Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Ok, lets get a couple things straight i.e. correct a couple of your lies.

The Iraq fiasco was authorized and funded by idiots in both parties, Bush did not, and could not, do it all on his own. No president could do that.

So when you say the "wars that his brother started" you are lying. The US congress and the UN started those stupid wasteful wars that obama has now managed to cause us to lose.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Ok, lets get a couple things straight i.e. correct a couple of your lies.

The Iraq fiasco was authorized and funded by idiots in both parties, Bush did not, and could not, do it all on his own. No president could do that.

So when you say the "wars that his brother started" you are lying. The US congress and the UN started those stupid wasteful wars that obama has now managed to cause us to lose.


its not opinion, dipshit. Its fact.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Ok, lets get a couple things straight i.e. correct a couple of your lies.

The Iraq fiasco was authorized and funded by idiots in both parties, Bush did not, and could not, do it all on his own. No president could do that.

So when you say the "wars that his brother started" you are lying. The US congress and the UN started those stupid wasteful wars that obama has now managed to cause us to lose.


its not opinion, dipshit. Its fact.

I think that's a great idea, I mean for a candidate to not talk of the past or maybe even think about it. All the arguments, the charges, the history we won't have to listen to by candidates. I assume no candidates would talk of the past. It's almost like a new era begins with candidate Bush.
My problem is how do we forget the past? Would President Bush give us anti-past pills to take or what? History textbooks must be burned, the message boards shut down, yesterday's newspapers trashed. Truly a new way to campaign-no past.
Congress, knowing that a "Yea" vote meant we were going to attack Iraq, signed off on the deal. You can't separate them from this, because they have responsibility for it too.
I quite agree that Congress was either spineless or seeking political advantage with its/their votes, but why then was the AUMF worded as it was if everything was known and agreed?
You're playing in hypotheticals. I challenge you to find one democrat who will honestly say they did NOT think the vote for the use of force meant the actual use of force. No, they knew going in what it meant, and chose to vote accordingly. Thus, if Jeb is going to be questioned on this, Hillary has a LOT more to answer for (she voted for it, just in case anyone is pretending she didn't).
Whether she knew Fuckwit43 was lying egregiously, she will answer for it. Jeb wants to run away from answering for it, that's the difference being pointed out here.
The US congress and the UN started those stupid wasteful wars that obama has now managed to cause us to lose.
The UN absolutely did not. Congress gave the ability to do so to Fuckwit43 and he ordered the start of hostilities.
I don't want to talk about my brother's wars.

I'd like to announce that Paul Wolfowitz is one of my advisors.

Kinda makes your head spin a bit, don't it?

Only if you are a rational, thinking voter,

Keeping in mind that there were a lot of plutocrats that made a lot of money off of the ideas Wolfowitz had.
And hey, as long as the plutocrats kids don't have to fight, who could be against making war to make money?
It's a capitalist thing.
The US congress and the UN started those stupid wasteful wars that obama has now managed to cause us to lose.
The UN absolutely did not. Congress gave the ability to do so to Fuckwit43 and he ordered the start of hostilities.

Both parties in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. As much as you repeat the lie, you cannot change history. Bush did not go into Iraq on his own. Look up the quotes from both Clintons and the other leading dems before that stupid war. They all have blood on their hands

Get past the partisan bullshit and face the truth.
Jeb doesn't want to talk about it because I suspect most Republicans think the Iraq invasion happened under Obama. They are that good at brainwashing an ignorant base. Look at how they believe nonsensical conspiracy theories.

Why many Americans hold false beliefs about WMDs in Iraq and Obama s birth place video -

Republicans and Fox News viewers are more likely to endorse conspiracies like "birtherism" and WMDs in Iraq. Democrats (especially African-American voters) are more likely than Republicans to believe that the recent lapses on the part of the Secret Service are part of an intentional plot to leave the president unprotected.

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

It turns out there's also a strong correlation between belief in conspiracy theories, lower levels of education, and higher levels of cynicism with the world and politics.


Lower levels of education? No wonder Republicans believe.

As far as Obama being left unprotected, remember this:

Secret Service order Dallas police to stop screening for weapons at Obama rally -

The US Secret Service ordered Dallas police to stop screening for weapons at a campaign rally for Barack Obama, according to reports in a Texas newspaper.

Officers handling security were reportedly ordered to put down metal detectors and to stop checking bags and purses. Several Dallas police officers said they believed it was a lapse in security.

Chief T W Lawrence, head of the Dallas Police's homeland security and special operations divisions, said that while the crowd appeared " friendly" he was still surprised by the great number of people who had entered the building without any checks.

dallas secret service metal detectors at campaign speech - Google Search

And Dallas wasn't the only city where that happened.

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