Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty...

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping your children all get addicted.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..

Hey dickhead go play with your crayons.
You've had your one warning, dickhead, have a nice day..

Kiss my ass red helmet boy. Have a shitty day. Go fight to legalize drugs boy.
Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping your children all get addicted.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..

Hey dickhead go play with your crayons.
You've had your one warning, dickhead, have a nice day..

Kiss my ass red helmet boy. Have a shitty day. Go fight to legalize drugs boy.
You toilet trenchers really crack me up..
Sure, here's hoping your children all get addicted.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..

Hey dickhead go play with your crayons.
You've had your one warning, dickhead, have a nice day..

Kiss my ass red helmet boy. Have a shitty day. Go fight to legalize drugs boy.
You toilet trenchers really crack me up..

We know, you can't stand dissent of any kind, that's why we play with you. It's easy to live under your skin. Now, go play in the out house.
Hey dickhead, it's against the TOS to include family in your stupidity..

Hey dickhead go play with your crayons.
You've had your one warning, dickhead, have a nice day..

Kiss my ass red helmet boy. Have a shitty day. Go fight to legalize drugs boy.
You toilet trenchers really crack me up..

We know, you can't stand dissent of any kind, that's why we play with you. It's easy to live under your skin. Now, go play in the out house.
Trying out your ventriloquist act are you..
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.
Damn that Constitution, keeps you from living your S&M lifestyle...
Nahhhhh... just giving Liberals what they really, truly want deep-down, and work so hard for... Communist Justice and Sharia Law Justice...

They're only drug dealers... phukk 'em...

As to Constitutionality, interpretations change, don't they?

LibProgs know all about that, too... they push for it all the time... oftentimes, to the detriment of The People and their Republic and their Constitution.

A 5-4 SCOTUS... soon to be a 6-3 SCOTUS (Ginsberg seems unlikely to last much longer) should help to keep them at-bay for a while.
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Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.

You don't call yourself a Christian do you?
You already do pay. You pay for state alcohol rehab and drug. You always have.

How to Find a State-Funded Rehab Center

(smile) Oh honey......when you get clean thank me.

Well damn, if I had known you were an idiot and not interested in actually having a discussion about this, I could have saved a lot of time.

Typically I simply deride idiots like you that want to legalize drugs AND pay for the treatment to get them off of the drugs you want legalized. You see, you are an idiot.

Alcohol is legal. We pay for treatment. Thanks for reiterating that you're a moron.

Sure, here's hoping every little one close to you gets addicted. We'll see how much you support legalization then. Better crayon boy?

There is something deeply, disturbingly wrong with you.
He wants to crack down on guns
And gun down crack.

In what way does Sessions want to crack down on guns?

Check out the video.
I don't feel like watching an old man drool on himself for 20 minutes.

Here's an idea. You could just summarize the video.

I hear ya, you're an ignorant wanker. You don't possess a sufficient attention span to keep up. Stick to your dumbed-down Fake News. :thup:
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Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.

Spoken like a true Neocon (Nazi) loon. :cuckoo:
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.

Spoken like a true Neocon (Nazi) loon. :cuckoo:
Calm yourself, Little One, or you'll soil your "unmentionables" again.

Just showing you LibProgs what the Commies and Muzzies do when they catch such folk... you know... the kinds of folk you advocate for...
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.

You don't call yourself a Christian do you?

Most Neocons (Nazis) do. But are they really 'Christians?' I'll let their behavior speak for itself on that.
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.

Spoken like a true Neocon (Nazi) loon. :cuckoo:
Calm yourself, Little One, or you'll soil your "unmentionables" again.

Just showing you LibProgs what the Commies and Muzzies do when they catch such folk... you know... the kinds of folk you advocate for...

Nah, you only showed that you're a deranged Neocon (Nazi).
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use?...

We can always adopt the Chinese approach... a bullet in the back of the head in a ditch outside of town... then send the family a bill for the execution.

Well, for dealers anyway.

For users, a simple Public Caning, like they do in Malaysia, ought to do the trick, as well as making Muzzie-lovers happy about cultural integration.

You don't call yourself a Christian do you?

Most Neocons (Nazis) do. But are they really 'Christians?' I'll let their behavior speak for itself on that.
You tell 'em, my little Internet butt-floss...

Wake me up when you've matured sufficiently not to initiate name-calling over something you read that you don't like...

Meanwhile... either serve-up a cogent point on the subject matter, or shut-the-hell up...
I think ones that are for this should read these, just be accused of something: So catch tipsycat peeking in your windows and there goes her assssssssssets.

Civil forfeiture in the United States - Wikipedia

Asset forfeiture - Wikipedia

Those who support these Un-American affronts, are misguided conditioned Authority-Worshippers. They just don't know any better. The craziest thing is, those folks really believe they themselves support 'Small/Less' Government. They have no idea how lost they are. They've allowed the Neocons (Nazis) to contaminate them with their Fascism.

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