Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

I've had enough of the "new direction for the 21st century" bullshit.

How ya gonna exterminate ISIS and the rest of the muslim cancer
How ya gonna control immigration.
What's your plan for the economy.
How soon energy independence.
Ya gonna nuke Iran?
How ya gonna get the ******* outa the ditch?
Are you gonna close the epa
How soon revise tax code.
What's your plan to fix the education system
Will you tell Reid he is an asshole on national tv
Interesting that you state "How are ya gonna control immigration".

You see, since President Obama has been in office, the number of illegal immigrants in the US has declined slightly. But 5 million were added in Bush's two terms. Yet you dickheads insist that President Obama is the one at fault.
Does the fact that 65000 little runts came over the border and are now dependent on my tax dollars indicate the problem is solved, Ephus?
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.
Whatever at the end of the day that is not why I wouldn't vote for her I'm just having fun with it. Just as I'm sure many on the left here will do with the Repunlicans.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.
Whatever at the end of the day that is not why I wouldn't vote for her I'm just having fun with it. Just as I'm sure many on the left here will do with the Repunlicans.

Obviously you bought the myth, until now.
This is the problem with political discourse. Too many drones willing to accept whatever they're told that they like, without vetting it for factuality.

I like "Repunlicans" though. Gotta be a place I can use that. I'll send you a royalty check.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.
Whatever at the end of the day that is not why I wouldn't vote for her I'm just having fun with it. Just as I'm sure many on the left here will do with the Repunlicans.

Obviously you bought the myth, until now.
This is the problem with political discourse. Too many drones willing to accept whatever they're told that they like, without vetting it for factuality.

I like "Repunlicans" though. Gotta be a place I can use that. I'll send you a royalty check.
Obviously you don't know the difference between having fun with something and buying it I don't need the money thanks though and I will be sure to make you the same offer when you have a typo.
Lie of the day, "We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals." Our country has been in trouble because of GOP has been compromising with the Far Right. All now know that is over.

if we are compromising with the far right, why are we so far in debt? Why is the deficit so large? Why hasn't the government gotten smaller in almost 100 years?
Lie of the day, "We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals." Our country has been in trouble because of GOP has been compromising with the Far Right. All now know that is over.

if we are compromising with the far right, why are we so far in debt? Why is the deficit so large? Why hasn't the government gotten smaller in almost 100 years?

the deficit has been cut in half.

no Rw'r will admit it but 43 grew the Government more than any other POTUS in recent history.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.
Whatever at the end of the day that is not why I wouldn't vote for her I'm just having fun with it. Just as I'm sure many on the left here will do with the Repunlicans.

Obviously you bought the myth, until now.
This is the problem with political discourse. Too many drones willing to accept whatever they're told that they like, without vetting it for factuality.

I like "Repunlicans" though. Gotta be a place I can use that. I'll send you a royalty check.
Obviously you don't know the difference between having fun with something and buying it I don't need the money thanks though and I will be sure to make you the same offer when you have a typo.

Then what was all that stammering about "I'm sure you remember somewhere somebody filled out sump'm, humma humma..." ?

Sooo funny...
Lie of the day, "We didn't get into the mess we are in now by standing up for good conservative principles. We got into this mess by compromising with the filthy Liberals." Our country has been in trouble because of GOP has been compromising with the Far Right. All now know that is over.

if we are compromising with the far right, why are we so far in debt? Why is the deficit so large? Why hasn't the government gotten smaller in almost 100 years?

Because the far right tangled up Boehner's caucus and the far left did the same to the Dems in the Senate.

With middle America's rejection of the far right and the left this time around and its willingness to see what the GOP can do for governance, perhaps some slimming down of DoD etc might be possible.
Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.

The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

Okay, here's how it's going to play out.

Before the Primaries - "We don't want Bush. We need a REAL conservative!!! One who hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did!!!!"

After the Primaries - "Yah, Jeb. You get them Jeb! We are all for Jeb."

After he gets his ass kicked by Hillary "You see, if we had only nominated a real conservative, we would have won."
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said he has "decided to actively explore" a presidential run.

Bush posted a note on Facebook Tuesday saying he would establish a political action committee and meet with Americans in the coming months while considering a potential 2016 candidacy.

More: Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Not a surprise, but how will Republicans/Teabaggers react to a Jeb Bush presidential candidacy? It gives me the willies just thinking about a third Bush in the White House.

Lets see. The first bush had our economy on the edge of collapse. Clinton came in and cleaned up his mess.

The second bush took our economy to collapse. Obama came in and cleaned up his mess.

Has America learned that bush/conservative economics and politics is toxic? Sadly I don't think so. It will take another bush to put us in another 1930s republican/conservative depression America before America wakes up.
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

That wasn't how the bush boy governed.

It was his way or the highway. Either you were with him or against him.

He had 6 years of a republican controlled congress which gave him everything he wanted.

Unfortunately it also lead to the collapse of our economy.

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