Jeb Bush: 'I Have Decided To Actively Explore' A Presidential Run

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.

The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank
Great. All we need is another RINO that wants to compromise with the Democrats running for President. It has worked out so well in the past, hasn't it?

That wasn't how the bush boy governed.

It was his way or the highway. Either you were with him or against him.

He had 6 years of a republican controlled congress which gave him everything he wanted.

Unfortunately it also lead to the collapse of our economy.
Not true. It was due to the subprime mortgages done during the Clinton Admin.
Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.

The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive
She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

Up to 5% of the population has some Native American Ancestry.

Elizabeth Warren says she rsquo s 1 32 Native American. How many people have that heritage

Frankly, if this is the best argument you guys have against her, you are going to be weak.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.

Actually, she's a lying politician, an elitist just like all the rest.

There was a highly political reason she did what she did, and the press covered it up. She is a scoundrel and a thief, the Native community doesn't trust her one bit. Anyone that lies can't be trusted.
Boston Globe buries correction of Elizabeth Warren 1/32 Cherokee claim
Boston Globe buries correction of Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim

The Globe finally gets around to correcting the story, but buries it in the “For the Record” correction section today:

Correction: Because of a reporting error, a story in the May 1 Metro section and the accompanying headline incorrectly described the 1894 document that was purported to list Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as a Cherokee. The document, alluded to in a family newsletter found by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, was an application for a marriage license, not the license itself. Neither the society nor the Globe has seen the primary document, whose existence has not been proven.

(Note: The correction references an article on May 1 which repeated the story; the correction now is appended at the end of the original online version.)

That’s it? After all the trouble The Globe caused, necessitating countless hours by lowly bloggers to correct the falsehood.

The Globe and the false report of a 1/32 Cherokee connection may have saved Warren’s campaign, as it came at a time when her campaign was in panic and without any evidence to substantiate her claim to Native American ancestry, which she used when a junior faculty member in a law school association directory to obtain “minority law teacher” status.

The false report bought Warren time during which various supportive pundits could opine about what it means to be Cherokee and how dare white people impose their own standards.

This mea culpa should be front page at The Globe.

Why she did it, why Harvard did it? Was purely political and it took something away from someone that WAS legitimately Cherokee. Go ahead and find for me just ONE Cherokee website that supports this elitist piece of garbage. I have forever been a supporter of native American rights. This piece of crap makes me sick. She essentially stole a minority job. Seriously. I don't believe in affirmative action, but for those who do, to turn around and use the program by lying that they are something they are not? WTF?

What the hell is the point by the very same partisan elites that make these programs to capture minority voters when they don't even give them the benefits of programs they have designed for them, seriously. Nice way to keep elite schools exclusive. Have whites say they are minorities. Nice.
She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

Up to 5% of the population has some Native American Ancestry.

Elizabeth Warren says she rsquo s 1 32 Native American. How many people have that heritage

Frankly, if this is the best argument you guys have against her, you are going to be weak.

The best argument against her is the best argument against any BUSH. She is a liar (I have Indian in me), just like the first Bush was, (no new taxes,) and just like the second Bush was, (they have weapons of mass destruction.)

If you check politifact, you'll see that other Bush lies as much as he is honest. He doesn't even know what truth is.
Okay, here's how it's going to play out.

Before the Primaries - "We don't want Bush. We need a REAL conservative!!! One who hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did!!!!"

After the Primaries - "Yah, Jeb. You get them Jeb! We are all for Jeb."

After he gets his ass kicked by Hillary "You see, if we had only nominated a real conservative, we would have won."

Sure, if elections mattered.

The elites control things. The Bush's are the elites favored family. . . They ARE the fifth Reich silly. They OWN the Clinton's.
Given the choice between Jeb, Hillary, or the fake Indian Warren I would go with Jeb I really hope someone better rises no more retreads or all flash and no substance candidates.

Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.
I'm sure you remember a few years back when she was running for Congress it was found when she had filled out some paperwork for something I don't remember what where it asked for race/ethnicity she checked Native American it's been a running joke every since.

I'm sure I don't actually, because there's no such evidence. That's a product of the Myth Lab, nothing more. Even Scott Brown backed off and tried to go 'umma umma umma just watching it like you are, I dunno"... -- and he's the guy who brought it up in the first place. Oopsie.

Facts can be damn toxic. They have no place in the Myth Lab.

Actually, she's a lying politician, an elitist just like all the rest.

There was a highly political reason she did what she did, and the press covered it up. She is a scoundrel and a thief, the Native community doesn't trust her one bit. Anyone that lies can't be trusted.
Boston Globe buries correction of Elizabeth Warren 1/32 Cherokee claim
Boston Globe buries correction of Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim

The Globe finally gets around to correcting the story, but buries it in the “For the Record” correction section today:

Correction: Because of a reporting error, a story in the May 1 Metro section and the accompanying headline incorrectly described the 1894 document that was purported to list Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as a Cherokee. The document, alluded to in a family newsletter found by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, was an application for a marriage license, not the license itself. Neither the society nor the Globe has seen the primary document, whose existence has not been proven.

(Note: The correction references an article on May 1 which repeated the story; the correction now is appended at the end of the original online version.)

That’s it? After all the trouble The Globe caused, necessitating countless hours by lowly bloggers to correct the falsehood.

The Globe and the false report of a 1/32 Cherokee connection may have saved Warren’s campaign, as it came at a time when her campaign was in panic and without any evidence to substantiate her claim to Native American ancestry, which she used when a junior faculty member in a law school association directory to obtain “minority law teacher” status.

The false report bought Warren time during which various supportive pundits could opine about what it means to be Cherokee and how dare white people impose their own standards.

This mea culpa should be front page at The Globe.

Why she did it, why Harvard did it? Was purely political and it took something away from someone that WAS legitimately Cherokee. Go ahead and find for me just ONE Cherokee website that supports this elitist piece of garbage. I have forever been a supporter of native American rights. This piece of crap makes me sick. She essentially stole a minority job. Seriously. I don't believe in affirmative action, but for those who do, to turn around and use the program by lying that they are something they are not? WTF?

What the hell is the point by the very same partisan elites that make these programs to capture minority voters when they don't even give them the benefits of programs they have designed for them, seriously. Nice way to keep elite schools exclusive. Have whites say they are minorities. Nice.

Read it again -- that correction is about the type of document reported (application vs. license) -- not the content IN the document.

And the whole canard about using it to get hired was a Scott Brown campaign tactic that has been thoroughly debunked anyway. It's bullshit. Always was. Nobody doing any hiring knew anything about Cherokee content.
Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.

The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....
Funny thing about that "fake Indian" bit -- four times yesterday in another thread I invited anybody to prove that point. I got none.

The legend of Indian Princess Liesalot is very well documented. She claimed she was 1/32nd Indian but couldn't back it up with documentation.

One of the disgusting things about Libtards is their ability to have selective memory like forgetting the Democrats started the Vietnam war and things like that. I even ran across somebody last week that denied that Obama had ever lied about Obamacare.

If you don't like this reference there are about 200 more on Google. Maybe you don't know about it because it was never mentioned on MSNBC.

Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1 32 Cherokee claim goes silent source document shown false

In other words, the original claim of a marriage certificate listing Warren’s great-great-great grandmother as Cherokee demonstrably was false, as is the revised claim that there was an “electronic transcript” of a marriage application reflecting Cherokee heritage.

There is nothing left of the claim that Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee. The documentary sources have been debunked, and the genealogist and genealogical society which originated the story and upon whom the Warren campaign relies are not talking.

You've "debunked" absolutely nothing here. Your own article clearly says he could not get confirmation. That's not "demonstrably false"; it's "case not proven".

The task was to prove the negative, since that would be necessary prove a "lie" existed. You failed to do so.
And then you want to talk about other people's "intelligence". :rofl:

Now over to Frank, where we're still waiting on the whereabouts of those "checked boxes"....

Actually that's another thread... CrusaderFrank

She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

No, Frank, nice story and all but she checked no "Native American box". When there was an actual box to check (at UT) she checked "white". That's a matter of record. And it was AFTER already being hired.

Ai yi yi, the density in this place....

"Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard, Penn"

Elizabeth Warren Acknowledges Listing Herself As Native American To Harvard Penn

Homer said it best: D'oh!!
She was listed as a Native American Professor at her college. Did the college talk to Granny Warren? Did they take one look at her high cheekbones and say , "ah ha! That's a Cherokee!"?

No. Liz checked the Native American box because she's a pathological lair and a nut. In short, that's the content of the character of the modern Progressive

Up to 5% of the population has some Native American Ancestry.

Elizabeth Warren says she rsquo s 1 32 Native American. How many people have that heritage

Frankly, if this is the best argument you guys have against her, you are going to be weak.

She's a liar and a NUT

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