Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

You're playing in hypotheticals. I challenge you to find one democrat who will honestly say they did NOT think the vote for the use of force meant the actual use of force. No, they knew going in what it meant, and chose to vote accordingly. Thus, if Jeb is going to be questioned on this, Hillary has a LOT more to answer for (she voted for it, just in case anyone is pretending she didn't).
Whether she knew Fuckwit43 was lying egregiously, she will answer for it. Jeb wants to run away from answering for it, that's the difference being pointed out here.

It's still irrelevant, because Jeb had no authority to either authorize or stop the hostilities. She did. The bottom line remains, though. This won't go very far because it opens the door to Hillary.
President Bush didn't start the Iraq War. Some think tank did. President Bush's guilt is worse for being a puppet to these special interests.

The Commander In Chief has the final say on whether we go to war or not.

What congresspeople say or how they vote are secondary in importance.

The buck stops, the final decision is made, at the President's desk.

The US congress and the UN started those stupid wasteful wars that obama has now managed to cause us to lose.
The UN absolutely did not. Congress gave the ability to do so to Fuckwit43 and he ordered the start of hostilities.

Both parties in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. As much as you repeat the lie, you cannot change history. Bush did not go into Iraq on his own. Look up the quotes from both Clintons and the other leading dems before that stupid war. They all have blood on their hands

Get past the partisan bullshit and face the truth.
Congress funds stupidity. When Teddy sent the great white fleet around the world against the Congress wishes, the fleet had only enough fuel to make it half-way. Roosevelt said, let the Congress get them back. Congress passed the funds to complete the voyage. When Congress dumped the Iraq decision into Bush's lap they knew they would fund.
I think it's fair to ask Jeb what he would have done differently if anything. I think it's fair to ask what he is going to from here on out. I think it is fair to ask if he would have gone in or agrees with what his brother did and the reasons that he did it.

It is not ok to put this guy on trial because we cannot put Georgie II on trial.

This is not an either/or thing.

We already know the answers. Our foreign policy does not change.

If you guys believe that journalists are going to play hard ball with this guy then you have another thing coming. We saw the reaction when Guiliani said colonial. Diversion.
Both parties in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. As much as you repeat the lie, you cannot change history. Bush did not go into Iraq on his own. Look up the quotes from both Clintons and the other leading dems before that stupid war. They all have blood on their hands

Get past the partisan bullshit and face the truth.
They might have authorised use of military force and funded it but Fuckwit43 ordered it. Nothing will change that truth. If he hadn't ordered it nothing would have happened.

Oh, okay, perhaps you could show the order from Congress to the military units to begin the offensive, that would change that truth.
nope, thats what happened. Deny all you want, you cannot change history.
Yeah? When you can show the order from Congress to begin hostilities you will be entitled to that fact as you are now entitled to your opinion.

As though US forces commence invasions without instructions from their CiC. Still, the revisionist version covers every eventuality.
nope, thats what happened. Deny all you want, you cannot change history.
Yeah? When you can show the order from Congress to begin hostilities you will be entitled to that fact as you are now entitled to your opinion.

As though US forces commence invasions without instructions from their CiC. Still, the revisionist version covers every eventuality.

Yes, Bush gave the order because only the CIC can do that. BUT, he could not have given that order without the authorization and funding from congress.

I know you libs want to blame it all on Bush, but that is just not historically or legislatively correct.
nope, thats what happened. Deny all you want, you cannot change history.
Yeah? When you can show the order from Congress to begin hostilities you will be entitled to that fact as you are now entitled to your opinion.

As though US forces commence invasions without instructions from their CiC. Still, the revisionist version covers every eventuality.

Yes, Bush gave the order because only the CIC can do that. BUT, he could not have given that order without the authorization and funding from congress.

I know you libs want to blame it all on Bush, but that is just not historically or legislatively correct.
The words are in black and white on the authorization from Congress: "as he (Bush) determines to be necessary and appropriate"
it does not say gotta, or were gonna be really pissed if you don't, just as he determines. It was Bush's decision and the Congress would back his decision, even if stupid or he decided to forget the whole thing.

Gotta give ol' Jeb credit, he showed up at CPAC and took the heat.

I did notice a couple of mannerisms he shares with his brother, which was pretty disturbing.

At least they didn't kick him out or throw stuff at him.

Let's be real here. She knew very well what Bush would do if authorized, and gave permission to do it.
Why then did the language in the AUMF specifically give Fuckwit43 discretion?
Let's be real here. She knew very well what Bush would do if authorized, and gave permission to do it.
Why then did the language in the AUMF specifically give Fuckwit43 discretion?

Because Congress wanted a loophole to avoid being held responsible in the way that, for example, a declaration of war would have held them. It's immaterial, though, because if they did NOT want military hostilities, a majority "Nay" vote would have nixed the whole thing nicely. Of course, that would mean they would then face the ire of the voters, and being democrats, they could not afford that. You're not going to absolve Hillary of her responsibility. Being a Senator means more than a few photo ops, it means making hard decisions and taking responsibility for them, something she apparently was not very keen to do.
Hillary has exactly the same responsibility as everyone else who voted to give Fuckwit43 discretion.

What an idea!

It was still Fuckwit43 who exercised that discretion and Jeb Bush who supported his choices.
She voted to authorize the use of force.
As a last resort. It was permission for George Bush to make the decision whether to invade or not.

Let's be real here. She knew very well what Bush would do if authorized, and gave permission to do it.
Are you now claiming that all the Republicans at the time were lying when they said - through November, December, January, February - that Bush was trying to solve things diplomatically?
She voted to authorize the use of force.
As a last resort. It was permission for George Bush to make the decision whether to invade or not.

Let's be real here. She knew very well what Bush would do if authorized, and gave permission to do it.
Are you now claiming that all the Republicans at the time were lying when they said - through November, December, January, February - that Bush was trying to solve things diplomatically?

What does that have to do with the fact that Congress could have gone back to Bush with a refusal to authorize hostilities? They could easily have insisted on diplomatic overtures only. They did not.

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