Jen Psaki schools Peter Doocy

It was almost a cheap shot, but you really can't cheap shot Doosey when he asks if Biden contributed to vaccine hesitancy.


The Junior Doocy is as dumb as Dad. Biden created vaccine hesitancy?
LoL - Walked right into this one! :lol:

Not even close, but give my regards to Natasha at the borscht bar tonight.

These comments were made 3-6 months prior to the election Gomer.

So you do admit that both Bai Dung and Kamaltoe began creating vaccine hesitancy before they were elected.....
The evidence is overwhelming that you're lying. They've been on both sides of the issue and that show's why the public is hesitant. It doesn't mater when it was said, It matters that its was said..... Sweet pea.

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Since the JAB hesitancy is highest in the black community maybe Biden could tell black people they ain't black unless they get the JAB...he could throw in a threat about putting them all back in chains like he did with Corn Pop.
She's cute and smart - You? Bet not so much. ;)

Sorry...even with power, men are stupid to listen to Prog women. They are deconstructing the West in a world that waits with abandon to attack eat up what remains.

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