Jeremiah Wright Off Limits, But 155 Year Old Mormon Militia Attack OK


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Or so it goes with the WaPo on its endless search to come up with its magical "Maccacca Moment" again with Mitt Romney, that it used so dexteriously to destroy George Allen's Senatorial bid a few years back. When a fifty year old hazing incident can't cut it, let's try something even older, a century and a half back. Maybe twice is the charm. Don't kid yourself, the WaPo will still be digging in the manure pile for excrement to hurl against Romney up to November 6th. Maybe they'll even find a female lobbyist they can claim had an affair with Mitt a la the NYT. Forksuckers all down there. You eminently deserve what happened to the captured British Soldiers, Singapore, February, 1942, happening to you]

"WaPo Hits a New Low, Keeps Digging: Attacks Romney For 155-Year-Old Mormon Militia Attack In Arkansas, “The First 9/11”…

So Jeremiah Wright is off-limits even though Obama sat in his pews until he ran for president but a Mormon attack that happened 88 years before Romney was born is acceptable?"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » WaPo Hits a New Low, Keeps Digging: Attacks Romney For 155-Year-Old Mormon Militia Attack In Arkansas, “The First 9/11
Why is Wright "off limits"?

Certainly not for Romney.

He brought up Wright multiple times during the last several months.

He's also brought up religion.

Which has opened his own religion up for examination.

Like it's overt racist doctrine..which was changed in the 1970s.

Or the fact they are presently "capturing" the souls of people from other religions..

Which is on-going.

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