Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep ‘Jews From Leaving’

the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
So, "net yet? That's your excuse?

I am thinking that your side is hellbent on galvanizing its base into pitchforks and torches. That's kind of silly. What's no joke is your defamation of holocaust survivors vis a vis comparing their struggles during said long ago world war, with the intentional dissemination of misinformation in order to win some argument which is based on null truth.

How about the mantra of the Left which seeks to force LGBTQ agenda on the American people thereby limiting their rights such as freedom of speech and religion and press. Kind of sounds more Nazi than our Nazi, but no Nazi is good Nazi so, psst. . . it must be Nazis!
the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
So, "net yet? That's your excuse?

I am thinking that your side is hellbent on galvanizing its base into pitchforks and torches. That's kind of silly. What's no joke is your defamation of holocaust survivors vis a vis comparing their struggles during said long ago world war, with the intentional dissemination of misinformation in order to win some argument which is based on null truth.

How about the mantra of the Left which seeks to force LGBTQ agenda on the American people thereby limiting their rights such as freedom of speech and religion and press. Kind of sounds more Nazi than our Nazi, but no Nazi is good Nazi so, psst. . . it must be Nazis!
That's a tRump trick. We are just putting some facts out there. If it gets people riled up, well shit happens.
not even close...sorry
you equate what the DOJ is doing to murdering millions??
taking people in the night with NO warrant ???
answer the question, please?? it's the same??

The Nazis didn't start off murdering millions, either. in fact, the "Final Solution" wasn't decided on until 1942.

The time to object to this sort of thing is when it starts, not when it gets really bad.

They aren't even our citizens (yet). Try caring this much about children who were born here and are. Thousands of American children vanish every year across these great United States. No one is ramping up Demo-geddon on the left to go find them. Patriot? I wonder. All children matter. Our American children matter more.

So you’re saying it’s OK to torture these children because they’re not American. Is this the sword you want to die on?

Poor American children are ill treated too but that doesn’t mean that it’s OK to torture and abuse foreign children. You should be concerned about the treatment of ALL of the children.
not even close...sorry
you equate what the DOJ is doing to murdering millions??
taking people in the night with NO warrant ???
answer the question, please?? it's the same??

The Nazis didn't start off murdering millions, either. in fact, the "Final Solution" wasn't decided on until 1942.

The time to object to this sort of thing is when it starts, not when it gets really bad.

They aren't even our citizens (yet). Try caring this much about children who were born here and are. Thousands of American children vanish every year across these great United States. No one is ramping up Demo-geddon on the left to go find them. Patriot? I wonder. All children matter. Our American children matter more.

So you’re saying it’s OK to torture these children because they’re not American. Is this the sword you want to die on?

Poor American children are ill treated too but that doesn’t mean that it’s OK to torture and abuse foreign children. You should be concerned about the treatment of ALL of the children.

With all due respect to your admirable sense of empathy for all children which sounds more like entropy of the thought process,

I am thinking about my young niece and nephew currently dancing around my living room begging to go first to the pool and then the playground because school's out and why I won't allow my fiancé to take them. No. They must wait to be driven to the Y because: immigrant culture diverges wholly from mine. It's not so safe here anymore.

I will choose their safety, rights and privileges every time over those of children amassing on the border.

Speaking of swords, how about Obama, cruise missiles and collateral damage OCONUS? How about immigrant rape and murder of US children--some snatched from their own homes middle of the night? How about little girls who just want to be tomboys brainwashed into believing they should become "real boys" at the behest of some political officer in an American elementary school?

Sorry, you just want us to worry about your misconception of some suffering somewhere while you ignore suffering as a whole in general to promote an agenda you find agreeable. No child should suffer. Some do and will. Adults are to blame. The kids in my life, in my nation matter more.
the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
So, "net yet? That's your excuse?

I am thinking that your side is hellbent on galvanizing its base into pitchforks and torches. That's kind of silly. What's no joke is your defamation of holocaust survivors vis a vis comparing their struggles during said long ago world war, with the intentional dissemination of misinformation in order to win some argument which is based on null truth.

How about the mantra of the Left which seeks to force LGBTQ agenda on the American people thereby limiting their rights such as freedom of speech and religion and press. Kind of sounds more Nazi than our Nazi, but no Nazi is good Nazi so, psst. . . it must be Nazis!
That's a tRump trick. We are just putting some facts out there. If it gets people riled up, well shit happens.

You have facts that support your, NOT YET post earlier?
OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.

If you’re not horrified at what the Trump Administration is doing, you’re not human.
Let's cut through the BS.

The only reason children are not allowed in adult detention cells is TO PROTECT THEM from harm.

A functioning brain would make this obvious.
the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
Because they'd didn't want them to leave Germany? You're as crazy as Sessions.
The Nazis were committed to taking over the entire world you idiot!
There was nowhere the Jews could go that the Nazis hadn't already decided to invade.
The Nazis decided it was easier to exterminate the Jews in Germany/Poland than to relocate them only to have to exterminate them later somewhere else anyway.
OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.

If you’re not horrified at what the Trump Administration is doing, you’re not human.
Let's cut through the BS.

The only reason children are not allowed in adult detention cells is TO PROTECT THEM from harm.

A functioning brain would make this obvious.


Do we lock up the children of convicted Americans doing time in our prison system? Like was stated from the secretary herself: if you come seeking asylum, come to a port of entry. Present yourself front and center. That's not a crime. Your child will not be taken from you. BUT, cross our border between ports of entry illegally and you've committed a crime AND your child will be removed from your custody while you're in ours. Simple. Don't commit the crime of crossing our borders illegally
the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
So, "net yet? That's your excuse?

I am thinking that your side is hellbent on galvanizing its base into pitchforks and torches. That's kind of silly. What's no joke is your defamation of holocaust survivors vis a vis comparing their struggles during said long ago world war, with the intentional dissemination of misinformation in order to win some argument which is based on null truth.

How about the mantra of the Left which seeks to force LGBTQ agenda on the American people thereby limiting their rights such as freedom of speech and religion and press. Kind of sounds more Nazi than our Nazi, but no Nazi is good Nazi so, psst. . . it must be Nazis!
That's a tRump trick. We are just putting some facts out there. If it gets people riled up, well shit happens.

You have facts that support your, NOT YET post earlier?
Do you have facts to support your assertion that I'm not correct? History shows us this kinda thing gets worse, not better.
the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
Sending them back to gangs and domestic violence to face death?

I don't see all that much difference.
OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.
Because children and families are artificial?
the nazis murdered millions of Jews
''arrested'' people in the night with no justification
not even close to what the nazis did
So, "net yet? That's your excuse?

I am thinking that your side is hellbent on galvanizing its base into pitchforks and torches. That's kind of silly. What's no joke is your defamation of holocaust survivors vis a vis comparing their struggles during said long ago world war, with the intentional dissemination of misinformation in order to win some argument which is based on null truth.

How about the mantra of the Left which seeks to force LGBTQ agenda on the American people thereby limiting their rights such as freedom of speech and religion and press. Kind of sounds more Nazi than our Nazi, but no Nazi is good Nazi so, psst. . . it must be Nazis!
That's a tRump trick. We are just putting some facts out there. If it gets people riled up, well shit happens.

You have facts that support your, NOT YET post earlier?
Do you have facts to support your assertion that I'm not correct? History shows us this kinda thing gets worse, not better.

Oh, so now you say you don't have that FACT, after saying you did?

Why am I not impressed?
OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.

If you’re not horrified at what the Trump Administration is doing, you’re not human.

What are they doing? The same thing the Obama regime did, and the Bush regime before that, all the way back to Slick Willie.
OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.

Howard Stern says Donald Trump should "get the f**k out" of the White House

Howard Stern to Trump: 'Get the f--- out of there, man'

OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.
^ Happy with locking children up.
OMG, Sessions is a Neo-Nazi nutcase.

Jeff Sessions: DOJ Not Like The Nazis Because They Were Trying To Keep 'Jews From Leaving' | HuffPost
<video at link>

Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected claims that the Justice Department’s new zero-tolerance immigration policy echoed Nazi Germany because concentration camps “were trying to keep Jews from leaving.”

Sessions spoke with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday and defended his agency amid a growing outcry over family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border under the new DOJ policy.
The artificially created growing MEDIA outcry.

If you’re not horrified at what the Trump Administration is doing, you’re not human.

What are they doing? The same thing the Obama regime did, and the Bush regime before that, all the way back to Slick Willie.
Stop lying.

It's not funny.

It's not clever.

In fact, it makes you look pathetic.
not even close...sorry
you equate what the DOJ is doing to murdering millions??
taking people in the night with NO warrant ???
answer the question, please?? it's the same??

The Nazis didn't start off murdering millions, either. in fact, the "Final Solution" wasn't decided on until 1942.

The time to object to this sort of thing is when it starts, not when it gets really bad.

They aren't even our citizens (yet). Try caring this much about children who were born here and are. Thousands of American children vanish every year across these great United States. No one is ramping up Demo-geddon on the left to go find them. Patriot? I wonder. All children matter. Our American children matter more.

So you’re saying it’s OK to torture these children because they’re not American. Is this the sword you want to die on?

Poor American children are ill treated too but that doesn’t mean that it’s OK to torture and abuse foreign children. You should be concerned about the treatment of ALL of the children.

Torture? The only thing being tortured here is the truth! You libtards just can't stop lying!

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