Jerusalem belongs to us all!

Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.
So, nobody can tell us exactly when it was in history that Jerusalem belonged to the beasful Belestinian beoble.

Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?
Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?
No it couldn't. The Arabs controlled parts of Jerusalem and all the lands they claim are "occupied" now, were occupied by Jordan and Egypt, and they still attacked, because this conflict is a religious conflict disguised as a territorial one. It is about committing genocide on the Jews in their holy land and destroying the only Jewish state. No do-overs, sorry.
No it couldn't. The Arabs controlled parts of Jerusalem and all the lands they claim are "occupied" now, were occupied by Jordan and Egypt, and they still attacked, because this conflict is a religious conflict disguised as a territorial one. It is about committing genocide on the Jews in their holy land and destroying the only Jewish state. No do-overs, sorry.
Nobody is committing genocide on the Jews in their holy land and it is not the only Jewish state.
No it couldn't. The Arabs controlled parts of Jerusalem and all the lands they claim are "occupied" now, were occupied by Jordan and Egypt, and they still attacked, because this conflict is a religious conflict disguised as a territorial one. It is about committing genocide on the Jews in their holy land and destroying the only Jewish state. No do-overs, sorry.
Nobody is committing genocide on the Jews in their holy land and it is not the only Jewish state.
Israel is not the only Jewish state?! Ha ha ha. Isn't it too early in the day to light up?

The Muslims have been trying to commit a genocide on the Jews in Israel since the days of the Nazi Mufti, and this has continued, read all about it:

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Full official record: What the mufti said to Hitler

"Arabs could be more useful to Germany as allies than might be apparent at first glance, both for geographical reasons and because of the suffering inflicted upon them by the English and the Jews"

"Germany was resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time to direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well’

1. He (the Fuhrer) would carry on the battle to the total destruction of the Judeo-Communist empire in Europe.
2. At some moment which was impossible to set exactly today but which in any event was not distant, the German armies would in the course of this struggle reach the southern exit from Caucasia.
3. As soon as this had happened, the Fuhrer would on his own give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power. In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. It would then be his task to set off the Arab operations, which he had secretly prepared. When that time had come, Germany could also be indifferent to French reaction to such a declaration.
2018: The world must save the Holy City from Israel, fearlessly confront false claims, challenge the cruelty and expose the lies. Campaigners for justice – and that includes civil society in all countries – need to reframe the Palestine-Israel narrative and demolish the Zionist fantasy.

Everyone who has been there is charmed by this exquisite city of great antiquity. It has survived two dozen wars and is the focal point for the two peoples – Palestinians and Jews – and the three religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Its many holy places are a magnet to the faithful of all denominations from all corners of the world, which is why Jerusalem was designated an international city under separate management in the UN’s 1947 Partition Plan.

But Israel’s ongoing military occupation and annexation mean that countless Christian and Muslim Palestinians – even those living just outside the city – have been unable to visit their holy places for many years. And travellers from outside the Holy Land have to endure the obnoxious interference of Israeli security if they wish to set foot in Palestine and the old city.

Zionists claim Jerusalem is theirs by right. Actually, it was already 2,000 years old and an established, fortified city when captured by King David. It dates back 5,000 years and the name is derived from Uru-Shalem, meaning “founded by Shalem (the Canaanite God of Dusk)”.

A potted history looks like this. Jerusalem, in its “City of David” form, lasted only 73 years. In 928BC the kingdom divided into Israel and Judah, and in 597BC the Babylonians conquered the city and destroyed Solomon’s temple. The Jews recaptured it in 164BC but finally lost it to the Roman Empire in 63BC. Before the present troubles the Jews, in total, controlled Jerusalem for some 500 years compared to the 1,200-plus years it was subsequently ruled by Muslims and the 2,000 years, or thereabouts, it originally belonged to the Canaanites.
Jerusalem belongs to us all!

The most basic form of deception is fabricating the false symmetry between occupier and occupied, oppressor and victim. The violence of the powerful Israeli occupation army using live ammunition, tanks and helicopter gunships is equated with Palestinians protesting against the loss of their rights, lands and lives.

Time to say No!
It's in Tanach, not in the Koran or NT.
Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?

Know when a Pro Palestinian is lying? When he moves his lips!!!! According to the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan Jerusalem would be placed under international regime, conferring it to a special status due to SHARED Religious Importance!!! Now lie and tell us Jordan complied. However, I like YOUR version better. If Jerusalem was not Corpus Separatum before 1967 it should NOT be now! ( It never will be)
Israel is not the only Jewish state?! Ha ha ha. Isn't it too early in the day to light up?
No, you people (zionists) know nothing of of actual history.
Yeah, so why don't you tell us about this other Jewish state then?
Birobidzhan - Wikipedia
OMG! You found a town with a large Jewish community! How smart of you! I mean, why not NY city or Miami? They have large Jewish populations too!

By your logic Dearborn Michigan should be a Palestinian state? :cuckoo:

Like I said, thanks for the entertainment.

Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?

Know when a Pro Palestinian is lying? When he moves his lips!!!! According to the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan Jerusalem would be placed under international regime, conferring it to a special status due to SHARED Religious Importance!!! Now lie and tell us Jordan complied. However, I like YOUR version better. If Jerusalem was not Corpus Separatum before 1967 it should NOT be now! ( It never will be)
Exactly! The Arabs had everything they wanted and more, but they refused and decided to attack Israel in an effort to destroy it. They failed,very and over and over. So now they're saying, ignore our violent history and attacks, ignore our antisemtism, ignore our terrorism and IslamoNazi rhetoric about the mass murder of Jews...this time we'll be good. Ya gotta love it, it's called Belestinian mentality!
Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?

Know when a Pro Palestinian is lying? When he moves his lips!!!! According to the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan Jerusalem would be placed under international regime, conferring it to a special status due to SHARED Religious Importance!!! Now lie and tell us Jordan complied. However, I like YOUR version better. If Jerusalem was not Corpus Separatum before 1967 it should NOT be now! ( It never will be)
Exactly! The Arabs had everything they wanted and more, but they refused and decided to attack Israel in an effort to destroy it. They failed,very and over and over. So now they're saying, ignore our violent history and attacks, ignore our antisemtism, ignore our terrorism and IslamoNazi rhetoric about the mass murder of Jews...this time we'll be good. Ya gotta love it, it's called Belestinian mentality!

Sctually, there is another Jewish State. It’s the U. S !!!!!!! Lol
Corpus separatum is the 'true' solution for Jerusalem.

There are many posts above this in the 'He said, she said' mentality...

Jordan didn't allow access to holy sites so we won't... Is as childish an argument as Roodboys childish misspelling of words.

No, I don't believe that the UN should have control of Jerusalem under Corpus separatum either. However, there SHOULD be a 'neutral' governance of the holy city.

Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?

Know when a Pro Palestinian is lying? When he moves his lips!!!! According to the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan Jerusalem would be placed under international regime, conferring it to a special status due to SHARED Religious Importance!!! Now lie and tell us Jordan complied. However, I like YOUR version better. If Jerusalem was not Corpus Separatum before 1967 it should NOT be now! ( It never will be)
Exactly! The Arabs had everything they wanted and more, but they refused and decided to attack Israel in an effort to destroy it. They failed,very and over and over. So now they're saying, ignore our violent history and attacks, ignore our antisemtism, ignore our terrorism and IslamoNazi rhetoric about the mass murder of Jews...this time we'll be good. Ya gotta love it, it's called Belestinian mentality!
Thats funny you being born an Arab jew
Israel is not the only Jewish state?! Ha ha ha. Isn't it too early in the day to light up?
No, you people (zionists) know nothing of of actual history.
Yeah, so why don't you tell us about this other Jewish state then?
Birobidzhan - Wikipedia
OMG! You found a town with a large Jewish community!
About 4,000 Jews, just over 5 percent of the town's population.
Notice there is no condemnation of Jewish access to Holy Sites before 1967? Not surprised. Show us where that position in the Palestinian leadership has changed. Jerusalem will stay under Israeli control. What happened before 67 will never happen again
"Corpus Seperatum" didn't stop the Arabs from attacking and trying to destroy Israel and 1967 and before.

Could that be because Jerusalem is NOT corpus separatum?

Know when a Pro Palestinian is lying? When he moves his lips!!!! According to the 1947 U.N. Partition Plan Jerusalem would be placed under international regime, conferring it to a special status due to SHARED Religious Importance!!! Now lie and tell us Jordan complied. However, I like YOUR version better. If Jerusalem was not Corpus Separatum before 1967 it should NOT be now! ( It never will be)
Exactly! The Arabs had everything they wanted and more, but they refused and decided to attack Israel in an effort to destroy it. They failed,very and over and over. So now they're saying, ignore our violent history and attacks, ignore our antisemtism, ignore our terrorism and IslamoNazi rhetoric about the mass murder of Jews...this time we'll be good. Ya gotta love it, it's called Belestinian mentality!
Thats funny you being born an Arab jew

I’m an Arab Jew? Just wait till my parents find out!!!’

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