Jesse Ventura - If Border Wall Goes Up, Statue of Liberty Must Come Down

Your distorted view of history is just a misery filled cesspool isn't it. Your whole screed could be said about Americans back then as well yes.

Your need to paint others as miserable betrays yourself.

No, everything I said was 100% accurate, you're the one who gets your knowledge of the pre-colonial Americas from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

I'm sure you believe any nonsense that pops into your head Percy. Don't stop now.

Which point do you contest faggot?
Jesse Ventura= shit for brains

I cant believe i voted for this dumb ass when he ran for Governor
He's turned open-borders and says "we are all immigrants". I ain't no immigrant.

Jesse Ventura: If Border Wall Goes Up, Statue of Liberty Must Come Down

sep 28 2017 Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura said the federal government should open the United States’ borders to undocumented immigrants who could help rebuild Texas and Florida after the recent hurricanes.

“Who’s going to do this cleanup? The white people? I think we should open our borders and bring the Mexicans up; we’ve got a lot of work for them, cleaning up Houston and cleaning up Florida,” Ventura said during the Nexus Conference in Aspen, Colo., over the weekend.

“Who’s going to do that work? You? Think about it. These are hardworking people. We want them – and let’s remember something, unless you are ‘native United Staten,’ we are all immigrants, aren’t we?” he added. “How quick we forget. And if they want to put this wall up, I’ll tell you what they need to do – take down the Statue of Liberty, take it down, take it down. Why have a statue that is meaningless? That statue says send us your poor, send us your this, send us your that.”

Even 1st Nations Americans are immigrants.
Native Americans must be having this conversation at coffee shops.

"So they are now closing the border and not allowing anyone else into America?"
"Yeah, why didn't we think of that."

Because they were to busy being on the brink of starvation, dying from diseases, not inventing the wheel, and mass murdering, cannibalizing, and enslaving one another.

And also not creating a written language. No american injuns had one till the white man showed them the "talking leaf"..Injuns were savages and miserable as their life is now, it's still far better than what they had 400 years ago.
Even 1st Nations Americans are immigrants.

It's silly to even ask if injuns were immigrants or not. There were no countries in america pre 1500. Injuns didn't even have a written language.
He's turned open-borders and says "we are all immigrants". I ain't no immigrant.

Jesse Ventura: If Border Wall Goes Up, Statue of Liberty Must Come Down

sep 28 2017 Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura said the federal government should open the United States’ borders to undocumented immigrants who could help rebuild Texas and Florida after the recent hurricanes.

“Who’s going to do this cleanup? The white people? I think we should open our borders and bring the Mexicans up; we’ve got a lot of work for them, cleaning up Houston and cleaning up Florida,” Ventura said during the Nexus Conference in Aspen, Colo., over the weekend.

“Who’s going to do that work? You? Think about it. These are hardworking people. We want them – and let’s remember something, unless you are ‘native United Staten,’ we are all immigrants, aren’t we?” he added. “How quick we forget. And if they want to put this wall up, I’ll tell you what they need to do – take down the Statue of Liberty, take it down, take it down. Why have a statue that is meaningless? That statue says send us your poor, send us your this, send us your that.”
All we need to do is take that plaque with the stupid poem on it off the statue.

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