Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said he has "decided to actively explore" a presidential run.

Bush posted a note on Facebook Tuesday saying he would establish a political action committee and meet with Americans in the coming months while considering a potential 2016 candidacy.

More: Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Not a surprise, but how will Republicans/Teabaggers react to a Jeb Bush presidential candidacy? It gives me the willies just thinking about a third Bush in the White House.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

Contrary to rightwingers - compromise and consensus are not dirty words.
I gotta admit - Bush (himself) doesn't turn my stomach. Lotta family baggage to overcome though.
Of course all the polls show that the GOP has maxed out on what they can expect from the extreme right. Catering to them with a candidate will only hurt their chances.
Bush was a great Gov down here in Florida.

I didn't agree with everything he did but then who would.

He'd be a great POTUS. Far better than the current fuck who occupies the WH.

Just because he's explorinig the possibility doesn't mean he will actually run.
Too bad that thought didn't occur to him in 2000. We might have at least been spared The Dick.

I suspect Katrina might have gone a bit better too since he's at least familiar with what hurricanes can do.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

All we need is another partisan hack who thinks the object of holding office is to score points for a Party.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

Contrary to rightwingers - compromise and consensus are not dirty words.

Too bad you don't understand their true meaning. Fyi ... It doesn't mean you liberals get you way or else.
Too bad that thought didn't occur to him in 2000. We might have at least been spared The Dick.

I suspect Katrina might have gone a bit better too since he's at least familiar with what hurricanes can do.

Or maybe we just know more about his brother and the failings of his brother's administration now than we do about Jeb. Who knows?

But from what I've been able to find out so far, he's not the worst out there.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

All we need is another partisan hack who thinks the object of holding office is to score points for a Party.

Yeah ... Like Obama never does that sort of thing.


Democrats can't function without trying to score points for their party. That's why they put their hands up in the air and said "DON'T SHOOT" on the House floor last week.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

All we need is another partisan hack who thinks the object of holding office is to score points for a Party.

Yeah ... Like Obama never does that sort of thing.


That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...
All the more reason to support an avatar presidency. End the dynastys
I've had enough of the "new direction for the 21st century" bullshit.

How ya gonna exterminate ISIS and the rest of the muslim cancer
How ya gonna control immigration.
What's your plan for the economy.
How soon energy independence.
Ya gonna nuke Iran?
How ya gonna get the ******* outa the ditch?
Are you gonna close the epa
How soon revise tax code.
What's your plan to fix the education system
Will you tell Reid he is an asshole on national tv
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

Contrary to rightwingers - compromise and consensus are not dirty words.

We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals.

Consensus to fuck everything up may be looked as something good by the ones that want things fucked up but is really not that good for the country.

Bush was a good administrator for Florida. Much more competent than most governors. However, during his administration the size of the state government grew and the debt increased and the welfare rolls increased. The same things would happen on a national level if he was President. the Libtards would love it but it would be bad for the country.

I think two Progressive Bush's were enough. We don't need a third.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

All we need is another partisan hack who thinks the object of holding office is to score points for a Party.

Yeah ... Like Obama never does that sort of thing.


That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...

I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.
I gotta admit - Bush (himself) doesn't turn my stomach. Lotta family baggage to overcome though.
I liked Jeb, but I can't get over his idiot brother. I agree with Jay Stewart that the best thing W did was not dying in office and leaving us to the mercy of the Bloody Dwarf.

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