Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

Contrary to rightwingers - compromise and consensus are not dirty words.

Too bad you don't understand their true meaning. Fyi ... It doesn't mean you liberals get you way or else.
Yeah, to Republicans, it means Conservatives get their way or else gov't shutdowns, filibusters, and poison pill legislation.

Nope ... That's the Commiecraps.

They either get their way or they just go around the usual checks and balances.
Yeah, to Republicans, it means Conservatives get their way or else gov't shutdowns, filibusters, and poison pill legislation.

We need to shut down a large part of this bloated government in order to curtial the excessive spending, regulations and debt not to mention the corruption.

Unfortunately none of the Republicans have the courage to do that.
Yeah ... Like Obama never does that sort of thing.


That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...

I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.

And by "us" you mean "my Party". Right comrade?
See, that's exactly what mires us in political muck. The objective of all this, at any level, should not be "my party wins". That's not electing a government; that's playing sports.

This is what happens when one party or the other goes full-commie and decides to sell the country down the tubes. So we're stuck with assholes that kiss their donors asses or assholes that want to rob us blind. You decide which party is which. I'll go with the party that isn't trying to take everything we have.

This just in dood -- we only have one party. Actually it's been that way for a long time. Now you can pretend the red-dressed puppet is somehow fundamentally different from the blue-dressed puppet. Takes a lot of myopia, but it can be done. Terms like "RINO" and "DINO" prove that here every day.

"As for a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't realized that in order to have a third party you much first have two other parties" --- Gore Vidal

I think there's some who aren't in on it ... and they're the ones the media likes to lie about. Boehner is in on it. So is Sen Grahamnesty and McCain.

Jed for POTUS..


Jane Hathaway -- Sec. of State
Milburn Drysdale - Treasury
Elly May Clampett - Secretary of Critters in the See-ment Pond
Granny heads ATF

And most entertaining:
Jethro Bodine - WH Press Secretary

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said he has "decided to actively explore" a presidential run.

Bush posted a note on Facebook Tuesday saying he would establish a political action committee and meet with Americans in the coming months while considering a potential 2016 candidacy.

More: Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Not a surprise, but how will Republicans/Teabaggers react to a Jeb Bush presidential candidacy? It gives me the willies just thinking about a third Bush in the White House.

Yeah, that's all we need. Bush part 3. I know he's not a complete idiot like his brother W, but no thanks. I don't want to see another sequel. No more Bush's, Clinton's, Kennedy's, etc. We don't need dynasties here.
Jeb Romney .. same difference, only Jeb has a bro to dodge. The GOP has him pretty low on their list, or did ..

He is in first by quite a bit in the latest polls:
Bush: 16
Huckabee: 12
Christie: 10
Carson: 8

I think polls at this point are pretty much worthless. Especially as they comprise people who both are and are not running and nobody's campaigning for another year.

Well for the most part I would agree. But I do believe that it makes a difference among donors. Most feel it's gonna take a minimum of $10M BEFORE the first vote is cast and probably $20M to be a real player.

That money ain't gonna show up overnight.
Most if not all of us are not a part of facilitating that, so .... still worthless.

It's not worthless in terms of who gets the money and that is not worthless in terms of who ultimately wins. So I'm kinda wondering exactly who "it is worthless" to?
Jeb Romney .. same difference, only Jeb has a bro to dodge. The GOP has him pretty low on their list, or did ..

He is in first by quite a bit in the latest polls:
Bush: 16
Huckabee: 12
Christie: 10
Carson: 8

I think polls at this point are pretty much worthless. Especially as they comprise people who both are and are not running and nobody's campaigning for another year.

Well for the most part I would agree. But I do believe that it makes a difference among donors. Most feel it's gonna take a minimum of $10M BEFORE the first vote is cast and probably $20M to be a real player.

That money ain't gonna show up overnight.
Most if not all of us are not a part of facilitating that, so .... still worthless.

It's not worthless in terms of who gets the money and that is not worthless in terms of who ultimately wins. So I'm kinda wondering exactly who "it is worthless" to?

We. Us. This body of disscusants here. The People. The actual Constituents.

What the powerbrokers do placing their bets is completely out of our hands.
He is in first by quite a bit in the latest polls:
Bush: 16
Huckabee: 12
Christie: 10
Carson: 8

I think polls at this point are pretty much worthless. Especially as they comprise people who both are and are not running and nobody's campaigning for another year.

Well for the most part I would agree. But I do believe that it makes a difference among donors. Most feel it's gonna take a minimum of $10M BEFORE the first vote is cast and probably $20M to be a real player.

That money ain't gonna show up overnight.
Most if not all of us are not a part of facilitating that, so .... still worthless.

It's not worthless in terms of who gets the money and that is not worthless in terms of who ultimately wins. So I'm kinda wondering exactly who "it is worthless" to?

We. Us. This body of disscusants here. The People. The actual Constituents.

What the powerbrokers do placing their bets is completely out of our hands.

But I would contend that whatever contributes toward electing our next POTUS is not worthless to any of us.
One can't hardly wait.... Hillary Clinton vs. Bush.

Geeze Louise... is this as good as it gets? Continually recycling the same old shit?
I think he'd have the best chance of beating Hillary... more reason for the Democrats to dump her.

Really, I agree. I do not understand her popularity with the left and the Dems. I started having Hillary Fatigue in 2008.

It's the same succession-entitlement mentality that elevates VPs and visible Senators to candidacy. As if these are some kind of logical progression steps.

Actually if we had the clock to run back to '92 she would have prolly made a better POTUS than her spineless husband, so again the wrong one ran first. Like Shrub and Jeb.
I think he'd have the best chance of beating Hillary... more reason for the Democrats to dump her.

Really, I agree. I do not understand her popularity with the left and the Dems. I started having Hillary Fatigue in 2008.

It's the same succession-entitlement mentality that elevates VPs and visible Senators to candidacy. As if these are some kind of logical progression steps.

Actually if we had the clock to run back to '92 she would have prolly made a better POTUS than her spineless husband, so again the wrong one ran first. Like Shrub and Jeb.

Wrong. Former President Bill Clinton is ranked high among historians - ranked 20th among 44 presidents. George W. Bush is currently ranked 34th.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jed for POTUS..


Jane Hathaway -- Sec. of State
Milburn Drysdale - Treasury
Elly May Clampett - Secretary of Critters in the See-ment Pond
Granny heads ATF

And most entertaining:
Jethro Bodine - WH Press Secretary


Jethro's busy fixin' climate change.. when he gets done he can get to secretarin'

I think he'd have the best chance of beating Hillary... more reason for the Democrats to dump her.

Really, I agree. I do not understand her popularity with the left and the Dems. I started having Hillary Fatigue in 2008.

It's the same succession-entitlement mentality that elevates VPs and visible Senators to candidacy. As if these are some kind of logical progression steps.

Actually if we had the clock to run back to '92 she would have prolly made a better POTUS than her spineless husband, so again the wrong one ran first. Like Shrub and Jeb.

Wrong. Former President Bill Clinton is ranked high among historians - ranked 20th among 44 presidents. George W. Bush is currently ranked 34th.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's not "right" or "wrong" -- it's opinion. I think Hillary's got more backbone than Bill. Always thought that. His caving on Jocelyn Elders being the perfect example. Not to even mention TelComm 96 or the CFMA.

And I think 14 years is a bit too early to be historically ranking a POTUS anyway, not that that has anything to do with my post.
Lie of the day, "We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals." Our country has been in trouble because of GOP has been compromising with the Far Right. All now know that is over.
Lie of the day, "We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals." Our country has been in trouble because of GOP has been compromising with the Far Right. All now know that is over.

Says the far left programmed propaganda drone!

Yet you still vote far left even though the far left will not let conservatives into the (D) party.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said he has "decided to actively explore" a presidential run.

Bush posted a note on Facebook Tuesday saying he would establish a political action committee and meet with Americans in the coming months while considering a potential 2016 candidacy.

More: Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Not a surprise, but how will Republicans/Teabaggers react to a Jeb Bush presidential candidacy? It gives me the willies just thinking about a third Bush in the White House.
Terrific, another internationalist, police state globalist. If Obama can't take your guns, raise your taxes, destroy the borders, start countless wars, and poison your food and water, this guy will be able to do it.

And you'll all love him while he's doing it.

Jeb probably has clear path to the nomination.

No far right conservative stands a chance.

Unless Mitt changes his mind.

Jed for POTUS..


Jane Hathaway -- Sec. of State
Milburn Drysdale - Treasury
Elly May Clampett - Secretary of Critters in the See-ment Pond
Granny heads ATF

And most entertaining:
Jethro Bodine - WH Press Secretary


Jethro's busy fixin' climate change.. when he gets done he can get to secretarin'

Hail, Jethro kin be the Economy Czar too -- he's bin ta school and knows his cipherin'.

"Naught times naught is naught...."

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