The Japanese power plant officials simply said that they would be running out of storage room in about 20 years and some other way to dispose of radioactive water needs to be considered.

Just boil it. duh.
This is another disaster they have KEPT out of MSM and on purpose.. Why in the fk do we think all these sea animals are turning up with 3 eye balls or six heads . skin disorders washing up on shore the list goes on and on. They sure in the hell are NOT going to tell the public this.

Radioactive Debris from Fukushima approaching North America’s western coast Credit – RT

If that weren’t bad enough, Fukushima continues to leak an astounding 300 tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean every day. It will continue do so indefinitely as the source of the leak cannot be sealed as it is inaccessible to both humans and robots due to extremely high temperatures.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Fukushima has contaminated the entire Pacific Ocean in just five years. This could easily be the worst environmental disaster in human history and it is almost never talked about by politicians, establishment scientists, or the news. It is interesting to note that TEPCO is a subsidiary partner with General Electric (also known as GE), one of the largest companies in the world, which has considerable control over numerous news corporations and politicians alike. Could this possibly explain the lack of news coverage Fukushima has received in the last five years? There is also evidence that GE knew about the poor condition of the Fukushima reactors for decades and did nothing. This led 1,400 Japanese citizens to sue GE for their role in the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Even if we can’t see the radiation itself, some parts of North America’s western coast have been feeling the effects for years. Not long after Fukushima, fish in Canada began bleeding from their gills, mouths, and eyeballs. This “disease” has been ignored by the government and has decimated native fish populations, including the North Pacific herring. Elsewhere in Western Canada, independent scientists have measured a 300% increase in the level of radiation. According to them, the amount of radiation in the Pacific Ocean is increasing every year. Why is this being ignored by the mainstream media? It might have something to do with the fact that the US and Canadian governments have banned their citizens from talking about Fukushima so “people don’t panic.”

began losing legs and then disintegrating entirely when Fukushima radiation arrived there in 2013. Now, they are dying in record amounts, putting the entire oceanic ecosystem in that area at risk. However, government officials say Fukushima is not to blame even though radiation in Oregon tuna tripled after Fukushima. In 2014, radiation on California beaches increased by 500 percent. In response, government officials said that the radiation was coming from a mysterious “unknown” source and was nothing to worry about.

However, Fukushima is having a bigger impact than just the West coast of North America. Scientists are now saying that the Pacific

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)

After Japan’s Fukushima catastrophe, Canadian government officials reassured jittery Canadians that the radioactive plume billowing from the destroyed nuclear reactors posed zero health risks in this country.

In fact, there was reason to worry. Health Canada detected large spikes in radioactive material from Fukushima in Canadian air in March and April at monitoring stations across the country.

On March 18, seven day...............

Japan’s Fukushima catastrophe brings big radiation spikes to B.C.
No this was never a conspiracy ---> .

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)

What was the most dangerous nuclear disaster in world history? Most people would say the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, but they’d be wrong. In 2011, an earthquake, believed to be an aftershock of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, created a tsunami that caused a meltdown at the TEPCO nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Three nuclear reactors melted down and what happened next was the largest release of radiation into the water in the history of the world. Over the next three months, radioactive chemicals, some in even greater quantities than Chernobyl, leaked into the Pacific Ocean. However, the numbers may actually be much higher as Japanese official estimates have been proven by several scientists to be flawed in recent years.

Just one little piece of info on this I've followed FUKUSHIMA since the day it happened.

Looks like Oregon is toast....so?
No this was never a conspiracy ---> .

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)

What was the most dangerous nuclear disaster in world history? Most people would say the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, but they’d be wrong. In 2011, an earthquake, believed to be an aftershock of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, created a tsunami that caused a meltdown at the TEPCO nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Three nuclear reactors melted down and what happened next was the largest release of radiation into the water in the history of the world. Over the next three months, radioactive chemicals, some in even greater quantities than Chernobyl, leaked into the Pacific Ocean. However, the numbers may actually be much higher as Japanese official estimates have been proven by several scientists to be flawed in recent years.

Just one little piece of info on this I've followed FUKUSHIMA since the day it happened.

Looks like Oregon is toast....so?

When you can't eat food from t here come back andn say Soooo let us know how well that SOOOOOOOO works out for you dip shit.

No this was never a conspiracy ---> .

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)

What was the most dangerous nuclear disaster in world history? Most people would say the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, but they’d be wrong. In 2011, an earthquake, believed to be an aftershock of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, created a tsunami that caused a meltdown at the TEPCO nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Three nuclear reactors melted down and what happened next was the largest release of radiation into the water in the history of the world. Over the next three months, radioactive chemicals, some in even greater quantities than Chernobyl, leaked into the Pacific Ocean. However, the numbers may actually be much higher as Japanese official estimates have been proven by several scientists to be flawed in recent years.

Just one little piece of info on this I've followed FUKUSHIMA since the day it happened.

Looks like Oregon is toast....so?

When you can't eat food from t here come back andn say Soooo let us know how well that SOOOOOOOO works out for you dip shit.

Hint, radioactivity is not measured in tons.
The precision of the new measurements made by the KamLAND team was made possible by an extended shutdown of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear reactor in Japan, following an earthquake there back in 2007. Particles released by the nearby plant would otherwise mix with naturally released geoneutrinos and confuse measurements; the closure of the plant allowed the two to be distinguished. The detector hides from cosmic rays—broadly similar to the neutrinos and antineutrinos it is designed to register—under Mount Ikenoyama nearby. The detector itself is a 13-meter-diameter balloon of transparent film filled with a mix of special liquid hydrocarbons, itself suspended in a bath of mineral oil contained in a 18-meter-diameter stainless steel sphere, covered on the inside with detector tubes. All that to capture the telltale mark of some 90 geoneutrinos over the course of seven years of measurements.

The new measurements suggest radioactive decay provides more than half of Earth's total heat, estimated at roughly 44 terawatts based on temperatures found at the bottom of deep boreholes into the planet's crust. The rest is leftover from Earth's formation or other causes yet unknown, according to the scientists involved. Some of that heat may have been trapped in Earth's molten iron core since the planet's formation, while the nuclear decay happens primarily in the crust and mantle. But with fission still pumping out so much heat, Earth is unlikely to cool—and thereby halt the collisions of continents—for hundreds of millions of years thanks to the long half-lives of some of these elements. And that means there's a lot of geothermal energy—or natural nuclear energy—to be harvested.
Nuclear Fission Confirmed as Source of More than Half of Earth's Heat

For anyone who likes to read.


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