Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

50% of which have nothing to do with him. I know the left is at the bottom of the scandal barrel, but that's pathetic.

You think sending thousands of Americans to the other side of the world to die over oil we never saw is a scandal?

Elliot Abrams: "The oil we get will pay for it" By "we" Abrams must have been referring to his international oil buddies.

How is any of that Jeb's responsibility? Using your apparent standard, Hillary has a LOT to answer for from Bubba's regime.

You described three major wars where many thousands of Americans got killed as a "scandal".

I don't give a rat's ass what Jeb talks about.

You are an idiot.

Again, what did Jeb Bush have to do with the Iraq war? Answer that question and you might begin understanding why you're making less logical sense than usual. Better yet, go back through the thread and try to comprehend that we're talking about things that JEB needs to answer for, not stuff other people have done.
I think if one is running for president he or she needs to answer questions about what other people and presidents have done, brother or not. If asked question about what Lincoln would he be excused for not answering?

He would if the questions were intended to hold him responsible for something Lincoln had done, which is what is being attempted here. Now, how much of Bubba's actions are we going to hold Hillary responsible for?
Jeb Bush won't talk about wars his brother started?

Well, yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Would you betray your own brother to the howling mob?
Why on earth would he have to betray him?
He can either defend Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Or he can condemn Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Either way, it dredges-up old shit, and throws his brother to the mob once again.

Not to mention armchair-quarterbacking a sibling who has already taken a helluva lot of heat.

I wouldn't do it to my brother.

If Jeb has any character, neither will he.
There's always the option of being honest, whichever way that sits with the voters. He was a strong supporter of the war and his brother's handling of it. Now he must answer for it. If it was the right judgement, he should be able to defend it.

Any chance of that happening?

He certainly must answer questions about PNAC, and it's thinly-veiled wish for another Pearl Harbor in order to change public opinion about Neo-Conservative adventurism, militarily, overseas.

That will be interesting then, because Hillary also supported the war with actual votes. If we're going to get all worked up and stuff about Jeb SAYING some things, she has a LOT more to answer for because of her VOTE. Somehow though, I doubt the screechers demanding Jeb's head on a platter for this will manufacture the same outrage for her.
Here are the main topics that I hope Jeb is repeatedly grilled on:

1. His brother's wars.

2. His father's war (suckering Saddam into Kuwait).

3. Terri Schiavo.

4. His role in the 2000 Florida presidential election.

I do have to wonder, what is your position re Schiavo's execution via starvation? Are you upset that Jeb didn't save her life?
I'm sure Jeb can also expect questions about his role as Governor of Florida regarding the 2000 presidential election.

I cannot tell a lie. I hung that chad on that ballot.
Jeb Bush won't talk about wars his brother started?

Well, yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Would you betray your own brother to the howling mob?
Why on earth would he have to betray him?
He can either defend Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Or he can condemn Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Either way, it dredges-up old shit, and throws his brother to the mob once again.

Not to mention armchair-quarterbacking a sibling who has already taken a helluva lot of heat.

I wouldn't do it to my brother.

If Jeb has any character, neither will he.
There's always the option of being honest, whichever way that sits with the voters. He was a strong supporter of the war and his brother's handling of it. Now he must answer for it. If it was the right judgement, he should be able to defend it.

Any chance of that happening?

He certainly must answer questions about PNAC, and it's thinly-veiled wish for another Pearl Harbor in order to change public opinion about Neo-Conservative adventurism, militarily, overseas.

Except he didn't vote for it and the hil did. You're going to vote for the hil. Its why you have no credibility and your arguments are down on the kindergarten level.
Jeb Bush won't talk about wars his brother started?

Well, yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Would you betray your own brother to the howling mob?
Why on earth would he have to betray him?
He can either defend Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Or he can condemn Shrub, which will please part of the Electorate, while causing part of the Electorate to howl.

Either way, it dredges-up old shit, and throws his brother to the mob once again.

Not to mention armchair-quarterbacking a sibling who has already taken a helluva lot of heat.

I wouldn't do it to my brother.

If Jeb has any character, neither will he.
There's always the option of being honest, whichever way that sits with the voters. He was a strong supporter of the war and his brother's handling of it. Now he must answer for it. If it was the right judgement, he should be able to defend it.

Any chance of that happening?

He certainly must answer questions about PNAC, and it's thinly-veiled wish for another Pearl Harbor in order to change public opinion about Neo-Conservative adventurism, militarily, overseas.

Except he didn't vote for it and the hil did. You're going to vote for the hil. Its why you have no credibility and your arguments are down on the kindergarten level.

That is the correct motorcycle, and why this line of inquiry will go precisely nowhere.
Right or Left, Hillary or whoever, positions of either party then don't make a shit today. Answering questions and offering positions about fighting wars is a responsibility of every candidate running for office. IMO its mandatory.

deal with it.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has no interest in "re-litigating" the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which began under his brother's administration.

"I won't talk about the past," Bush said at a Friday press conference when asked how he would have handled the conflicts differently, according to The Washington Post. "I'll talk about the future. If I'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about re-litigating anything in the past. It's about trying to create a set of ideas and principles that will help us move forward."

The governor, who is almost certain to jump into the 2016 race, said that instead he would focus on a positive vision for the country that revolved around the future. He will elaborate on that vision when he delivers what his aides are describing as a major foreign policy address in Chicago next week.

It's unlikely Bush will be able to avoid the subject for long. Democrats are already pointing to his brother's legacy, which has left U.S. forces in the Middle East more than a decade after their initial deployment. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars remain unpopular -- with a 2013 poll finding majorities that said the campaigns were not worth the tremendous sacrifice. Some Republicans, too, are likely to criticize Bush over the matter. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), another would-be presidential candidate with libertarian leanings, has spoken out against false pretenses used to justify the war.

More: Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

"I won't talk about the past." Of course Jeb doesn't want to talk about the wars his brother started. Is he ashamed? However, if those wars had been popular - he wouldn't stop talking about them. Jeb has a rough row to hoe.

Oh. You mean those wars that were approved by Congress. Those wars??
Right or Left, Hillary or whoever, positions of either party then don't make a shit today. Answering questions and offering positions about fighting wars is a responsibility of every candidate running for office. IMO its mandatory.

deal with it.

It's not nearly as important as them actively and emphatically proclaiming a belief in evolution, however, as we have seen with other candidates.

1. answer critics of his old Iraq War support, and dredge-up old shit that might reflect badly upon a beloved brother

2. remain silent on the subject because it was not his War and he is not responsible for the actions of his brother

My guess is, that he'll choose (2). I would. So would you, I'll wager.
Then he's unfit to be president.

Hillary is going to get the same questions for her support of giving Bush the final decision, and you can be damned sure she's going to answer them.

1. answer critics of his old Iraq War support, and dredge-up old shit that might reflect badly upon a beloved brother

2. remain silent on the subject because it was not his War and he is not responsible for the actions of his brother

My guess is, that he'll choose (2). I would. So would you, I'll wager.
Then he's unfit to be president.

Hillary is going to get the same questions for her support of giving Bush the final decision, and you can be damned sure she's going to answer them.

Yes we know that the far left drones supports Obama' illegal wars..
Jeb Bush is wasting his time and money, the Socialist Left have bigger fish they better slander, like they always do, hypocrites! Cruz or Walker, or both!


1. answer critics of his old Iraq War support, and dredge-up old shit that might reflect badly upon a beloved brother

2. remain silent on the subject because it was not his War and he is not responsible for the actions of his brother

My guess is, that he'll choose (2). I would. So would you, I'll wager.
Then he's unfit to be president...
A man who would throw his brother under the bus for the sake of political gain is, indeed, unfit to be President.

If it becomes important to his prospects, confidence is fairly high that he'll find a way to answer questions without simultaneously sacrificing his brother.

In any event, we'll know soon enough.

...Hillary is going to get the same questions for her support of giving Bush the final decision, and you can be damned sure she's going to answer them.
Do you think Jeb should use the same cop-out ( bad intelligence ) ?
Personally, I don't see Jeb as being obliged to defend the 'Pearl Harbor' catalyzing observation, given its basis in logic and subsequent factual developments.
I think it's still his view - extreme Neo-Conservative - and if it isn't he needs to explain how it's not.

Note that Jeb! signed and co-authored PNAC, but brother George isn't a signatory.

I think Jeb! is even more extreme than George.

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