Jersey Cops Let K9 Maul Man to Death, Then Try to Steal the Video

The police investigation is not always the most accurate one.... but it's generally the only one that counts. Must be nice!

The 911 tape I just posted confirms the man was in respiratory distress BEFORE the officers arrived.

AND the officer call for paramedics BEFORE the altercation.

So the officer was attempting to get the man help.

How are you going to spin that?
So, if the guy was havng a medical emergency, why did they sic the dog on him and beat the life out of him? Which is t...was he having a medical emergency or was he attacking cops.
There is enough support for the bad cops we see in those videos and pictures of late. However,there has to be a balance from another point of view. I stepped in to help fill that void.

And that is not a bad thing. Where you go wrong as an advocate is when you don't stick to the the fact that this guy was NOT mauled to death by the dog, NOR was his death due to heart failure.

Plus, you jump to unsubstantiated conclusions before the facts are revealed.

Let the police finish their investigation...get the facts...let's see all the evidence...THEN criticize the failures.
Oh no, Don't even go there. I was merely responding to the speculation of your comrades. Those weren't positive conclusions of how the man died. Only a medical examiner can legally determine that. Try a little harder to actually look at my whole post before commenting erroneously and making an ass of your self!

Then why are we not waiting for the autopsy report and the entire video before rushing to any "speculative" judgement?

Who is NOT waIting? Stop trying to control the conversation...the information, falsified or not, is going to get to us sooner or later... Let the guys have fun speculating if they want to. We then get to see who was closer to the truth when we get the facts.

The speculation is what controls the narrative. Like "Hands up, don't shoot", which turned out to be total bullshit.

Want to test my theory?

In your opinion, are these bad cops?
TEDDY.Y ou are going to find that stories that cast police officers in a bad light aren't very popular around here. This is a right wind board and they love cops. I would venture to say Cops can do no wrong for most members here. There are a few objective souls like me but far and few in between! Thanks for the piece, very informative.
Let's start a thread for everyblack on black murder. Okay with that?
So, if the guy was havng a medical emergency, why did they sic the dog on him and beat the life out of him? Which is t...was he having a medical emergency or was he attacking cops.

That is a really good question...we should probably wait to find out the answer before jumping to any conclusions...unless you know the answer.

If so, enlighten us.

If not, please STFU.
YOU , teapercrit, have already deemed the cops to be in the right.

I have no earthly idea if they were right.

Just like YOU have no earthly idea if they were wrong.

Because neither of us have enough information to draw a conclusion.

And that is a fact.
So, if the guy was havng a medical emergency, why did they sic the dog on him and beat the life out of him? Which is t...was he having a medical emergency or was he attacking cops.

That is a really good question...we should probably wait to find out the answer before jumping to any conclusions...unless you know the answer.

If so, enlighten us.

If not, please STFU.
Meanwhile, you teaper ass keeps on trying to create a narrative and define what happened. YOU STFU, you are nothing but a racist teaper trying to justify yet another murder by cop...just because of your hate for the n1gger. Fucking teaper hypocrite.
I really do not trust the police- my first instinct is to blame them. But rational people have to wait until all of the facts are presented. If it turns out the cops acted improperly, FRY EM!!

But until then, we can at least glean a few lessons from this incident....

Lesson 1 = Don't do drugs on the streets. Don't act crazy on the streets. If you want to get high and/or act crazy, do it in the privacy of your own home. Or be prepared to be arrested.

Lesson 2 = Obey the police when they give you orders. Don't be a smart ass in any way. Don't antagonize or resist the police. . Just do what they say and keep your fucking mouth shut.

Lesson 3 = Do not resist arrest. Cops will use lethal force to subdue you. Don't be a fool or you might be killed.

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What earthly purpose would be there to allow a dog to attack a man in convulsions just struggling not with the police but just to get another breath? How is this kind of police response "to serve and protect"?

Aren't the police "emergency responders"? To not recognize this situation as a medical emergency and act accordingly is very disappointing. Even if the victim had committed a crime the police must protect life if possible. Letting the dog bite a man clearly having serious medical issues could easily be viewed as involuntary manslaughter or at least criminal negligence.
There is literally no excuse for this sort of savagery. Those cops should spend the rest of their lives behind bars.
Meanwhile, you teaper ass keeps on trying to create a narrative and define what happened. YOU STFU, you are nothing but a racist teaper trying to justify yet another murder by cop...just because of your hate for the n1gger. Fucking teaper hypocrite.

When you can no longer ignore the facts, when the oppositions logic cannot possibly be overcome by rhetoric and you are headed for certain ignoble defeat...time for the...

The race card.png

The race card...didn't see that coming at all. :lol:
Meanwhile, you teaper ass keeps on trying to create a narrative and define what happened. YOU STFU, you are nothing but a racist teaper trying to justify yet another murder by cop...just because of your hate for the n1gger. Fucking teaper hypocrite.

Here you go, some examples of my racist comments over the last seven years.

President obama.png

mississippi crime.png

Black logs.png

Sound pretty racist doesn't it.

Oops. Wait...what is the antithesis of racist...
The police have a real problem. Either deaths in police custody by the impaired go way up, or the police just keep an eye on them until the drugs kill them and then "find" the body.

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