Jersey Cops Let K9 Maul Man to Death, Then Try to Steal the Video

With all the dead bodies piling up your words ring hollow!
That doesn't mean that every dead body was an innocent victim.
Well, an unarmed suspect running away, subdued or shackled is "innocent." That is, if we are still adhering to the principle of "innocent until proven guilty." WHen a police kills under those circumstances, he has denied the victim due process under the law. That kind of killing is happening far too often.

Are you saying that every single death was a case of cops shooting an unarmed suspect in the back? In your eyes, cops are all racist murderers and the suspects are all innocent victims. You're just as bad as the ones who always side with the cops, no matter what.

Are you accusing me of saying that every singe death was a case of cops shooting an unarmed suspect in the back? Look at what I said again; its right there in front of you.

I painstakingly described the situations that meet the criterion for unjustified homicide by police officers and still you missed it. You can't see the forest for the trees sometimes, SJ. What am I to do with you!
You only emphasize the cases that make cops look bad. I haven't noticed any examples of you condemning blacks who kill cops. If you have, maybe you could post one or two.

There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

When Blacks or anybody else kills a cop in self defense, I couldn't care less. But when a cop is ambushed or shot in the back, I m deeply saddened.
Sorry but that dog didn't "maul" anyone to death
Do you think it was right for them to let the dog chew on his upper body around the face and neck?
Its a fucking animal that cant speak ,yet we think they are just like a human cop,they are not

I have no idea what took place, I simply responded that dog never mauled anyone to death...and it didn't.
Well the dog appeared to maul a helpless person at the behest of it's master and that activity certainly added to the likelihood of death! It did nothing to detract from it!

You don't know that contributed to the man's death
Why does this video seem so different from the edited video in the OP?

Your video shows the cop beating a man already down on the ground and then a dog repeatedly attacking the man.

But he died of heart failure! :rolleyes:

You'd probably die of heart failure too if you were being simultaneously beaten by a man wielding a club and eaten alive by a large furry creature with long pointed teeth gnawing at your face.
Why does this video seem so different from the edited video in the OP?

Your video shows the cop beating a man already down on the ground and then a dog repeatedly attacking the man.

But he died of heart failure! :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure the the cause of death was reported as respiratory failure.

Well, a club in the gut and a wolf's mouth on your throat might produce respiratory failure... dontcha think?
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
The police shouldn't investigate the police. At least not the same force.
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
Oh no, Don't even go there. I was merely responding to the speculation of your comrades. Those weren't positive conclusions of how the man died. Only a medical examiner can legally determine that. Try a little harder to actually look at my whole post before commenting erroneously and making an ass of your self!
Why does this video seem so different from the edited video in the OP?

Your video shows the cop beating a man already down on the ground and then a dog repeatedly attacking the man.

But he died of heart failure! :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure the the cause of death was reported as respiratory failure.

Most I could find was that he "later died in police custody."

"White went into respiratory distress and died when he arrived at a hospital, officials said."

WATCH NJ man dies in police custody after arrest - NY Daily News
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
Oh no, Don't even go there. I was merely responding to the speculation of your comrades. Those weren't positive conclusions of how the man died. Only a medical examiner can legally determine that. Try a little harder to actually look at my whole post before commenting erroneously and making an ass of your self!

Then why are we not waiting for the autopsy report and the entire video before rushing to any "speculative" judgement?
Why does this video seem so different from the edited video in the OP?

Your video shows the cop beating a man already down on the ground and then a dog repeatedly attacking the man.

But he died of heart failure! :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure the the cause of death was reported as respiratory failure.

Most I could find was that he "later died in police custody."

"White went into respiratory distress and died when he arrived at a hospital, officials said."

WATCH NJ man dies in police custody after arrest - NY Daily News

Which can be caused by many things, including drug overdose and severe hit to the chest or the head.

ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Symptoms and Treatments
Police say he bit his own face and throat to death

I call bullshit.

Show me any evidence that this man was bitten either on the face OR the throat.

In the video, the only thing I see conclusively is the dog has a hold of the suspects arm...just like they are trainer to do.
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
Oh no, Don't even go there. I was merely responding to the speculation of your comrades. Those weren't positive conclusions of how the man died. Only a medical examiner can legally determine that. Try a little harder to actually look at my whole post before commenting erroneously and making an ass of your self!

Then why are we not waiting for the autopsy report and the entire video before rushing to any "speculative" judgement?

Who is NOT waIting? Stop trying to control the conversation...the information, falsified or not, is going to get to us sooner or later... Let the guys have fun speculating if they want to. We then get to see who was closer to the truth when we get the facts.
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
The police investigation is not always the most accurate one.... but it's generally the only one that counts. Must be nice!
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
Oh no, Don't even go there. I was merely responding to the speculation of your comrades. Those weren't positive conclusions of how the man died. Only a medical examiner can legally determine that. Try a little harder to actually look at my whole post before commenting erroneously and making an ass of your self!

Then why are we not waiting for the autopsy report and the entire video before rushing to any "speculative" judgement?
YOU already have, teapercrit.
Which can be caused by many things, including drug overdose and severe hit to the chest or the head.

ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Symptoms and Treatments

From the 911 tape, it seems as though the man was in respiratory distress before the altercation with police...

A responding officer is later heard asking, “Can you give a description other than just a black male?”

“Negative,” the dispatcher replies.

About 51 seconds into the radio call with police, an officer says, “Roll me an EMS, we got a guy hyperventilating.”

But then, a minute later, an officer says what sounds like “Guy’s going for my gun,” followed by what sounds like an officer giving notice that the K-9 dog has been released.

Within seconds, additional responding units are told to slow down: “He’s in cuffs,” an officer says, followed by a single dog bark.

“Subject’s under K-9 apprehension,” an out-of-breath officer says. “He tried disarming me.”

“You have an ambulance coming out here?” an officer asks.

911 call on Vineland police custody death released - News
The 911 tape is on Youtube.

Whatever was wrong with this guy was wrong with him before police arrived.


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