Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty...

Then fuck you and your treatment, don't ask anyone else to pay for you to get off of them.

Treatment is more cost effective and successful than incarceration...but then the GOP's rich buddies don't make money off the private prison system.

Don't beg for drug legalization and then for someone else to pay for your treatment to get off of that shit. Are you truly that stupid?

I'll pay to help folks get treatment. It's an effective humane solution. But regardless, using drugs is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of using drugs itself, should not be considered a crime. Anymore than consuming alcohol should be. If someone chooses to do drugs and doesn't commit any crimes, it's none of the Government's business.

I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.
I know the usual suspect Authority-Worshippers will rush to his defense, but Sessions' proposals really are draconian and Un-American. It's why i can't help but feel that Neocons do remind me of Nazis. Very dangerous Authoritarians. It's a real shame the Republican Party has allowed them to seize so much power in the Party.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a fiery speech yesterday to the National District Attorneys Association. Unfortunately his fire was all directed at our civil liberties. He wants to crack down on guns, ramp up the drug war (including more harassment of doctors), lengthen prison sentences and reduce sentencing flexibility, and expand the government theft of private property known as "asset forfeiture." Sessions' speech was pure authoritarianism from top to bottom...

Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty

I agree that the idea of asset forfeiture that this guy is proposing is very bad for America. Hopefully the SCOTUS will put the kabosh in it.

Folks should stop living the delusion that Neocons are for 'Small/Less Government.' It's actually the opposite. Neocons are for total Government domination of Citizens' lives. They're as 'Big Government' as it gets.

Pretty much no one thinks Neocons are for small government.

I don't know, most of the Republican Party is made up of Neocons. And they themselves believe they're for 'Small/Less Government.' That's a whole lotta deluded folks.

It's less than before. Most of the leadership is, but that's why we elected Trump. The Neocons like Graham and McCain won't work with him at all. Need to get rid of them.
I'll pay to help folks get treatment. It's an effective humane solution. But regardless, using drugs is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of using drugs itself, should not be considered a crime. Anymore than consuming alcohol should be. If someone chooses to do drugs and doesn't commit any crimes, it's none of the Government's business.

I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

Well, that's why it's safe to say you're a Neocon (Nazi) yourself. Your hate & greed consumes you. You're why i don't call myself a Republican anymore. Y'all are a buncha rabid dogs.

You're a self absorbed idiot kid, you don't know anything about well.....anything. You've shown you NEED labels and that you need to have everything packed into your tight little boxes, it makes you "feel" better. There's nothing "greedy" about telling an idiot like you that IF you get drugs legalized, and then further tell you that IF you get addicted you're on your own. You're stupid, please do not procreate, that would be a crime against humanity. Now, do us favor, go get drunk and jump behind the wheel of a vehicle and die.

Yup, rabid dogs. Y'all could care less about your fellow Americans. Just let em go homeless, starve, and die. But thankfully, y'all's time is quickly passing. Angry greedy white dude days are numbered. You'll be swept from power. Bet on it.

Not my job to take care of you if you can't take care of yourself, sorry kid. Let me help you here, you aren't very intelligent, you're nothing but sport for me. I poke you and you dance, why? Because your ego and your self worth are all wrapped up in who you want us to think you are. Hint, nobody cares who you or I are kid. This is a game, a distraction and I own you.

It shouldn't be a 'Job'. You should want to help your fellow Americans. But unfortunately, the Neocons (Nazis) you worship, have darkened your soul. They've taken all the good and compassion out of you. But there's still time for you to change. It can still happen.
Treatment is more cost effective and successful than incarceration...but then the GOP's rich buddies don't make money off the private prison system.

Don't beg for drug legalization and then for someone else to pay for your treatment to get off of that shit. Are you truly that stupid?

I'll pay to help folks get treatment. It's an effective humane solution. But regardless, using drugs is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of using drugs itself, should not be considered a crime. Anymore than consuming alcohol should be. If someone chooses to do drugs and doesn't commit any crimes, it's none of the Government's business.

I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Yeah, the Neocons (Nazis) have darkened your soul. Just remember though, one day you may need help and there may not be anyone around who wants to help you. It's called Karma.
I know the usual suspect Authority-Worshippers will rush to his defense, but Sessions' proposals really are draconian and Un-American. It's why i can't help but feel that Neocons do remind me of Nazis. Very dangerous Authoritarians. It's a real shame the Republican Party has allowed them to seize so much power in the Party.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a fiery speech yesterday to the National District Attorneys Association. Unfortunately his fire was all directed at our civil liberties. He wants to crack down on guns, ramp up the drug war (including more harassment of doctors), lengthen prison sentences and reduce sentencing flexibility, and expand the government theft of private property known as "asset forfeiture." Sessions' speech was pure authoritarianism from top to bottom...

Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty

know a lot of nazi's? go through WWII didja?
Treatment is more cost effective and successful than incarceration...but then the GOP's rich buddies don't make money off the private prison system.

Don't beg for drug legalization and then for someone else to pay for your treatment to get off of that shit. Are you truly that stupid?

I'll pay to help folks get treatment. It's an effective humane solution. But regardless, using drugs is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of using drugs itself, should not be considered a crime. Anymore than consuming alcohol should be. If someone chooses to do drugs and doesn't commit any crimes, it's none of the Government's business.

I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.
Don't beg for drug legalization and then for someone else to pay for your treatment to get off of that shit. Are you truly that stupid?

I'll pay to help folks get treatment. It's an effective humane solution. But regardless, using drugs is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of using drugs itself, should not be considered a crime. Anymore than consuming alcohol should be. If someone chooses to do drugs and doesn't commit any crimes, it's none of the Government's business.

I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.
I'll pay to help folks get treatment. It's an effective humane solution. But regardless, using drugs is an adult personal decision. It's not a Government decision. The act of using drugs itself, should not be considered a crime. Anymore than consuming alcohol should be. If someone chooses to do drugs and doesn't commit any crimes, it's none of the Government's business.

I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.
I won't pay for their treatment, if they choose to use and get hooked fuck them.

You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping every little one close to you gets addicted. We'll see how much you support legalization then. Better crayon boy?
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You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping your children all get addicted.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.
Damn that Constitution, keeps you from living your S&M lifestyle...
(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping your children all get addicted.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..

Hey dickhead go play with your crayons.
Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping your children all get addicted.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..

Hey dickhead go play with your crayons.
You've had your one warning, dickhead, have a nice day..

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