Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

Hadit must love Hillary. She voted along with the brain dead Republican in Congress for the war. And hadit, you do love them brain dead Repubs for voting for the war in Iraq. Right? It was (or seemed like) such a good idea at the time.
Apparently, you think she didn't mean it, but was forced to, all against her will and stuff. That's not leadership.

Now Barack Obama voted AGAINST the funding for war in Iraq. Now that's leadership. Don't you agree? You must. If voting against the war in Iraq is your criteria for leadership, you must love Obama. Right?

Obama and leadership don't belong in the same sentence. I'm surprised he didn't try to vote "present". Do you think his constituents wanted him to vote for or against funding the war that, as POTUS, he continued?
Jeb Bush didn't land us in Iraq. His brother did.

Guess ShittingBull and her ilk think if George bush murders someone then Jeb should be held accountable.

Last I heard that war was was approved by Congress. Both Dems and Reps approved the Iraq war.

ShittingBull is as full of shit as he/she/it ever was.

Of course ShittingBull is all for Hillary. A Hillary who showed her true colors when she couldn't even handle the Benghazi situation.

Yup. What a great POTUS that useless POS would be.
Why won't Jeb talk about his brother's wars?

Jeb should have stuck with his first answer when he said Hillary would have made same decision on the war.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
The Iraq War was a political war of choice by then President George W. Bush that was based on his lies - not the CIA.
The Iraq War was a political war of choice by then President George W. Bush that was based on his lies - not the CIA.

Nope. The war was approved by Congress. Both Reps and Dems approved it with the intelligence they had. Intelligence that every major county had.

I'm sure all those countries were lying as well.

Your an biased idiot.
The Iraq War was a political war of choice by then President George W. Bush that was based on his lies - not the CIA.

Nope. The war was approved by Congress. Both Reps and Dems approved it with the intelligence they had. Intelligence that every major county had.

I'm sure all those countries were lying as well.

Your an biased idiot.
The bigger issue is allowing a POTUS and Congress to wage war against a nation (any nation) that had not threatened or attacked America....terrible precedent and entirely Un-American.
The Iraq War was a political war of choice by then President George W. Bush that was based on his lies - not the CIA.

Nope. The war was approved by Congress. Both Reps and Dems approved it with the intelligence they had. Intelligence that every major county had.

I'm sure all those countries were lying as well.

Your an biased idiot.
The bigger issue is allowing a POTUS and Congress to wage war against a nation (any nation) that had not threatened or attacked America....terrible precedent and entirely Un-American.

Will you condemn JFK and HST for waging wars in Vietnam and Korea?
The Iraq War was a political war of choice by then President George W. Bush that was based on his lies - not the CIA.

Nope. The war was approved by Congress. Both Reps and Dems approved it with the intelligence they had. Intelligence that every major county had.

I'm sure all those countries were lying as well.

Your an biased idiot.
The bigger issue is allowing a POTUS and Congress to wage war against a nation (any nation) that had not threatened or attacked America....terrible precedent and entirely Un-American.

Will you condemn JFK and HST for waging wars in Vietnam and Korea?
absolutely...and while JFK got us initially involved in Vietnam, much has been reported that he intended to remove all troops after his re-election in '64, but of course, that did not happen. LBJ owns the disaster that was Vietnam.
Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

and exactly why should he ?
The Iraq War was a political war of choice by then President George W. Bush that was based on his lies - not the CIA.

The Iraq War was planned many years ago. Bush was a mere pawn in the grand game. The Globalist Elites got their puppet Government. Now they'll plunder Iraq's resources. Large U.S. Corporations are in there making money hand over fist. It's been done many many times in the past. It's happening in Libya, Egypt, and Ukraine right now.

It's all about the cash. Freedom, and getting the bad Boogeymen have absolutely nothing to do with it. But if you scare the People enough, they'll believe and go along with just about anything. The horrific reality is, the U.S. murdered & maimed Thousands of Iraqi children. And for what? To help some Globalist Elite bastards get richer? You bet ya.
The Bush Family is among the Elite of the NWO Globalist Elites. But baby Bush wasn't involved with the planning of the Iraq War. He was merely a dimwitted pawn. His Father and other top Elites planned the war a long time ago. And it has been a success for those Elites. They have their puppet Government in Iraq. They now own its banking system and its oil.

They really don't care how many Iraqi children were brutally slaughtered to achieve that. These are truly evil people you're dealing with. The reality is, average American Citizens and Iraqi Citizens lost bigtime on the Iraq War. But the top Elites won.
The Bush Family is among the Elite of the NWO Globalist Elites. But baby Bush wasn't involved with the planning of the Iraq War. He was merely a dimwitted pawn. His Father and other top Elites planned the war a long time ago. And it has been a success for those Elites. They have their puppet Government in Iraq. They own its banking system and oil.

They really don't care how many Iraqi children were brutally slaughtered to achieve that. These are truly evil people you're dealing with. The reality is, average American Citizens and Iraqi Citizens lost bigtime on the Iraq War. But the top Elites won.

Bush was pushing for the Iraq War long before 9/11. He was the puppeteer Various credible reports bear that out.
The Bush Family is among the Elite of the NWO Globalist Elites. But baby Bush wasn't involved with the planning of the Iraq War. He was merely a dimwitted pawn. His Father and other top Elites planned the war a long time ago. And it has been a success for those Elites. They have their puppet Government in Iraq. They own its banking system and oil.

They really don't care how many Iraqi children were brutally slaughtered to achieve that. These are truly evil people you're dealing with. The reality is, average American Citizens and Iraqi Citizens lost bigtime on the Iraq War. But the top Elites won.

Bush was pushing for the Iraq War long before 9/11. He was the puppeteer Various credible reports bear that out.

Like i said, merely a dimwitted pawn. Other top Elites planned the Iraq War a long time ago. Unfortunately, most are completely ignorant of what happened in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and so on. It's all about getting the Puppet Governments in there and seizing banking systems and resources.

The top Globalist Elites are doing very well in Iraq and Libya especially. But that doesn't mean average American Citizens and Citizens of those nations are. Americans paid $Trillions for the Iraq nightmare. And they'll never see anything in return. Only the Elites will.

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