Jaun Williams Will Not Let Go Of Moore&A 14 Yr Old Girl.Even Though No Solid Evidence.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?
Poor Juan.....I can still remember the look on his face when Trump won the election
Juan Williams is an idiot. He outed himself when he got fired from NPR for saying how he gets nervous when he has to sit next to a Muslim on an airplane.

FOX News just gives him a little leeway because he's the token liberal idiot. Fair and balanced, you know.
Juan Williams is an idiot. He outed himself when he got fired from NPR for saying how he gets nervous when he has to sit next to a Muslim on an airplane.

FOX News just gives him a little leeway because he's the token liberal idiot. Fair and balanced, you know.
has anyone noticed that Fox will never give him a one hour show? yet most of them sooner or later get that promotion
The one that was 14, is telling the truth....just listen to her interview, watch her face and eyes.... she really is telling the truth.... then you have her being at the courthouse that day she met Moore, the drive to Moore's house in the country, the description of where it was, what the inside was like etc, was confirmed to be where he did live at the time....

She has absolutely no reason to come out and lie. she received no money, everyone under the Sun from the time period KNEW Moore hung out at the high school and mall, even his co worker in the DA office knew Moore was seeking out high school girls when he was in his thirties which ALL supports Leigh Corfman's story....

She was 100% believable! Watch the interview with her, even you all, will believe her....
Poor Juan.....I can still remember the look on his face when Trump won the election
He actually believed that Hillary was going to win by 50 points
Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, the Russians did the numbers for the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, and he won the EC. As McFarland stated,

Top Trump transition official in private email: Russia 'has just thrown' the election to Trump

The transition official, KT McFarland, told the unnamed colleague in the email obtained by the New York Times that the sanctions were aimed at delegitimizing Trump's election victory.

“If there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty improving relations with Russia, which has just thrown U.S.A. election to him,” she wrote.

McFarland previously served as deputy national security adviser before she was asked to resign by H.R. McMaster, who became national security adviser after Flynn's abrupt departure.
Nine women with no connections with each other have accused Trump of unwanted advances. Mall workers have come forward and stated that they were told to watch out for him making advances on teenage girls. Police officers stated that they were told to prevent him from making advances on cheerleaders at high school football games. Moore is dirty as hell.
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?

She is very believable. Moore is not as he has waffled back and forth on his reply to the charges. If he is elected it will show what a joke and phony the so-called Bible belt is.
roy should have just pulled a Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggart , said he sinned and was sorry for his sins and all his supporters still would have been behind him... at least then he would not have been an outright liar saying he never knew a one of them and essentially calling all the truthful women liars....

If he really believes in God, he KNOWS god knows his lies, and God knows the truth and knows the harm he caused some of these women to go through when they were teens, still children...

Let's hope God smites him on earth for his lack of repentance, if not.... then we know when and where He will....on judgement day! AMEN!
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?

No, does it involve a 32 year old undressing a 14 year old girl as a good thing?
anyone find it peculiar that all of these stories are coming out these last two months? why didnt the 14 yr old report it way back then?
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?

Juan is an ignorant jerk and I think Fox only keeps him around because Colmes isn't there anymore.
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?

Juan is an ignorant jerk and I think Fox only keeps him around because Colmes isn't there anymore.
maybe the only reason he is there is cause hes black? that way FOX cant be accused of being racist?
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?
this is what i hate about our politics. you just need an accusation and some people going YEA! and if they don't like you, they can change the narrative of anything and everything and not care what else that will do.

we've really become a shitty political country in the last 10+ years.
:2up: But if it was an older Democrat running for a Senate Seat, and two months before the election,,out of nowhere comes along a 40/45 year old woman who has claimed that when she was 14/15, the Democrat Candidate fondled her when giving her a ride home or maybe at church.,,now you know that all we would be hearing from Juan is,,,,"But There Is No Hard Evidence" !!! arguments.
But with Moore, he has already assumed that all of these allegations are true and that Moore needs to step down.
Get my point?
this is what i hate about our politics. you just need an accusation and some people going YEA! and if they don't like you, they can change the narrative of anything and everything and not care what else that will do.

we've really become a shitty political country in the last 10+ years.
we have been watching Juan on the five for quite some time now, oh yah, throughout the time hes been on the five, he will often bring up the fact that "There Is No Evidence" when something is accused of Hillary. Yet the other 4 hosts have their share of actual facts pertaining to why Hillary was in deep doo doo!

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