Japanese Hostage Beheaded by ISIS - Karma?


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2014
The killer muslim savages beheaded a Japanese hostage. Is this Karma? WWII, the Japanese were among the nastiest modern armies with their kamikazee missions and treatment of POW's. How many warriors did the Japanese behead...quite a few.

Don't get me wrong, beheading anyone is savagery and the killer muslims need to be eliminated; but, perhaps the Japanese are getting a taste of their own medicine is the war against killer muslims.
It's the CALIPHATE --------the pride of islam------a utopia for
all In order to understand the depth of depravity---------
talk to a mosque going muslim about the "GLORIOUS" history
of islam
Islamo-Fascist Scum, acting like Islamo-Fascist Scum... no surprise there... condolences to the victims' families.
Karma doesn't exist. If it did, Nutz's hair would've caught fire by now for making such an assinine post.
Am I the only person who wonders why muslims never
consider that----some people might want to
DO UNTO THEM that which they do unto others???
Nutz, you've just given the lefties an idea. Blame the victims for the murderous actions of the muslim scum bags. It wouldn't be the first time either.
Nutz, you've just given the lefties an idea. Blame the victims for the murderous actions of the muslim scum bags.
I can be entertained in a number of different ways.
No, it's not Karma. It is Islam.

I do recall reading one of the usual apologists for Islamic terrorism mentioning that the Japanese would never be a target because his terrorist friends only targeted people from certain countries, however.
No, it's not Karma. It is Islam.

I do recall reading one of the usual apologists for Islamic terrorism mentioning that the Japanese would never be a target because his terrorist friends only targeted people from certain countries, however.
Killer muslims have no limits. They kill children...enough said.
The killer muslim savages beheaded a Japanese hostage. Is this Karma? WWII, the Japanese were among the nastiest modern armies with their kamikazee missions and treatment of POW's. How many warriors did the Japanese behead...quite a few.

Don't get me wrong, beheading anyone is savagery and the killer muslims need to be eliminated; but, perhaps the Japanese are getting a taste of their own medicine is the war against killer muslims.
EARTH TO NUTZ: World War II was 70 years ago. These guys weren't even born then.

Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)
After 70 years and two atomic bombs it's kind of idiotic to use the word karma to soften the incredible brutality of jihad maniacs towards innocent Japanese citizens who weren't even born when WW2 happened.
After 70 years and two atomic bombs it's kind of idiotic to use the word karma to soften the incredible brutality of jihad maniacs towards innocent Japanese citizens who weren't even born when WW2 happened.
We all know that. But no one has clued Nutz in yet. Maybe that's why his name is "Nutz"
No. I was reminded of some of the images I saw of Japanese brutality. But. NO, I think it's something more heinous and repellent to the human spirit. Along the same lines, just 100 times worse.Can I add how much I loath, hate and revile that repugnant cult called islam? There are no words in any language to express my contempt and revulsion at these creeps.
If we had a strong leader, ISIS would have created a Coalition of the Willing for him just by their beheadings and outrage they cause in all of these countries.
Its only considered karma if the perpetrators of a particular heinous act have a heinous act done to them. Did this poor Japanese guy behead someone in WW2? If not, you are a fucking idiot. Kill yourself you fucking dummy.

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