Jeb Bush

however the 'pretenders' as you say are whooping Jeb's ass......what place is Jeb! in now? 5th or 6th....? even with all that
special interest money he can't compete with the likes of Trump etc...and the only real clowns are the ones in the Dimwit lineup...if it wasn't for his last name Jeb! would probably do pretty well as a Dimwit....

really? A couple of points here.

1) In 2008, Guliani, Thompson, Huckabee and Romney were all the "Frontrunner" before Republicans figured out that McCain was the guy most likely to run with a little dignity.

2) Jeb opposes abortion, gay marriage, taxes on rich people, government doing its job and every other bit of crazy your side loves these days.

and who says a successful nominee must have held office before......what rule book are you reading....? the little red one...? being the commie you are your opinion ranks about last among real working Americans.....

Every President has held either a political or military office before getting elected to the Presidency. or sometimes both.

I would like someone whose only experience hasn't been a Reality TV Game show where washed up celebrities pretend to do business stuff.
A Rino is a Rino... No hiding that. McCain was and is a dumb a$$ POS worst possible candidate.

Pussy still hurt'n? Huh.
however the 'pretenders' as you say are whooping Jeb's ass......what place is Jeb! in now? 5th or 6th....? even with all that
special interest money he can't compete with the likes of Trump etc...and the only real clowns are the ones in the Dimwit lineup...if it wasn't for his last name Jeb! would probably do pretty well as a Dimwit....

really? A couple of points here.

1) In 2008, Guliani, Thompson, Huckabee and Romney were all the "Frontrunner" before Republicans figured out that McCain was the guy most likely to run with a little dignity.

2) Jeb opposes abortion, gay marriage, taxes on rich people, government doing its job and every other bit of crazy your side loves these days.

and who says a successful nominee must have held office before......what rule book are you reading....? the little red one...? being the commie you are your opinion ranks about last among real working Americans.....

Every President has held either a political or military office before getting elected to the Presidency. or sometimes both.

I would like someone whose only experience hasn't been a Reality TV Game show where washed up celebrities pretend to do business stuff.

did 'dignified' McCain win.......? ah, no....

Jeb may oppose abortion, gay marriage and taxes on rich people but he's for amnesty and common core....two big issues most americans are against...

why wouldn't an experienced businessman be just as qualified as a military man....?
How the F is this fat bastard leading in the polls? Literally ever republican I talk to online or in person hates his guts. Are these polls corrupt? I mean WTF??

Because like every lying, cheating, belly crawling, low life, scum sucking he Pug he takes money.
How the F is this fat bastard leading in the polls? Literally ever republican I talk to online or in person hates his guts. Are these polls corrupt? I mean WTF??

Because like every lying, cheating, belly crawling, low life, scum sucking he Pug he takes money.

That and the mainstream party prefer the liar they know to whack comb over trump.
did 'dignified' McCain win.......? ah, no....

given how bad Bush fucked up the country, I don't think anyone could have won, dignified or otherwise.

At least McCain didn't embrace racism and crazy like Romney and the current batch did.
Jeb may oppose abortion, gay marriage and taxes on rich people but he's for amnesty and common core....two big issues most americans are against...

There's no polling that shows Common Core is really that controversial outside the right wing fever swamps.

Conservatives hate Common Core. The rest of America? Who knows.

Polls also show that most Americans think we should allow the undocumented a path to citizenship.

Here's What Americans Actually Think About Immigration

At the national level, the AVA finds solid support for a path to citizenship. When asked to identify the best approach for dealing with immigrants who are living in the country illegally, six in 10 Americans say there should be a way for such immigrants to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17 percent say they should be allowed to become permanent legal residents but not citizens, and 19 percent say they should be identified and deported.

Did you get that, Spanky? Only about 19% support the draconian "Deport them all" policies of Trump.

why wouldn't an experienced businessman be just as qualified as a military man....?

Mostly because the things that make you successful in business don't really apply to politics. The two worst presidents of the last century- George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover - were businessmen. Enough said.
And it's the conservatives who will deny Bush the nomination because of Common Core.

Not hard to understand, really.

the conservatives couldn't stop Romney, they couldn't stop McCain.

The one thing the establishment has proven is they'd rather lose elections than control of the process.

So when the rank and file gets over Combover and Uncle Tom, all they are going to have is Jeb.
And it's the conservatives who will deny Bush the nomination because of Common Core.

Not hard to understand, really.

the conservatives couldn't stop Romney, they couldn't stop McCain.

The one thing the establishment has proven is they'd rather lose elections than control of the process.

So when the rank and file gets over Combover and Uncle Tom, all they are going to have is Jeb.

Bush sucks.

Everybody knows it.

The only thing he has going for him is his money and name.

He'd be Scott Walker without either.

He will be done after Super Tuesday.
Bush sucks.

Everybody knows it.

The only thing he has going for him is his money and name.

He'd be Scott Walker without either.

He will be done after Super Tuesday.

I agree. Bush sucks. So does everyone else on the GOP side. But he's got the name and he's got the money. and when the Pretenders fade, as they will, he's really the only credible candidate the GOP has.
Bush sucks.

Everybody knows it.

The only thing he has going for him is his money and name.

He'd be Scott Walker without either.

He will be done after Super Tuesday.

I agree. Bush sucks. So does everyone else on the GOP side. But he's got the name and he's got the money. and when the Pretenders fade, as they will, he's really the only credible candidate the GOP has.
Just another progressive... A fraud like all progressives.
Ya if jeb boy runz I.ll vote hilary and get this califate over with
Wow 24 yrz of crap presidents

I WILL HOLD YOU TO YOUR WORD, tyroneweaver .

Jeb will not get the nomination, but I would vote for him before I would any of the Democrats...

So what do we hold you to? Hillary, Bernie and a not so likely Joe, sorry there're all much worse...

Until we force term limits on Congress we will continue to get the same crap we have today...

The f'ing POS we have today has done nothing for the middle class, our economy or our future...

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