Jared Kushner personally intervenes to save Saudis money against U.S. weapons manufacturer

Saudi Arabia......isn't that the same country that donated millions to a certain Secretary of State's slush fund disguised as a "charitable foundation" that ran for president and declared herself a champion of women's rights? The same country that practices wahhabism, the most radical form of the islam religion that stones women and throws queers off of high buildings while being "ok" with pedophile practices of said "religion"???? Why yes, I believe it is.....

That was all fine though. But Trump! We have to do something about that guy!
Some interesting history. At the height of Watergate - Nixon flew to Saudia Arabia.

Actually, the petro-dollar was created before Nixon resigned....Kissinger was the "ambassador" for that and created an artificial scarcity to inflate the price of oil and put in the provision that in exchange for military protection that OPEC would only sell their wares for Federal Reserve debt notes. You do know that oil isn't a fossil fuel.......right? That it's not a finite resource, correct? That it's the second most prevalent fluid on earth second only to water..........yes????
Some interesting history. At the height of Watergate - Nixon flew to Saudia Arabia.

Actually, the petro-dollar was created before Nixon resigned....Kissinger was the "ambassador" for that and created an artificial scarcity to inflate the price of oil and put in the provision that in exchange for military protection that OPEC would only sell their wares for Federal Reserve debt notes. You do know that oil isn't a fossil fuel.......right? That it's not a finite resource, correct? That it's the second most prevalent fluid on earth second only to water..........yes????

Are you on drugs? What the fuck does all that shit have to do with what I said?
Some interesting history. At the height of Watergate - Nixon flew to Saudia Arabia.

Actually, the petro-dollar was created before Nixon resigned....Kissinger was the "ambassador" for that and created an artificial scarcity to inflate the price of oil and put in the provision that in exchange for military protection that OPEC would only sell their wares for Federal Reserve debt notes. You do know that oil isn't a fossil fuel.......right? That it's not a finite resource, correct? That it's the second most prevalent fluid on earth second only to water..........yes????

Are you on drugs? What the fuck does all that shit have to do with what I said?

What does Nixon have to do with the fact that the Hildebeast took millions from Saudi Arabia? Have another toke on the doobie....don't "bogart it"....pass it around to your fellow brain dead leftards.

Some interesting history. At the height of Watergate - Nixon flew to Saudia Arabia.

I don't think Obama the snoop went there after Rice pleeded the fifth, he went to Hawaii instead.
Leave it to you guys to blast middle east peace talks and diplomacy. *L*
Some interesting history. At the height of Watergate - Nixon flew to Saudia Arabia.

Actually, the petro-dollar was created before Nixon resigned....Kissinger was the "ambassador" for that and created an artificial scarcity to inflate the price of oil and put in the provision that in exchange for military protection that OPEC would only sell their wares for Federal Reserve debt notes. You do know that oil isn't a fossil fuel.......right? That it's not a finite resource, correct? That it's the second most prevalent fluid on earth second only to water..........yes????

Are you on drugs? What the fuck does all that shit have to do with what I said?

Ad Hominem response, & watch your language.
*Rolling my eyes*
And when Trump did it on AF 1 and F-35 trying to save taxpayers billions libs howled in protest
Yeah except he never did. Go ahead and post links to him saying he did, because I know you don't have any that confirm it. Dumb fucking rube.
LMMAAOOOO each was a big story that now never happened,........outRAGE OVER Boeing CEO listening in on F-35 call.......
Trump calls boeing on AF 1 - Bing
Trump calls Lockheed over F35 cost - Bing
Oh so you can prove he "called" them. While they laugh their asses off to the bank as Trump proposes a budget to give them billions more dollars.

Billions less than before.......
No dumbass. He is increasing funding. He has promised them more of your tax money, while saving Saudi Arabia money. He campaigned on Saudi Arabia being responsible for 9/11, and now he is saving them money.

Fuck man. What will it take to get you off of Trump's orange nuts?
It's not even clear that Trump is the reason the price of the F-35 will be lower the next time round than it was for previous batches purchased.


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