Jeb goes full Mitt Romney: Man of inherited wealth and power says African-Americans want free stuff

What's funny is the reality that Obama won 330 electorals at a time of 8% unemployment, arab spring and 4 years of his won his second term with ~284.

Republicans can't win without a respectable percentage of hispanics and asians....Both groups are growing very fast while whites are decreasing at 2% per election cycle.

There hasn't been a president that wanted tiny little bath tube government that didn't regulate, invest in America and support sane ideas since the 20's...I don't see it changing now.

They need to win every single one of the ohio, florida, Virgina, and co straight across....

Bush won it with 44% of Hispanics in 2004 when they were about 6% less of the population.
Mitt Romney was not born to wealth. His father was in the so called middle class when he was born. And he said nothing of the sort about African Americans.

Why do you feel the need to lie about someone who isn't even in this race?
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Jeb Bush isn't "done." The only people who will be offended by his remarks are people who wouldn't vote for him anyway.

This is not at all like the Romney comment about the 47%. The Democrats ran commercials showing people of all races and circumstances as part of the 47%.

And really, many blacks are completely dependent on government handouts. There shouldn't be a penalty for telling the truth.

More whites get government help than blacks.

Aaaah yes...the liberals and the blacks show their lack of understanding of percentages yet again.
I gotta ask...are you capable of making toast?
Cheap out of context shots gleaned by Media Matters and passed on to Salon for further spin. That's what passes for political information by the desperate left these days. Completely ignored is the democrat message that Black people suffer the most when states have photo I.D. voting.
Cheap out of context shots gleaned by Media Matters and passed on to Salon for further spin. That's what passes for political information by the desperate left these days. Completely ignored is the democrat message that Black people suffer the most when states have photo I.D. voting.
Not out of context.
"Think about it this way, Republicans get 4-7 percent of the African-American vote…If you double that, you win elections in Ohio, Virginia. And we should make that case, because our message is one of hope and aspiration. It isn’t one of division, “get in line, we’ll take care of you with free stuff.” Our message is uplifting, that says, “You can achieve earned success. We’re on your side.”

We’re on your side,” black voters, though we’re not sure you’ve really achieved “earned success.” You’ve been relying a little too much on “free stuff” from Democrats, but we’re here to change that. The level of condescension and negative stereotyping in Bush’s statement is stunning, but not surprising.
Only thing I saw that was bad in the article was the last two paragraphs of bullshit left wing editorializing.
And really, many blacks are completely dependent on government handouts. There shouldn't be a penalty for telling the truth.

So are many non Hispanic Whites but don't tell anyone, it's a secret. We can't tell the WHOLE truth now can we?
Jeb Bush isn't "done." The only people who will be offended by his remarks are people who wouldn't vote for him anyway.

This is not at all like the Romney comment about the 47%. The Democrats ran commercials showing people of all races and circumstances as part of the 47%.

And really, many blacks are completely dependent on government handouts. There shouldn't be a penalty for telling the truth.

More whites get government help than blacks.

Aaaah yes...the liberals and the blacks show their lack of understanding of percentages yet again.
I gotta ask...are you capable of making toast?
He isn't talking about proportionality Byatch. Proportionality is invisible to the US Treasury when it comes to spending money on so-called "entitlements." There are far more poor White people in this country than poor Black people so Whites get the lion's share of stuff like food stamps, low income housing, etc than any other demographic does.
Jeb Bush isn't "done." The only people who will be offended by his remarks are people who wouldn't vote for him anyway.

This is not at all like the Romney comment about the 47%. The Democrats ran commercials showing people of all races and circumstances as part of the 47%.

And really, many blacks are completely dependent on government handouts. There shouldn't be a penalty for telling the truth.

More whites get government help than blacks.

Aaaah yes...the liberals and the blacks show their lack of understanding of percentages yet again.
I gotta ask...are you capable of making toast?
He isn't talking about proportionality Byatch. Proportionality is invisible to the US Treasury when it comes to spending money on so-called "entitlements." There are far more poor White people in this country than poor Black people so Whites get the lion's share of stuff like food stamps, low income housing, etc than any other demographic does.

Well duh....congrats,you just graduated the third grade.
I'll explain in case you need a remedial education.
Blacks make up 13% of the population while whites make up around 70%
Do I need to explain further or have you made it past the 4th grade yet?
Sanders - Kucinich in 16 !

Adolescent dependent imbeciles Unite!

Weird, that ticket would probably have a better chance at winning the white house then Trump, Bush, Carson and Florina. Why? Simply that it would hold all the democratic states + hand ohio on a silver platter to the democrats and probably win by 330 electorals.

Your idea of gutting America isn't very popular.
And really, many blacks are completely dependent on government handouts. There shouldn't be a penalty for telling the truth.

So are many non Hispanic Whites but don't tell anyone, it's a secret. We can't tell the WHOLE truth now can we?

What is so wrong with helping people in need? We should also make it easier to go to college and earn the skills to get into the work force....But, hell, the republicans aren't serious...Fuck government they scream!
“get in line, we’ll take care of you with free stuff.”

This of course is among the more reprehensible lies from the right; and that Bush seeks to propagate this lie comes as no surprise.

He's as wrong and as ignorant as most other conservatives.

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