Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

Would you throw your own brother under the bus for the sake of political gain?
Really you're just admitting Dubya fucked up big time and Jeb supported his actions but now Jeb doesn't want to be called on it.
Would you throw your own brother under the bus for the sake of political gain?
Really you're just admitting Dubya fucked up big time and Jeb supported his actions but now Jeb doesn't want to be called on it.

I think Afghanistan was a 'righteous shoot', but I also think we should have been out of there 6 months after we went in, and that we should have killed OBL et al while they were at Tora Bora, and/or that we should have had the good sense to position ourselves in the mountain passes to intercept them as they fled across the border to Pakistan.

And then just walked away - leaving the survivors to wander about in the smoking ruins, nation-building be damned.

On the other hand, I think Iraq was an 'unrighteous shoot' - a clusterphukk - a waste of blood and treasure - and I find myself thinking that not only did the casus belli turn out to be wrong but that our people might very well have known that it was wrong, before we even got underway.

What we don't know - for sure - is whether Shrub et al knew the casus belli was wrong before jumping-in - and what we sure-as-hell don't know is whether collateral political folk such as Jeb were privy to things (such as the potential wrong-ness of the casus belli) that folks in Congress were not.

If Jeb knew in advance that the casus belli was wrong, then, perhaps he does, indeed, have some explaining to do, however...

If Jeb had no more - or even (likely) less - insight into the casus belli than your average Senator or Representative in some position of knowledge (chair or member of various committees), and if that insight did not include authoritative info on the cause for war, well, Jeb doesn't have any explaining to do, whatsoever.

Before demanding that Jeb answer for his support of the Iraq War, I would suggest that The People ask him 'What did you know, and when did you know it?', and proceed accordingly, afterwards.

From his perspective, he has the added 'buffer' of being perceived as not being willing to throw his sibling under the bus; an entirely human and understandable condition.
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Jeb Bush won't talk about wars his brother started?

Well, yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Would you betray your own brother to the howling mob?
Why on earth would he have to betray him?
He can either defend Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Or he can condemn Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Either way, it dredges-up old shit, and throws his brother to the mob once again.

Not to mention armchair-quarterbacking a sibling who has already taken a helluva lot of heat.

I wouldn't do it to my brother.

If Jeb has any character, neither will he.
There's always the option of being honest, whichever way that sits with the voters. He was a strong supporter of the war and his brother's handling of it. Now he must answer for it. If it was the right judgement, he should be able to defend it.

Any chance of that happening?

He certainly must answer questions about PNAC, and it's thinly-veiled wish for another Pearl Harbor in order to change public opinion about Neo-Conservative adventurism, militarily, overseas.

That will be interesting then, because Hillary also supported the war with actual votes. If we're going to get all worked up and stuff about Jeb SAYING some things, she has a LOT more to answer for because of her VOTE. Somehow though, I doubt the screechers demanding Jeb's head on a platter for this will manufacture the same outrage for her.
See my answer a few posts ago.

There is a big difference: Jeb! supported the decision to invade Iraq. Hillary never supported the decision to invade, but she did support the decision to leave it up to George W. Bush.

Yes, there IS a big difference. Jeb supported the decision, but had NO impact on it. His opinion is thus no more significant than is mine. Hillary, OTOH, VOTED to allow the effort to proceed. Sorry, but she has significantly more responsibility for the war than does Jeb, and she won't be able to duck it.
It's going to be fun watching people tie themselves in knots trying to figure out how to blame Jeb for the Iraq war while excusing Hillary.
From his perspective, he has the added 'buffer' of being perceived as not being willing to throw his sibling under the bus; an entirely human and understandable condition.
Jeb was a founding member of PNAC. He supported Dubya's actions. He doesn't want to be called on his judgement.
If Jeb knew in advance that the casus belli was wrong, then, perhaps he does, indeed, have some explaining to do, however...

If Jeb had no more - or even (likely) less - insight into the casus belli than your average Senator or Representative in some position of knowledge (chair or member of various committees), and if that insight did not include authoritative info on the cause for war, well, Jeb doesn't have any explaining to do, whatsoever.

You seem reasonable. Thank God.

However, I with my whopping high school education, knew that invading a country that didn't attack us was wrong on many fronts.

If Jeb Bush wasn't smart enough to know what I knew, then he sure as hell ain't smart enough to be President.
Unless you think I am smart enough to be President. Which I doubt you think that about me. SO.

No new Bush for President. We have had our fill of Bushshit.
How about Zeke for President?

I'm just stunned that Jeb has turned to the group of "advisors" that he has.

Wolfowitz. Holy crap. Inexplicable.

I'm just stunned that Jeb has turned to the group of "advisors" that he has.

Wolfowitz. Holy crap. Inexplicable.

When you are a plutocrat with the stature of a Bush, your circle of "friends and advisers" are limited.

Besides that, should Jeb run and keep the same old advisers his brother and dad had, he is done.

Even a Democrat could beat him over the head with those decisions. And win.
You Democrats should be cheering Jeb on. He is the most liberal candidate in the entire Republican field. He is probably to the left of Shotgun Joe Biden. If you tar and feather him, you might get a Ted Cruz or something in 2016.

I'm just stunned that Jeb has turned to the group of "advisors" that he has.

Wolfowitz. Holy crap. Inexplicable.

When you are a plutocrat with the stature of a Bush, your circle of "friends and advisers" are limited.

Besides that, should Jeb run and keep the same old advisers his brother and dad had, he is done.

Even a Democrat could beat him over the head with those decisions. And win.

The Bushs are evil so it's not surprising they all draw from the same well

"His Own Man's" Man: Jeb Bush and the Return of Wolfowitz

This is a good article, especially for those who don't know or remember. Of all people - why Wolfowitz?
Hillary voted for the war.
False. You can repeat it over and over and it still doesn't make it true.

She voted to authorize the use of force. You can rant until you're blue in the face that she didn't and it still doesn't make it true. She has more to answer for about the war than Jeb does.
The Iraq war resolution dumped that thing right back in Bush's lap with the words "if the president thinks it necessary and appropriate. It was Bush's call, his decision, his baby as he thought necessary and appropriate.

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