Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Lie of the day, "We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals." Our country has been in trouble because of GOP has been compromising with the Far Right. All now know that is over.

Says the far left programmed propaganda drone! Yet you still vote far left even though the far left will not let conservatives into the (D) party.

Write something that makes sense instead of running around waving your hands.

The mainstream GOP is not far left at all, but you are a far right regressive simply whining.

Jed for POTUS..


Jane Hathaway -- Sec. of State
Milburn Drysdale - Treasury
Elly May Clampett - Secretary of Critters in the See-ment Pond
Granny heads ATF

And most entertaining:
Jethro Bodine - WH Press Secretary


Jethro's busy fixin' climate change.. when he gets done he can get to secretarin'

Hail, Jethro kin be the Economy Czar too -- he's bin ta school and knows his cipherin'.

"Naught times naught is naught...."

Uncle Jed, you aint seen me today ..

I think he'd have the best chance of beating Hillary... more reason for the Democrats to dump her.

Really, I agree. I do not understand her popularity with the left and the Dems. I started having Hillary Fatigue in 2008.

It's the same succession-entitlement mentality that elevates VPs and visible Senators to candidacy. As if these are some kind of logical progression steps.

Actually if we had the clock to run back to '92 she would have prolly made a better POTUS than her spineless husband, so again the wrong one ran first. Like Shrub and Jeb.

But hasn't there been sort of a suck up the ladder to get the nomination ever since the 12 amend and voting for a Pres and VP ticket? Even before then. But looking at the most influential potuses of the past century.

TR got put on the ticket with McKinley because the bosses thought he'd be kept quiet there, only to have McKinley shot. LOL Coolidge was Harding's #2 till Harding's corruption became too much even for the bosses. WJBryan couldn't touch em.

FDR was a vp candidate in 1920 and gave the nominating speech in 24.

Kennedy's election was the result of a primary that resulted in the best candidate being the nominee. Probably the closest to meritocracy.

Reagan lost in 76, and remade the party to win in 80.
All we need is another partisan hack who thinks the object of holding office is to score points for a Party.

Yeah ... Like Obama never does that sort of thing.


That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...

I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.

And by "us" you mean "my Party". Right comrade?
See, that's exactly what mires us in political muck. The objective of all this, at any level, should not be "my party wins". That's not electing a government; that's playing sports.

This is what happens when one party or the other goes full-commie and decides to sell the country down the tubes. So we're stuck with assholes that kiss their donors asses or assholes that want to rob us blind. You decide which party is which. I'll go with the party that isn't trying to take everything we have.
What if both parties are controlled by the same folks and you just believe that there is an illusion of choice?

What if you knew, right now, with out a doubt, that no matter what you thought, said or did, that no matter who they decided the person is going to be to get the Republican nomination, that candidate WOULD be president. Then what you have just stated while on the surface seems true, the fact is, they are ALL assholes who believe every little person that the government has numbered is a slave to the state. Pony up your labor or face the police state.

Knowing that would you bother voting?

Most folks won't answer that question.
Jeb probably has clear path to the nomination.

No far right conservative stands a chance.

Unless Mitt changes his mind.

Nope, not even Mitt would have a chance.

Apparently you haven't got a clue about the history of the Bush family.

The Bush family runs America.
Wrong. Former President Bill Clinton is ranked high among historians - ranked 20th among 44 presidents. George W. Bush is currently ranked 34th.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Who cares what "historians say" That is just their opinion and if they think Bill Clinton was anything more than a douche bag then they are wrong. I suspect the criteria they used for the analysis came right out of the Libtard National Playbook. I don't think they looked at the mistakes he made such as strengthening the government influence over lending institutions that led to the credit failure later on or his inability to get Bin Laden after the 1992 attack on the World Trade Center. We know what that led to. They didn't look at the fact that he failed to support a balanced budget amendment at a time when Congress supported it and see what the debt is nowadays. They sure as hell did not look at his dishonesty or character, which should have got him impeached.

Clinton screwed up big time the first couple of years with his ridiculous tax increase which took spendable income away from working Americans and put it in the hands of the shithead bureaucrats. He further screwed up with that abusive "assault weapons ban". How can anybody be that dumb?

The only thing he did right was know that he was on the wrong track and he let Newt bail him out when the Republicans had their landslide victory in the midterms. In fact he signed all but one of the items in the Republican Contract for America. The one he didn't sign was the balanced budget initiative. Dumbass! Any success he had as President can be attributed to being more conservative after his party getting their ass kicked. Too bad Obama is not smart enough to learn that lesson.

After Newt left the idiot returned to his same old ways and the economy started to suffer his last years. In fact it fell apart and came close to being a recession. Bush inherited Clinton's declining economy.

The sonofabitch should have been impeached for the lying, corruption and sexual misconduct he did as President. All in all he was not very good as a President and if any stupid "historian" says differently then they are not looking at the right criteria. . Hillary is simply a stupid ignorant mean bitch that doesn't have the political savvy of her douche bag husband.
Wrong. Former President Bill Clinton is ranked high among historians - ranked 20th among 44 presidents. George W. Bush is currently ranked 34th.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.

Bill Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Who cares what "historians say" That is just their opinion and if they think Bill Clinton was anything more than a douche bag then they are wrong. I suspect the criteria they used for the analysis came right out of the Libtard National Playbook. I don't think they looked at the mistakes he made such as strengthening the government influence over lending institutions that led to the credit failure later on or his inability to get Bin Laden after the 1992 attack on the World Trade Center. We know what that led to. They didn't look at the fact that he failed to support a balanced budget amendment at a time when Congress supported it and see what the debt is nowadays. They sure as hell did not look at his dishonesty or character, which should have got him impeached.

Clinton screwed up big time the first couple of years with his ridiculous tax increase which took spendable income away from working Americans and put it in the hands of the shithead bureaucrats. He further screwed up with that abusive "assault weapons ban". How can anybody be that dumb?

The only thing he did right was know that he was on the wrong track and he let Newt bail him out when the Republicans had their landslide victory in the midterms. In fact he signed all but one of the items in the Republican Contract for America. The one he didn't sign was the balanced budget initiative. Dumbass! Any success he had as President can be attributed to being more conservative after his party getting their ass kicked. Too bad Obama is not smart enough to learn that lesson.

Umm... every POTUS, regardless of party, gets his ass kicked in mid-term elections -- or more correctly his party does. Do you not know that? You want to pretend 2014 is some kind of anomaly while 2006 isn't?

Rotsa ruck.

After Newt left the idiot returned to his same old ways and the economy started to suffer his last years. In fact it fell apart and came close to being a recession. Bush inherited Clinton's declining economy.

The sonofabitch should have been impeached for the lying, corruption and sexual misconduct he did as President. All in all he was not very good as a President and if any stupid "historian" says differently then they are not looking at the right criteria.

When they do, it won't be blowjobs.

[Hillary is simply a stupid ignorant mean bitch that doesn't have the political savvy of her douche bag husband.

Sorry but besides being unsourced ipse dixit, those are not disqualifications for candidacy. Most of them are actually assets.
Yeah ... Like Obama never does that sort of thing.


That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...

I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.

And by "us" you mean "my Party". Right comrade?
See, that's exactly what mires us in political muck. The objective of all this, at any level, should not be "my party wins". That's not electing a government; that's playing sports.

This is what happens when one party or the other goes full-commie and decides to sell the country down the tubes. So we're stuck with assholes that kiss their donors asses or assholes that want to rob us blind. You decide which party is which. I'll go with the party that isn't trying to take everything we have.
What if both parties are controlled by the same folks and you just believe that there is an illusion of choice?

What if you knew, right now, with out a doubt, that no matter what you thought, said or did, that no matter who they decided the person is going to be to get the Republican nomination, that candidate WOULD be president. Then what you have just stated while on the surface seems true, the fact is, they are ALL assholes who believe every little person that the government has numbered is a slave to the state. Pony up your labor or face the police state.

Knowing that would you bother voting?

Most folks won't answer that question.

I will answer it.

It's not that simple. We all know that a Bush presidency is going to be different from an Obama presidency.

With Bush it was this constant attack on his conduct where as during Obama's stint it's been a constant assault on the Middle-class. He only attacks the rich in public. Behind the scenes he's kissing their asses or he' s threatening to expose them if they don't beg for higher taxes or some silly shit about how Muslims and gheys are our friends. Say one thing bad about Obama and he makes sure stories about their private phone conversations or emails getting hacked by "Korean" hackers and released to the public. Blacks want to protest somethingorother cuz they've gotten a raw deal. Now is the time to start killing cops because nothing else seems to work. Oh those poor, poor black folks.

I long for the day when I didn't have to worry about some prick in the Whitehouse turning our military into a bunch of Muslim outreach pacifists that can't beat ISIS, much less Russia. During Bush we kicked ass. During Bush we were an Army of One. Now it's "Hands up ... Don't shoot!" During Obama we got Al Sharpton preaching to us about how racist we are and Eric Holder starting riots over some poor gentle-giant that picked a fight with the wrong cop.

I'm sick of watching Democrats lying to us like we're a bunch of dumbbells. A president that doesn't know what his administration is up to. Just sick of it.
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How self-absorbed and narcissistic can people get? How do these Bushes get to a place where they think they have a monopoly on the ticket? A normal person would consider the way the system is designed and say "enough".
No more Bushes, no more Clintons.
Ike ... bigtime, but only in wartime.

JFK, like a rabbit, but reputed to be hung like one too

LBJ.... GTFOutta here. LOL

Nixon, if he did, it was a secret .. unless it was with BeBe Rebozo.

Carter .... only in his desires.

Ford ... I really suspect he was the one honest one of the lot

Reagan ... Nancy was his soulmate, but only after he bedded every female in Hollywood.

BushI ... ah yah, longterm mistress

BushII ... If only he'd been half as interested in invading an intern ....
That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...

I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.

And by "us" you mean "my Party". Right comrade?
See, that's exactly what mires us in political muck. The objective of all this, at any level, should not be "my party wins". That's not electing a government; that's playing sports.

This is what happens when one party or the other goes full-commie and decides to sell the country down the tubes. So we're stuck with assholes that kiss their donors asses or assholes that want to rob us blind. You decide which party is which. I'll go with the party that isn't trying to take everything we have.
What if both parties are controlled by the same folks and you just believe that there is an illusion of choice?

What if you knew, right now, with out a doubt, that no matter what you thought, said or did, that no matter who they decided the person is going to be to get the Republican nomination, that candidate WOULD be president. Then what you have just stated while on the surface seems true, the fact is, they are ALL assholes who believe every little person that the government has numbered is a slave to the state. Pony up your labor or face the police state.

Knowing that would you bother voting?

Most folks won't answer that question.

I will answer it.

It's not that simple. We all know that a Bush presidency is going to be different from an Obama presidency.

With Bush it was this constant attack on his conduct where as during Obama's stint it's been a constant assault on the Middle-class. He only attacks the rich in public. Behind the scenes he's kissing their asses or he' s threatening to expose a them if they don't beg for higher taxes or some silly shit about how Muslims and gheys are our friends. Say one thing bad about Obama and he makes sure stories about their private phone conversations or emails getting hacked by "Korean" hackers and released to the public. Blacks want to protest somethingorother cuz they've gotten a raw deal. Now is the time to start killing cops because nothing else seems to work. Oh those poor, poor black folks.

I long for the day when I didn't have to worry about some prick in the Whitehouse turning our military into a bunch of Muslim outreach pacifists that can't beat ISIS, much less Russia. During Bush we kicked ass. During Bush we were an Army of One. Now it's "Hands up ... Don't shoot!" During Obama we got Al Sharpton preaching to us about how racist we are and Eric Holder starting riots over some poor gentle-giant that picked a fight with the wrong cop.

I'm sick of watching Democrats lying to us like we're a bunch of dumbbells. A president that doesn't know what his administration is up to. Just sick of it.

Do you believe the job of any given POTUS and his/her administration is to "kick ass"?
Bizarre values...
I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.

And by "us" you mean "my Party". Right comrade?
See, that's exactly what mires us in political muck. The objective of all this, at any level, should not be "my party wins". That's not electing a government; that's playing sports.

This is what happens when one party or the other goes full-commie and decides to sell the country down the tubes. So we're stuck with assholes that kiss their donors asses or assholes that want to rob us blind. You decide which party is which. I'll go with the party that isn't trying to take everything we have.
What if both parties are controlled by the same folks and you just believe that there is an illusion of choice?

What if you knew, right now, with out a doubt, that no matter what you thought, said or did, that no matter who they decided the person is going to be to get the Republican nomination, that candidate WOULD be president. Then what you have just stated while on the surface seems true, the fact is, they are ALL assholes who believe every little person that the government has numbered is a slave to the state. Pony up your labor or face the police state.

Knowing that would you bother voting?

Most folks won't answer that question.

I will answer it.

It's not that simple. We all know that a Bush presidency is going to be different from an Obama presidency.

With Bush it was this constant attack on his conduct where as during Obama's stint it's been a constant assault on the Middle-class. He only attacks the rich in public. Behind the scenes he's kissing their asses or he' s threatening to expose a them if they don't beg for higher taxes or some silly shit about how Muslims and gheys are our friends. Say one thing bad about Obama and he makes sure stories about their private phone conversations or emails getting hacked by "Korean" hackers and released to the public. Blacks want to protest somethingorother cuz they've gotten a raw deal. Now is the time to start killing cops because nothing else seems to work. Oh those poor, poor black folks.

I long for the day when I didn't have to worry about some prick in the Whitehouse turning our military into a bunch of Muslim outreach pacifists that can't beat ISIS, much less Russia. During Bush we kicked ass. During Bush we were an Army of One. Now it's "Hands up ... Don't shoot!" During Obama we got Al Sharpton preaching to us about how racist we are and Eric Holder starting riots over some poor gentle-giant that picked a fight with the wrong cop.

I'm sick of watching Democrats lying to us like we're a bunch of dumbbells. A president that doesn't know what his administration is up to. Just sick of it.

Do you believe the job of any given POTUS and his/her administration is to "kick ass"?
Bizarre values...

Without question.
Jeb probably has clear path to the nomination.

No far right conservative stands a chance.

Unless Mitt changes his mind.

Nope, not even Mitt would have a chance.

Apparently you haven't got a clue about the history of the Bush family.

The Bush family runs America.

Your wrong, but that does matter not at all. I do think Mitt will not think further if Jeb tells him privately "I'm running."
Jeb probably has clear path to the nomination.

No far right conservative stands a chance.

Unless Mitt changes his mind.

Nope, not even Mitt would have a chance.

Apparently you haven't got a clue about the history of the Bush family.

The Bush family runs America.

Your wrong, but that does matter. I do think Mitt will not think further if Jeb tells him privately "I'm running."

I don't think Mitt is much of a possibility anyway. But I think what will spell the end for a lot of GOP hopefuls is if Jeb sends a signal to the big money donors that he is running.

Oh yeah, he just did that.
How self-absorbed and narcissistic can people get? How do these Bushes get to a place where they think they have a monopoly on the ticket? A normal person would consider the way the system is designed and say "enough".
No more Bushes, no more Clintons.

We had too many of those shithead Kennedys also.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.
That's a reference to the poster, not a politician.
HINT: see the word "RINO"? That's when we recognize immediately that the poster's priority is getting their Party into office, rather than any kind of public service.

Well, some of us recognize it...

I don't see the point of getting anyone in the Whitehouse if he's just gonna sell us out.

Course I'm a little pissed at both sides talking shit about the budget deal when we all know it's purely political posturing.

And by "us" you mean "my Party". Right comrade?
See, that's exactly what mires us in political muck. The objective of all this, at any level, should not be "my party wins". That's not electing a government; that's playing sports.

This is what happens when one party or the other goes full-commie and decides to sell the country down the tubes. So we're stuck with assholes that kiss their donors asses or assholes that want to rob us blind. You decide which party is which. I'll go with the party that isn't trying to take everything we have.
What if both parties are controlled by the same folks and you just believe that there is an illusion of choice?

What if you knew, right now, with out a doubt, that no matter what you thought, said or did, that no matter who they decided the person is going to be to get the Republican nomination, that candidate WOULD be president. Then what you have just stated while on the surface seems true, the fact is, they are ALL assholes who believe every little person that the government has numbered is a slave to the state. Pony up your labor or face the police state.

Knowing that would you bother voting?

Most folks won't answer that question.

I will answer it.

It's not that simple. We all know that a Bush presidency is going to be different from an Obama presidency.

With Bush it was this constant attack on his conduct where as during Obama's stint it's been a constant assault on the Middle-class. He only attacks the rich in public. Behind the scenes he's kissing their asses or he' s threatening to expose a them if they don't beg for higher taxes or some silly shit about how Muslims and gheys are our friends. Say one thing bad about Obama and he makes sure stories about their private phone conversations or emails getting hacked by "Korean" hackers and released to the public.
The question was very simple, if you knew that the election was preordained by the global elites, and that they are all assholes who view you as no more than a n1gger. YOU, KNOWING that the Republican candidate WILL BE PRESIDENT, ether by corruption or by fraud;

Knowing that would you bother voting?

I was right, you couldn't even wrap your mind around that fact that the partisan battles are only for show. Everything that transpires in D.C. does so according to plan.

Well, except maybe those pesky occupy movements, or those Tea-party movements, or those civil rights protests. But if they seed those with homeland security agents, Agent Provocateurs, and corporate donations with messages off target, those grass roots movements will peter out, won't they? Especially if these movements get enough bad CFR corporate controlled press.

Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Republicans are always better than Democrats but both parties give us bad government. Why vote for bad government when the outcome is always the same; increase in the size of government, more regulations, continuation of the welfare state, more debt, more taxes and more interventionism?
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
You talking about Two-Dogs-Fucking Warren?

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