Jerome Corsi apologies for Seth Rich story,on the heels of possible lawsuit verdict

Per advice of his counsel yesterday afternoon

Conspiracy Theorist Jerome Corsi Apologizes to Seth Rich’s Family – Rolling Stone

Think he's going down in flames? Or is this all just a part of the witch-hunt?

So it’s ok to push that Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary Clinton, but not that Seth Rich May have been murdered as payback by deep state players?

Seems odd.
Did the OP say that? I don't think so. You planted that, not the OP.
Jerome Corsi | - MARCH 4, 2019

On March 5, 2018, Infowars published an article by Dr. Jerome Corsi titled Anti-Trump Left Tries to Revive Dying ‘Russia’ Narrative by Blaming Roger Stone. In that article, Dr. Corsi alleged that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, were involved in downloading and leaking emails from the DNC to WikiLeaks.

Dr. Corsi acknowledges that his allegations were not based upon any independent factual knowledge regarding Seth or Aaron Rich. Instead, Dr. Corsi relied primarily on, and quoted from, a column by Adm. James Lyons (Ret.) that was published in the Washington Times on March 2, 2018, but was retracted on September 30, 2018. (The Washington Times’ retraction is available here.)

It was not Dr. Corsi’s intent to rely upon inaccurate information, or to cause any suffering to Mr. Rich’s family. To that end, Dr. Corsi retracts the article and apologizes to the Rich family.

Retraction of Dr. Jerome Corsi Regarding The Murder of Seth Rich
And yet, Shawn Hannity and Fox fake news went and ran with it anyway.
You are wrong.. democrats stoped hannity from talking about it.. why?? Afraid ?
Are you capable of critical thinking? Go back and read what I typed. Did I say anything about Democrats stopping Hannity? You are asking idiotic questions.
Great so you are ok with hannity investigatigating his murder??
Per advice of his counsel yesterday afternoon

Conspiracy Theorist Jerome Corsi Apologizes to Seth Rich’s Family – Rolling Stone

Think he's going down in flames? Or is this all just a part of the witch-hunt?

Let's hope Corsi and the rest of the conspiracy peddlers pay a hefty fine.

That still leaves deprogramming the conspiracy nutters at Corsi's trough, and convincing them they've been had. Do you like your chances?

A fine for what? Its legal in this country to do investigative journalism, even when it offends the Deep State.
His murder was strange. The murder or murderers didn't take anything.
Now wait just a minute there Slick, one of your coconspirators claimed a "thumb drive" was stolen, even though there was no proof such a thumb drive even existed. You liars need to get your lies straight.
Here's facts that we do know.
Seth Rich was employed by the DNC. He was shot twice in the back. His position at the DNC involved data management.
According to police reports, nothing was taken during or after the attack. Nearly $2,000 worth of cash , wallet, credit cards, watch and other jewelry on his body at the time.
We do know that 12 days after Rich was killed, WikiLeaks published internal DNC emails that appeared to show top party officials conspiring to stop Bernie Sanders from becoming the party’s presidential nominee. As noted before, the DNC's efforts to block Sanders resulted in Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigning as DNC chairperson.
Anyone care to solve the murder? Technically it was a professionally perfect hit. The setting was perfect and someone took the advantage.

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