Jeb Bush

Can you please also critique the D nominees?

Why would i need to do that? In 2008, the Democrats WON! they gauged the Zeitgeist correctly and won.

for the current bunch. I have no idea why O'Malley, Webb and Chafee (two of whom are Republicans who became Democrats because the Republicans are batshit crazy now) are even running.

I think it's nice that Sanders is pointing out the insanity of American Plutocracy, but he won't be the nominee.

That leaves Hillary, and frankly, you guys have been trying to get the goods on her for 30 years now.
A last thing to mention--remember McCain, his finances were horrible and only the moderates support, but he was able to win the nomination.

Money is not everything. Principles and willingness to speak your mind are better indicators of success for GOP candidates.

Since when? The GOP has nominated opportunists who tell stupid people what they want to hear and then they do what the 1% want.

McCain won because all the other candidates were unacceptable.

Fred Thompson was a dud.

Rudy Guliani was unacceptable to the Religious right. (He did himself no favors thinking he could skip Iowa and NH).

The Evangelicals assholes wouldn't support Romney because he was a liberal and a Mormon. (They got over it by 2012, but that was only because there was a Negro in the White House. Romney could have worshiped C'Thulhu and those racist fucks would have supported him.)

Huckabee wasn't acceptable to the 1%. He had some funny idea that the central message of Christianity wasn't "Tax Cuts for Rich People". He checked the Bible, Jesus didn't say that once.

so that just left McCain, and it wasn't like the Republican was going to win in 2008 anyway, given how badly Bush fucked up everything.

Now, yeah, the fact that Jeb Bush is a Bush SHOULD be a deal killer. But that would require Republicans to do thing like ask 'Why is everything we support such a fucking disaster for 99% of Americans?"

The 1% are counting on people like you forgetting what a disaster Dubya and Poppy were.
Can you please also critique the D nominees?
Maybe this pic will help you...

Um, no. Who is that supposed to be, the scary dark person who keeps you up at night?
A last thing to mention--remember McCain, his finances were horrible and only the moderates support, but he was able to win the nomination.

Money is not everything. Principles and willingness to speak your mind are better indicators of success for GOP candidates.

Since when? The GOP has nominated opportunists who tell stupid people what they want to hear and then they do what the 1% want.

McCain won because all the other candidates were unacceptable.

Fred Thompson was a dud.

Rudy Guliani was unacceptable to the Religious right. (He did himself no favors thinking he could skip Iowa and NH).

The Evangelicals assholes wouldn't support Romney because he was a liberal and a Mormon. (They got over it by 2012, but that was only because there was a Negro in the White House. Romney could have worshiped C'Thulhu and those racist fucks would have supported him.)

Huckabee wasn't acceptable to the 1%. He had some funny idea that the central message of Christianity wasn't "Tax Cuts for Rich People". He checked the Bible, Jesus didn't say that once.

so that just left McCain, and it wasn't like the Republican was going to win in 2008 anyway, given how badly Bush fucked up everything.

Now, yeah, the fact that Jeb Bush is a Bush SHOULD be a deal killer. But that would require Republicans to do thing like ask 'Why is everything we support such a fucking disaster for 99% of Americans?"

The 1% are counting on people like you forgetting what a disaster Dubya and Poppy were.
Can you please also critique the D nominees?
Maybe this pic will help you...

Um, no. Who is that supposed to be, the scary dark person who keeps you up at night?
Yeah my bad...I should have known you would not know who that is, since the DNC did not tell you.
Yeah my bad...I should have known you would not know who that is, since the DNC did not tell you.

Naw, I just wasn't at the LIbertarian Klan meeting where they showed you the picture of the scary Darkie and you all wet your white sheets.
A last thing to mention--remember McCain, his finances were horrible and only the moderates support, but he was able to win the nomination.

Money is not everything. Principles and willingness to speak your mind are better indicators of success for GOP candidates.

Since when? The GOP has nominated opportunists who tell stupid people what they want to hear and then they do what the 1% want.

McCain won because all the other candidates were unacceptable.

Fred Thompson was a dud.

Rudy Guliani was unacceptable to the Religious right. (He did himself no favors thinking he could skip Iowa and NH).

The Evangelicals assholes wouldn't support Romney because he was a liberal and a Mormon. (They got over it by 2012, but that was only because there was a Negro in the White House. Romney could have worshiped C'Thulhu and those racist fucks would have supported him.)

Huckabee wasn't acceptable to the 1%. He had some funny idea that the central message of Christianity wasn't "Tax Cuts for Rich People". He checked the Bible, Jesus didn't say that once.

so that just left McCain, and it wasn't like the Republican was going to win in 2008 anyway, given how badly Bush fucked up everything.

Now, yeah, the fact that Jeb Bush is a Bush SHOULD be a deal killer. But that would require Republicans to do thing like ask 'Why is everything we support such a fucking disaster for 99% of Americans?"

The 1% are counting on people like you forgetting what a disaster Dubya and Poppy were.
Can you please also critique the D nominees?
Maybe this pic will help you...

Um, no. Who is that supposed to be, the scary dark person who keeps you up at night?
Let me give you a hint.

A typical hour on Fox News:





Oh noes!


We'll be right back to scare the shit out of you even more, right after this!

"You're old! Join AARP!"

And we're back with something that is going to make you shit your pants all over again!



This guy was killed by MEXICANS!



This guy was punched in the head by NEGROES!



This guy was killed by MUSLIMS!



The only "merit" the Republicans have is getting working class whites to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears.

Class, notice here how Joe still fails to address anything of substance or any issue of merit. When asked to address Republican principles on their merits, all he can do is sling mud and talk about sex. He'll continue on this pattern indefinitely. There is no need to engage him in discussion, as he will simply repeat this behavior over and over, ad nauseam.

I don't even understand how the GOP still EXISTS after Bush fucked it all up.

But that said, please sit there and think anyone outside the Right Wing Fever Swamps cares about e-mails.

In a desperate attempt to escape, he now goes off on wild tangents and red herrings. His defeat is utter and complete. He knows it, and you know it. He simply hopes that he can trick you into thinking otherwise. Once again, there is no need to engage him. Freedom in the United States of America means that people have the right to live in their own delusions as they see fit.
The only "merit" the Republicans have is getting working class whites to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears.

Class, notice here how Joe still fails to address anything of substance or any issue of merit. When asked to address Republican principles on their merits, all he can do is sling mud and talk about sex. He'll continue on this pattern indefinitely. There is no need to engage him in discussion, as he will simply repeat this behavior over and over, ad nauseam.

I don't even understand how the GOP still EXISTS after Bush fucked it all up.

But that said, please sit there and think anyone outside the Right Wing Fever Swamps cares about e-mails.

In a desperate attempt to escape, he now goes off on wild tangents and red herrings. His defeat is utter and complete. He knows it, and you know it. He simply hopes that he can trick you into thinking otherwise. Once again, there is no need to engage him. Freedom in the United States of America means that people have the right to live in their own delusions as they see fit.
Joe is a typical partisan he HATES republicans, even though most Rs like himself, progressive.

Yeah...yeah....I makes no sense.
Class, notice here how Joe still fails to address anything of substance or any issue of merit. When asked to address Republican principles on their merits, all he can do is sling mud and talk about sex. He'll continue on this pattern indefinitely. There is no need to engage him in discussion, as he will simply repeat this behavior over and over, ad nauseam.

I did address things of merit. You just don't like the discussion. Just like you didn't like it when you lost your "I'm not a homophobe but I totally think Christians should be able to abuse them" argument. It's laughable.

There is no merit to anything the GOP says at this point. They have been a bunch of lying shysters since Reagan.
Joe is a typical partisan he HATES republicans, even though most Rs like himself, progressive.

Yeah...yeah....I makes no sense.

shhh- quiet, dear. Go back to the Libertarian Kiddie table,t he grownups are talking.

Gipper is the kind of mutant who read Atlas Shrugged at 15 and has had a stunted growth ever since.
Okay, getting back to Jeb Bush

THe problem is that the GOP is stuck with the pretenders right now. - Combover, Uncle Tom and The Wicked Witch of the West. None of these people will be the nominee. The GOP has not run someone who hasn't held political office before since 1940, and that guy only carried 10 state and got 15% of the electoral votes. But people like saying they support these jokers because after years of telling stupid people like Gipper that the Government is the source of all their unhappiness, this is kind of what you get stuck with.

So when the throwdown gets there, it will be someone who held political office before. The GOP might have a complete crazy moment and nominate Ted Cruz. Expect Hillary to win a crushing victory if that happens.

Rubio might be a strong candidate, but his support of actually treating undocumented workers like human beings won't play with the racists on Fox News.

Kasich might be a strong candidate if Republicans can overlook that he doesn't hate the gays and ObamaCare with a passion. But he's dull as dishwater.

Everyone else is pretty much a clown.

That leave Jeb Bush- Lot of organizational support of the Bush Machine. Let's be honest, the GOP hasn't won a presidential election without a Bush on the ticket since 1972.
Class, notice here how Joe still fails to address anything of substance or any issue of merit. When asked to address Republican principles on their merits, all he can do is sling mud and talk about sex. He'll continue on this pattern indefinitely. There is no need to engage him in discussion, as he will simply repeat this behavior over and over, ad nauseam.

I did address things of merit. You just don't like the discussion. Just like you didn't like it when you lost your "I'm not a homophobe but I totally think Christians should be able to abuse them" argument. It's laughable.

There is no merit to anything the GOP says at this point. They have been a bunch of lying shysters since Reagan.

I love when idiots prove my point. :D
The only point you have is at the top of your head. You are a conservative pretending to be a liberal. No one buys it.


No guy, I'm a conservative. Period. Not pretending to be liberal. I'm not a liberal. Not at all.

I just happen to have a few conservative positions that are mistaken to be thought of as liberal. Like my support for gay marriage, which is a 100% conservative position affirming the right of individuals to enjoy life free from pointless government intrusion.
Class, notice here how Joe still fails to address anything of substance or any issue of merit. When asked to address Republican principles on their merits, all he can do is sling mud and talk about sex. He'll continue on this pattern indefinitely. There is no need to engage him in discussion, as he will simply repeat this behavior over and over, ad nauseam.

I did address things of merit. You just don't like the discussion. Just like you didn't like it when you lost your "I'm not a homophobe but I totally think Christians should be able to abuse them" argument. It's laughable.

There is no merit to anything the GOP says at this point. They have been a bunch of lying shysters since Reagan.
Yeah the GOP sucks...with you there lil Joe. D's suck too, but you think they wonderful. Proving you are a brain dead partisan.
Yeah the GOP sucks...with you there lil Joe. D's suck too, but you think they wonderful. Proving you are a brain dead partisan.

Well, here's the thing.

When Clinton was president, my life was pretty awesome.

When Bush became president, my life quickly turned into a bowl of suck.

I really don't care how they get to the point I want to get to, as long as we get there.
Okay, getting back to Jeb Bush

THe problem is that the GOP is stuck with the pretenders right now. - Combover, Uncle Tom and The Wicked Witch of the West. None of these people will be the nominee. The GOP has not run someone who hasn't held political office before since 1940, and that guy only carried 10 state and got 15% of the electoral votes. But people like saying they support these jokers because after years of telling stupid people like Gipper that the Government is the source of all their unhappiness, this is kind of what you get stuck with.

So when the throwdown gets there, it will be someone who held political office before. The GOP might have a complete crazy moment and nominate Ted Cruz. Expect Hillary to win a crushing victory if that happens.

Rubio might be a strong candidate, but his support of actually treating undocumented workers like human beings won't play with the racists on Fox News.

Kasich might be a strong candidate if Republicans can overlook that he doesn't hate the gays and ObamaCare with a passion. But he's dull as dishwater.

Everyone else is pretty much a clown.

That leave Jeb Bush- Lot of organizational support of the Bush Machine. Let's be honest, the GOP hasn't won a presidential election without a Bush on the ticket since 1972.
Poach all Rinos...
Yeah the GOP sucks...with you there lil Joe. D's suck too, but you think they wonderful. Proving you are a brain dead partisan.

Well, here's the thing.

When Clinton was president, my life was pretty awesome.

When Bush became president, my life quickly turned into a bowl of suck.

I really don't care how they get to the point I want to get to, as long as we get there.
Well, tell us?

How bad does your pussy really hurt??
Okay, getting back to Jeb Bush

THe problem is that the GOP is stuck with the pretenders right now. - Combover, Uncle Tom and The Wicked Witch of the West. None of these people will be the nominee. The GOP has not run someone who hasn't held political office before since 1940, and that guy only carried 10 state and got 15% of the electoral votes. But people like saying they support these jokers because after years of telling stupid people like Gipper that the Government is the source of all their unhappiness, this is kind of what you get stuck with.

So when the throwdown gets there, it will be someone who held political office before. The GOP might have a complete crazy moment and nominate Ted Cruz. Expect Hillary to win a crushing victory if that happens.

Rubio might be a strong candidate, but his support of actually treating undocumented workers like human beings won't play with the racists on Fox News.

Kasich might be a strong candidate if Republicans can overlook that he doesn't hate the gays and ObamaCare with a passion. But he's dull as dishwater.

Everyone else is pretty much a clown.

That leave Jeb Bush- Lot of organizational support of the Bush Machine. Let's be honest, the GOP hasn't won a presidential election without a Bush on the ticket since 1972.

however the 'pretenders' as you say are whooping Jeb's ass......what place is Jeb! in now? 5th or 6th....? even with all that
special interest money he can't compete with the likes of Trump etc...and the only real clowns are the ones in the Dimwit lineup...if it wasn't for his last name Jeb! would probably do pretty well as a Dimwit....

and who says a successful nominee must have held office before......what rule book are you reading....? the little red one...? being the commie you are your opinion ranks about last among real working Americans.....
however the 'pretenders' as you say are whooping Jeb's ass......what place is Jeb! in now? 5th or 6th....? even with all that
special interest money he can't compete with the likes of Trump etc...and the only real clowns are the ones in the Dimwit lineup...if it wasn't for his last name Jeb! would probably do pretty well as a Dimwit....

really? A couple of points here.

1) In 2008, Guliani, Thompson, Huckabee and Romney were all the "Frontrunner" before Republicans figured out that McCain was the guy most likely to run with a little dignity.

2) Jeb opposes abortion, gay marriage, taxes on rich people, government doing its job and every other bit of crazy your side loves these days.

and who says a successful nominee must have held office before......what rule book are you reading....? the little red one...? being the commie you are your opinion ranks about last among real working Americans.....

Every President has held either a political or military office before getting elected to the Presidency. or sometimes both.

I would like someone whose only experience hasn't been a Reality TV Game show where washed up celebrities pretend to do business stuff.

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