Jared & Ivanka Pissed At Trump Campaign Manager Over Rally

How the hell did Parscale come out of nowhere and now owns multi-million dollar property. Does he bullshit Trump as bad as Trump bullshits the country?
You know, some of his own medicine.
Parscale is a con man. The easiest mark for a con man is another con man. Parscale is getting very wealthy off ofTrump.

"Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are "pissed" at Brad Parscale, the president's 2020 campaign manager, for hyping up the crowd size at Saturday's rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma --Kushner and Ivanka Trump are not the only ones angry about the Tulsa rally debacle. The president reportedly yelled at aides backstage upon learning that the turnout was below expectations."

I know its hard for Trumpers to believe anything about the Trumps that runs against what your preconceived bias is -- but let's pretend for a minute that Jared and Ivanka really are pissed....so what? If they feel they can do a better job of managing Trump's campaign, he would have hired them....

The magic about being affiliated with the Trump campaign is that you can literally tell your supporters anything and they will believe you -- so who cares the first rally crowd wasn't as advertised -- you can just say 500,000 rally attendees were abducted by aliens paid by Soros and supporters will believe it....
I wish to god he would toss those 2 fucking demoncrats out of the White House.

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