Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

Love how CRCs think they speak for everyone. No wonder they want to force their religion on every other American.
Yeah...not at all like the leftist who will smash your face in with a bicycle lock in a sock if they catch you wearing
some sort of patriotic apparel.
Running a Dodge Challenger into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters is SOOOOOOO much better, isn't it?
Oh and Obama was never with him either lmfao htey still can't prove those kids are even Obamas since the fag's wife is a fkn man too.

Oh look he stands with a RAPIST and the trash taking this nation down.

The ppl he encounter wtf do you expect him to do when your ELITES DEMOTWATS ELECTED keep turning into rapist and child molesters you cant help what you don't know at the time you take a picture with them.

THe idiots trying to tie trump to a photos is like jo blow tying you all to pictures and then saying you support some rapist that just happened to be in the picture with you.

DEMOCRATS are mental retards on steroids your all twisted in the head LOL.

rapist will hang with rapist I guess

Now, why would you leave this out?
Then why are you posting on a board frequented by rw’s
Am I not allowed to, now?

Nobody takes you serious anyway.
Love how CRCs think they speak for everyone. No wonder they want to force their religion on every other American.

Take your made up "crc" and stick it up your ass. That and your " christian sharia" and any other lame crap you cook up in your diseased mind.

It's stupid
you make up these "trumpettes" so you can foster your bullshit stereotypes and attack those as if someone really exists that fit your hate.

fucking loser.
That's how these fucking losers roll. They drag their sad straw men around and pretend their malicious imagination is an accurate depiction of the way things are. They are pathetic.
Now, why would you leave this out?
Then why are you posting on a board frequented by rw’s
Am I not allowed to, now?

Nobody takes you serious anyway.
Love how CRCs think they speak for everyone. No wonder they want to force their religion on every other American.

Take your made up "crc" and stick it up your ass. That and your " christian sharia" and any other lame crap you cook up in your diseased mind.

It's stupid
And thank you for giving us all an shining example of what CRCs are REALLY all about in donnie's America.
Running a Dodge Challenger into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters is SOOOOOOO much better, isn't it?
You are comparing the actions of one person vs. an organized paramilitary nation wide rat pack of anarchist
punks with deadly weapons and pretending they are the same.

Only a dumb shit would do that. You are that dumb shit!
Then why are you posting on a board frequented by rw’s
Am I not allowed to, now?

Nobody takes you serious anyway.
Love how CRCs think they speak for everyone. No wonder they want to force their religion on every other American.

Take your made up "crc" and stick it up your ass. That and your " christian sharia" and any other lame crap you cook up in your diseased mind.

It's stupid
And thank you for giving us all an shining example of what CRCs are REALLY all about in donnie's America.

I told you to take your ignorant crc and shove it.
"An attorney who represented the victims of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual assault said that in 2009, the only person that helped him was then citizen Donald Trump" - Gateway Pundit
Am I not allowed to, now?

Nobody takes you serious anyway.
Love how CRCs think they speak for everyone. No wonder they want to force their religion on every other American.

Take your made up "crc" and stick it up your ass. That and your " christian sharia" and any other lame crap you cook up in your diseased mind.

It's stupid
And thank you for giving us all an shining example of what CRCs are REALLY all about in donnie's America.

I told you to take your ignorant crc and shove it.
Or what, Threatie MacThreat? You've made empty threats to me (and others) in the past. Where is your power here?
"An attorney who represented the victims of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual assault said that in 2009, the only person that helped him was then citizen Donald Trump" - Gateway Pundit
I don't know how reliable anything from Gateway Pundit would be.

We all know that he was Clinton’s main donor and friend who went to the pedo island often and you have to put up a picture with him and Trump. Just proves liberals are the scum of the earth.

Yyyyyeaaaah ummmm..... how is there a picture of him and Rump, when your own link (in my last post) says:

>> “There was no relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump,” he said. “They were not friends and they did not socialize together.” <<

Ohh I get it Clinton spent a gazillion hours with him but we should ignore that cause Trump, right? Provide evidence Trump did anything illegal with Epstein or just shut up.

Once AGAIN for the hyposentient, I don't ***NEED*** to "prove" points I never made. Show me a planet that works that way.

What the fuck IS IT with you doofuses that think you can just ass-sume shit and it becomes real? What is it, some kind of pill you have to take?
But back in 2008, Epstein made a sweetheart deal ― which was approved by Alexander Acosta, then U.S. attorney in Miami ― in which he pleaded guilty to state prostitution charges, registered as a sex offender and received very little jail time. Acosta now serves as secretary of labor in the Trump administration.

Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Allegedly Sex Trafficking Minors: Reports

Gee, I wonder how Acosta got that job?
so trump is a POS for hiring Acosta.

then what does that make bill for flying to islands where sexual escapades are held?

OOH! OOH! Mistah Kotter!! :desk:

--- It makes it a Tu Quoque Fallacy. Or as we call it around here, "Pogo's Law".

You owe me a nickel. Want to just run a tab?

We all know that he was Clinton’s main donor and friend who went to the pedo island often and you have to put up a picture with him and Trump. Just proves liberals are the scum of the earth.

Yyyyyeaaaah ummmm..... how is there a picture of him and Rump, when your own link (in my last post) says:

>> “There was no relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump,” he said. “They were not friends and they did not socialize together.” <<

Ohh I get it Clinton spent a gazillion hours with him but we should ignore that cause Trump, right? Provide evidence Trump did anything illegal with Epstein or just shut up.

Once AGAIN for the hyposentient, I don't ***NEED*** to "prove" points I never made. Show me a planet that works that way.

What the fuck IS IT with you doofuses that think you can just ass-sume shit and it becomes real? What is it, some kind of pill you have to take?
But back in 2008, Epstein made a sweetheart deal ― which was approved by Alexander Acosta, then U.S. attorney in Miami ― in which he pleaded guilty to state prostitution charges, registered as a sex offender and received very little jail time. Acosta now serves as secretary of labor in the Trump administration.

Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Allegedly Sex Trafficking Minors: Reports

Gee, I wonder how Acosta got that job?
so trump is a POS for hiring Acosta.

then what does that make bill for flying to islands where sexual escapades are held?

OOH! OOH! Mistah Kotter!! :desk:

--- It makes it a Tu Quoque Fallacy. Or as we call it around here, "Pogo's Law".

You owe me a nickel. Want to just run a tab?
Like I said, never seen you defend trump from accusations.

Too busy making your own.

Yyyyyeeaaahh ummmmm...... this just in, flying is legal.

Even when it's to Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.

That's from your own link btw:

>> but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein's plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa. <<​


We’ll just wait and see and I’ll laugh more later. [emoji1360]

You do whatever you want. I'm just reading YOUR OWN LINK.

Wanna see another?

>> “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” << --- New York Magazine, 2002

Let's see, fifteen years, from 2002, that would go back to 1987. 32 years ago.

For a quick review, your own link says:

>> “There was no relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump,” he said. “They were not friends and they did not socialize together.” <<

Is Rump's attorney just flat-out lying then? Or is Rump lying?


Epstein had previously escaped prosecution on a federal sex crimes indictment on a non-prosecution deal set up in secret by a federal prosecutor named Alex Acosta, where the evidence would be quashed and the victims not even advised, and the indictment would go away. That same Alex Acosta later became Rump's Secretary of Labor. He's still there now.
Hillary was a senator when he got his bogus sentence. I bet she had something to do with it.

Records of anyone named "Hillary" at that morning meeting: 0

Records of anyone named "Alex Acosta" at that meeting: 1

Do da math.
Interesting! President Trump said that Bill Clinton has a lot of problems coming up regarding Epstein and Pedophile Island.

When the shills talk about Trump’s relationship with Epstein, show them this video. Lawyer from the Epstein civil case states Trump was the ONLY person who cooperated with the investigation and offered information to help.


Pictures of trump with crooks means nothing Early on in his New York State building business that made him work with democrats to do his business

This just proves New York democrats are crooked as all get out and must be caught and punished strongly

Yyyyyyyeeeeaahhhh ummmmmm.............. those are not political events, Dumbass.

If Trump was in on it, he deserves to go to jail. You see dumbass, that is what should be done. Your trying to cover the Clinton's could be involvement. Says a lot about you personally. As you are convicting Trump.

You actually think Rump has never been to a social event?

Prove me wrong. Show the class how those pics are from some political function.

As far as "convicting", I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

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