Jen Psaki: "Even after you’re vaccinated, social distancing and wearing masks will be essential."

Yanno..................when I get the vaccine, if it is the 2 shot one, I'm gonna wear a mask until 7 days after I get the second shot. If it's the one shot vaccine, I'm gonna wear a mask for a week after the shot. Why? Because doctors have said that it takes around 7 days for the vaccine to fully take effect.

But? After I get fully vaccinated? I'm gonna stop wearing a mask because it hides my very impressive handlebar mustache. My best friend recently sent me a beard and mustache conditioning kit. I'd like to be able to display my whiskers again.
Yanno..................when I get the vaccine, if it is the 2 shot one, I'm gonna wear a mask until 7 days after I get the second shot. If it's the one shot vaccine, I'm gonna wear a mask for a week after the shot. Why? Because doctors have said that it takes around 7 days for the vaccine to fully take effect.

But? After I get fully vaccinated? I'm gonna stop wearing a mask because it hides my very impressive handlebar mustache. My best friend recently sent me a beard and mustache conditioning kit. I'd like to be able to display my whiskers again.
Oh beeeerother....
She is an idiot.

Yanno..................when I get the vaccine, if it is the 2 shot one, I'm gonna wear a mask until 7 days after I get the second shot. If it's the one shot vaccine, I'm gonna wear a mask for a week after the shot. Why? Because doctors have said that it takes around 7 days for the vaccine to fully take effect.

But? After I get fully vaccinated? I'm gonna stop wearing a mask because it hides my very impressive handlebar mustache. My best friend recently sent me a beard and mustache conditioning kit. I'd like to be able to display my whiskers again.

Oh oh oh! Are you going to do the Monkey Tail trim?
You fucking idiots. They are saying that masks and social distancing will be required until we vaccinate enough people to reach national immunity.
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Continued mask-wearing and social distancing and other precautionary measures are entirely valid and righteous.

Once you're vaccinated you can still be a carrier, even if you don't get sick yourself... living spores that you inhale and exhale.

And, of course, with new and more aggressively-transmittable (and potentially more lethal) strains arriving from the UK, South Africa, and Brazil...

Better safe than sorry...

Common sense, for anyone over the age of 10 equipped with a minimum of half-a-brain with which to reason...

It's just a frigging mask... nobody likes 'em... everybody's gettin' tired of 'em... but they're still necessary for a while longer... suck it up, buttercup...

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For the next four years masks will be a social statement. They've already become a fashion item and ladies (in particular,though not exclusively) are shopping for the latest designs in upscale online shops.

After that?

Perhaps a mark of shame?

An admission of stupidity?

For a time some folks will collect them. Like some still collect hula-hoops.

Please be aware, though, they will be far less "naked" than if still in the original packaging.
For the next four years masks will be a social statement. They've already become a fashion item and ladies (in particular,though not exclusively) are shopping for the latest designs in upscale online shops.

After that?

Perhaps a mark of shame?

An admission of stupidity?

For a time some folks will collect them. Like some still collect hula-hoops.

Please be aware, though, they will be far less "naked" than if still in the original packaging.
I doubt we'll be wearing masks in 4 years.
I'm guessing that this is about power and control, and not medical science.

This is the longest "two weeks" that I can ever remember.

'Can I stop wearing a mask?
No. Health experts say everyone needs to continue following coronavirus safety guidelines, including wearing masks, social distancing and avoiding large groups — even after getting the vaccine.

“A vaccine provides a level of protection from getting sick but does not in any way change any of the preventative measures that people need to follow,” Mecklenburg County Medical Director Dr. Meg Sullivan told reporters Wednesday.

Can I still spread COVID-19?
Health experts still don’t know if people who get vaccinated could still be spreading the coronavirus, Sullivan said. That’s another key reason why people need to continue to follow social distancing and mask wearing after getting the vaccine.

“Because we have so much virus in our community and there’s such urgency in preventing further transmission given the impact we’re seeing — anybody who is vaccinated still needs to wear a mask at all times,” she said'.
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