Jersey Cops Let K9 Maul Man to Death, Then Try to Steal the Video

Missed this one...from Monday of this week ...

Black NRA.png


Nutz I'd say an apology would be in order, but in lieu of that, I'd prefer you ponder your own deeply entrenched biases instead.
Meanwhile, you teaper ass keeps on trying to create a narrative and define what happened. YOU STFU, you are nothing but a racist teaper trying to justify yet another murder by cop...just because of your hate for the n1gger. Fucking teaper hypocrite.

When you can no longer ignore the facts, when the oppositions logic cannot possibly be overcome by rhetoric and you are headed for certain ignoble defeat...time for the...

The race card...didn't see that coming at all. :lol:
:lol: Teapers are pathetic...they know they are full of hjate and when they are in a corner...they play their race card.

Fucking racist teaper...go kill a might get an award from USMB.
:lol: Teapers are pathetic...they know they are full of hjate and when they are in a corner...they play their race card.

Fucking racist teaper...go kill a might get an award from USMB.

Quoted for bias above and beyond the play of race card.
Yeah...anytime you have a discussion with a teaper and you disagree wth them...they either call you a racist or claim you are using a race card. How fucking pathetic are teapers...they couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag.
What is a "good cop" and what is a "bad cop?"

Becoming a police officer effectively removes one from the ordinary social order. A sworn police officer is removed from the category of ordinary citizen to that of a specially empowered agent of the State. Over time the effect of this transformation is too often manifest in an acquired sense of innate personal authority and importance in comparison with the ordinary citizen.

However, some police appointees are able to deal intellectually and psychologically with the effects of this transformation thereby enabling them to retain the equanimity of presence in the social order. They are able to perform their official functions without losing sight of the fact that the authority they are able to assert is superimposed and temporary rather than an essential component of their individual personalities. They are able to get tough when circumstances demand but they prefer calm, rational transactions with subjects of attention -- regardless of the nature of an individual "offense."

They are "good cops." Unfortunately they do not dominate the ranks of American police officers.
Yeah...anytime you have a discussion with a teaper and you disagree wth them...they either call you a racist or claim you are using a race card. How fucking pathetic are teapers...they couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag.

:lol: You just aren't very good at this are you.

I'll throw you a lifeline.

You did indeed play the race card to attempt to deflect from the facts and truths in this thread, and I called you on it.

Then I proved that I was not in fact a racist...which makes you a liar.

I have nothing but respect for all people regardless of race, creed color, sex or sexual orientation.

Now, feel free to post a single lie that I have posted in this thread.

One untruth. Anything remotely racist.

Further, I'll except ANY racist post.

Balls in your court...prove you case.

I'll wait...

P.S. - I'm not perfect...I do harbor three all consuming prejudices...I hate liars, slanderers and imbeciles.

That's three strikes and your out Nutz.
Last edited:
Yeah...anytime you have a discussion with a teaper and you disagree wth them...they either call you a racist or claim you are using a race card. How fucking pathetic are teapers...they couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag.

:lol: You just aren't very good at this are you.

I'll throw you a lifeline.

You did indeed play the race card to attempt to deflect from the facts and truths in this thread, and I called you on it.

Then I proved that I was not in fact a racist...which makes you a liar.

I have nothing but respect for all people regardless of race, creed color, sex or sexual orientation.

Now, feel free to post a single lie that I have posted in this thread.

One untruth. Anything remotely racist.

Further, I'll except ANY racist post.

Balls in your court...prove you case.

I'll wait...

P.S. - I'm not perfect...I do harbor three all consuming prejudices...I hate liars, slanderers and imbeciles.

That's three strikes and your out Nutz.
Okay, teaper. Go kill a black guy, USMB is awarding trophy points.
Why does this video seem so different from the edited video in the OP?

Because these cop haters are lying sacks of shit, all of them. We just lost a cop here in Idaho in Couer D'Alene, responded to a suspicious person call and was shot by some asshole on drugs. I'm sick of our cops being maligned by these trolls on USMB when day in and day out they respond every time we call them and they keep us safe. We should ship all these fucking assholes to real police states so they have a correct frame of reference to judge our police.
Why does this video seem so different from the edited video in the OP?

Because these cop haters are lying sacks of shit, all of them. We just lost a cop here in Idaho in Couer D'Alene, responded to a suspicious person call and was shot by some asshole on drugs. I'm sick of our cops being maligned by these trolls on USMB when day in and day out they respond every time we call them and they keep us safe. We should ship all these fucking assholes to real police states so they have a correct frame of reference to judge our police.

:lol: The Catholic teaper racist thinks cops are maligned! I bet this hypocrite was rooting for Cliven Bundy to kill a couple of LEO's during that fiasco.
With all the dead bodies piling up your words ring hollow!

The word is this guy died from a PCP overdose...that was why he was acting crazy in the first place. They are awaiting finalized toxicology results to confirm.

And this post exemplifies the point I'm making.

You try to make it sound like the dog bite killed him, but that isn't the case, he died of RESPIRATORY FAILURE. As in, he stopped breathing.

"Dog mauled to death !!!!!1!!111" is utter hogwash.

You guys have a hard on for the cops, post unsubstantiated bullshit as fact, then stand on that mound of bullshit and shake your fists at the heavens.
With all the dead bodies piling up your words ring hollow!

The word is this guy died from a PCP overdose...that was why he was acting crazy in the first place. They are awaiting finalized toxicology results to confirm.

And this post exemplifies the point I'm making.

You try to make it sound like the dog bite killed him, but that isn't the case, he died of RESPIRATORY FAILURE. As in, he stopped breathing.

"Dog mauled to death !!!!!1!!111" is utter hogwash.

You guys have a hard on for the cops, post unsubstantiated bullshit as fact, then stand on that mound of bullshit and shake your fists at the heavens.
It was obvious that the guy was on something. Drugs often lead to death, usually the actual death occurs in custody.

With the development of so many new and lethal street drugs, this is going to be a very common occurrence. Unfortunately the other way to handle violent drug users would be to encircle them and keep them confined until whatever drug they took finally stops their heart. Of course the police would be just as responsible for not taking the person into custody and to a hospital.
Is any evidence whatsoever that the guy was on drugs?
His behavior indicated he was certainly on something. PCP causes these same symptoms.
First of all the "daily beast " is a left wing spin machine and whatever the video "appears" to depict is not news, it's intentional slander that fits in with the anarchist movement. However the cause of the man's demise it appears that the K-9 officer certainly did not "rip his face off".
Which can be caused by many things, including drug overdose and severe hit to the chest or the head.

ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Symptoms and Treatments

From the 911 tape, it seems as though the man was in respiratory distress before the altercation with police...

A responding officer is later heard asking, “Can you give a description other than just a black male?”

“Negative,” the dispatcher replies.

About 51 seconds into the radio call with police, an officer says, “Roll me an EMS, we got a guy hyperventilating.”

But then, a minute later, an officer says what sounds like “Guy’s going for my gun,” followed by what sounds like an officer giving notice that the K-9 dog has been released.

Within seconds, additional responding units are told to slow down: “He’s in cuffs,” an officer says, followed by a single dog bark.

“Subject’s under K-9 apprehension,” an out-of-breath officer says. “He tried disarming me.”

“You have an ambulance coming out here?” an officer asks.

911 call on Vineland police custody death released - News
The 911 tape is on Youtube.

Whatever was wrong with this guy was wrong with him before police arrived.

So they knew he was in distress and still whaled on him?
]Is any evidence whatsoever that the guy was on drugs?

That comes from a quote from the officers attorney and can be accounted for in one of two ways.

Either he has knowledge that those are the findings of the medical examiners report, but he can't officially release that information until the report is publicly released...which I think is the most probable scenario...or he is blowing a smoke screen, which is at least a possibility.

Stuart Alterman, hired by the police union to represent the officers, said he believed the drugs caused White's death, not the use of a police dog and other force in the March 31 arrest.

"Phillip caused his own demise," Alterman said. "And it's unfortunate. And I think any reasonable person views this as a tragic circumstance. But it was not caused by the actions of the Vineland police officers."

Vineland Police Chief Timothy Codispoti said Wednesday that he could not comment on the preliminary toxicology report until the Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office released it. Prosecutor Jennifer Webb-McRae would not say when that would happen. Nor did she elaborate on the case.

Put what stock in it you deem appropriate. No one, including the White Family is publicly denying it.

Walter Hudson, chairman of the Salem County-based civil rights group National Awareness Alliance, said that authorities were trying to demonize "the one who suffered the death or the injury, as opposed to the ones who implemented the inhuman acts."

"Even if the autopsy reports come out with Mr. Phillip White being on PCP, whatever the case may be, he still did not deserve to die," Hudson said.

Vineland officers attorney Drugs caused death of man - philly-archives

Whatever was wrong with this guy was wrong with him before police arrived.

So they knew he was in distress and still whaled on him?[/QUOTE]

According to the 911 tape, everything was undercontrol and the police were attempting to get him help...the officer seemed very calm...then something happens and the next call is a struggling and out of breath officer is calling for additional units and informing dispatch that White had attempted to disarm him.

Listen to the tape and see what I mean:


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