Jesse Ventura Suing TSA

Does Jesse deserve special treatment?

Does a fingerprint checker show you are not carrying explosives?

your beginning to sound like your it wont show if he has explosives ....but it will show that he is Jessie Ventura and he has a Titanium hip,so proceed to the next step.......and this would be the way it would be for any frequent flier with metal parts....

And is there any guarantee that someone with a titanium hip would not try to smuggle explosives through a checkpoint?

All it takes is $$$$$$ to pay someone with a clearance to carry a package not saying the guy doesnt get saying if your a frequent flyer and you have some shit in you that sets off the machines,you get it documented with the TSA......then when you go through the next times they know you have this hunk of metal in you.....and they dont have to pull you over for that,you go to the next is like you see a guard every day at work.....but he still wants to see your badge....
Fingerprint scanners are easier to crack than Obama's promises. There is a reason you've seen them start to disappear from new technology.

Scan his retina, please.....which will at least tell us it is actually his eye, but still won't tell us if he has a baseball-sized chunk of C4 shoved up his ass.
are they?.....someone would have to have a copy of your fingerprint and place it on the scanner.....and since you said this i looked it up.....they are not disapearing they are getting better....this is what the security guys on Hub Pages said.....

Well, an optical scanner is too easy to trick, so I would stay away from those. What kind of security system is tricked by a simple image? Or a licked image?

The capacitive scanners, however, are much better. They still have their risks, but I can personally recommend a capacitive fingerprint scanner as a useful addition to a security system. Just don't count on it by itself.

If you're convinced that a fingerprint scanner is simply a bad idea, but you don't know what kind of security system sensors and alarms are available, you can try Total Home Security for some information on the available options.

The reason humans leave fingerprints is because of the oil your skin excretes.

The scanner doesn't read the oil, but guess what?

Its still there.

If you use a fingerprint scanner, I can have your fingerprint in about 10 seconds, and I'm not trained to do it.

A forensic examiner, or a kid who knows the process well, can do it in under 5 seconds, and leave no trace that he was ever there.

A capacitive scanner is harder to fool, but with the fingerprint, and some silicone, you're done.

The retinal scanner cannot be fooled. It can be incorrect (so can a fingerprint scanner), but it cannot be fooled into thinking an eye is in front of it when it is merely an image of the eye.

it can be fooled......from Security Magazine.......

Fooling the system
Many secure facilities employ iris scanners, which analyze the features that exist in the colored tissue surrounding the pupil including rings, furrows and freckles. To help prevent “fake eyes” from being used, these systems shine a light into the user’s eye to monitor pupil dilation. However, they have been routinely defeated in the laboratory by several astute experimenters. To accomplish this, a high-quality digital image of an authorized person first was obtained by the experimenter, then enlarged to show the eye detail and subsequently printed out on high-quality photographic paper. Then, a small hole was cut in the photograph where the pupil was printed to expose the pupil in the experimenter’s own eye. The experimenter would then place the photo up against his eye so that his pupil could be seen behind the hole. This very basic and inexpensive technique was effective in routinely fooling the iris scan readers of several manufacturers.
Ventura is an idiot. First of all, there are mountains of cases establishing the legality of airport security searches that go back to the early 70's. Second of all, body scanners can clear medical implants such as hip or knee replacements. Third of all, you get more radiation just sitting in front of a computer monitor in 30 minutes than you do in the five seconds it takes to get a body scan. We live in a world of radiation; you can't escape it unless you're a hermit living in the mountains with absolutely no technology. Even then, a day's worth of radiation from the sun alone gives you more radiation than standing in a body scanner.

Bottom line: going through airport security is voluntary. Catch is that if you don't go through it, then you don't fly. The last time I looked, the Constitution did not guarantee me a free airline ticket. I have to pay for it, and I have to abide by the conditions of carriage each airline contracts for services rendered.

Venture just wants to boost ratings for his wacky conspiracy theory show.
Ventura is an idiot. First of all, there are mountains of cases establishing the legality of airport security searches that go back to the early 70's. Second of all, body scanners can clear medical implants such as hip or knee replacements. Third of all, you get more radiation just sitting in front of a computer monitor in 30 minutes than you do in the five seconds it takes to get a body scan. We live in a world of radiation; you can't escape it unless you're a hermit living in the mountains with absolutely no technology. Even then, a day's worth of radiation from the sun alone gives you more radiation than standing in a body scanner.

Bottom line: going through airport security is voluntary. Catch is that if you don't go through it, then you don't fly. The last time I looked, the Constitution did not guarantee me a free airline ticket. I have to pay for it, and I have to abide by the conditions of carriage each airline contracts for services rendered.

Venture just wants to boost ratings for his wacky conspiracy theory show.

What a tool.
are they?.....someone would have to have a copy of your fingerprint and place it on the scanner.....and since you said this i looked it up.....they are not disapearing they are getting better....this is what the security guys on Hub Pages said.....

Well, an optical scanner is too easy to trick, so I would stay away from those. What kind of security system is tricked by a simple image? Or a licked image?

The capacitive scanners, however, are much better. They still have their risks, but I can personally recommend a capacitive fingerprint scanner as a useful addition to a security system. Just don't count on it by itself.

If you're convinced that a fingerprint scanner is simply a bad idea, but you don't know what kind of security system sensors and alarms are available, you can try Total Home Security for some information on the available options.

The reason humans leave fingerprints is because of the oil your skin excretes.

The scanner doesn't read the oil, but guess what?

Its still there.

If you use a fingerprint scanner, I can have your fingerprint in about 10 seconds, and I'm not trained to do it.

A forensic examiner, or a kid who knows the process well, can do it in under 5 seconds, and leave no trace that he was ever there.

A capacitive scanner is harder to fool, but with the fingerprint, and some silicone, you're done.

The retinal scanner cannot be fooled. It can be incorrect (so can a fingerprint scanner), but it cannot be fooled into thinking an eye is in front of it when it is merely an image of the eye.

it can be fooled......from Security Magazine.......

Fooling the system
Many secure facilities employ iris scanners, which analyze the features that exist in the colored tissue surrounding the pupil including rings, furrows and freckles. To help prevent “fake eyes” from being used, these systems shine a light into the user’s eye to monitor pupil dilation. However, they have been routinely defeated in the laboratory by several astute experimenters. To accomplish this, a high-quality digital image of an authorized person first was obtained by the experimenter, then enlarged to show the eye detail and subsequently printed out on high-quality photographic paper. Then, a small hole was cut in the photograph where the pupil was printed to expose the pupil in the experimenter’s own eye. The experimenter would then place the photo up against his eye so that his pupil could be seen behind the hole. This very basic and inexpensive technique was effective in routinely fooling the iris scan readers of several manufacturers.

Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.

The reason humans leave fingerprints is because of the oil your skin excretes.

The scanner doesn't read the oil, but guess what?

Its still there.

If you use a fingerprint scanner, I can have your fingerprint in about 10 seconds, and I'm not trained to do it.

A forensic examiner, or a kid who knows the process well, can do it in under 5 seconds, and leave no trace that he was ever there.

A capacitive scanner is harder to fool, but with the fingerprint, and some silicone, you're done.

The retinal scanner cannot be fooled. It can be incorrect (so can a fingerprint scanner), but it cannot be fooled into thinking an eye is in front of it when it is merely an image of the eye.

it can be fooled......from Security Magazine.......

Fooling the system
Many secure facilities employ iris scanners, which analyze the features that exist in the colored tissue surrounding the pupil including rings, furrows and freckles. To help prevent “fake eyes” from being used, these systems shine a light into the user’s eye to monitor pupil dilation. However, they have been routinely defeated in the laboratory by several astute experimenters. To accomplish this, a high-quality digital image of an authorized person first was obtained by the experimenter, then enlarged to show the eye detail and subsequently printed out on high-quality photographic paper. Then, a small hole was cut in the photograph where the pupil was printed to expose the pupil in the experimenter’s own eye. The experimenter would then place the photo up against his eye so that his pupil could be seen behind the hole. This very basic and inexpensive technique was effective in routinely fooling the iris scan readers of several manufacturers.

Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.


all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....
it can be fooled......from Security Magazine.......

Fooling the system
Many secure facilities employ iris scanners, which analyze the features that exist in the colored tissue surrounding the pupil including rings, furrows and freckles. To help prevent “fake eyes” from being used, these systems shine a light into the user’s eye to monitor pupil dilation. However, they have been routinely defeated in the laboratory by several astute experimenters. To accomplish this, a high-quality digital image of an authorized person first was obtained by the experimenter, then enlarged to show the eye detail and subsequently printed out on high-quality photographic paper. Then, a small hole was cut in the photograph where the pupil was printed to expose the pupil in the experimenter’s own eye. The experimenter would then place the photo up against his eye so that his pupil could be seen behind the hole. This very basic and inexpensive technique was effective in routinely fooling the iris scan readers of several manufacturers.

Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.


all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....

If the scanner goes off, isn't the next step a physical search?

Then why are we arguing?

What is it about knowing who he is and knowing that he has a titanium ass that precludes him from concealing a weapon?

I sell guns. I sell a lot of guns to the same guys. I know who they are, the ATF knows who they are, the FBI knows who they are.

Yet EVERY TIME I sell them a gun, they have to fill out the 4473. Hell, I know some of them them so well, I could fill it out for them. But the LAW says THEY HAVE TO FILL IT OUT EVERY TIME, or they can't buy the gun. One day, the guy could get charged with domestic violence, and I wouldn't know about it, but it would show up in the background check. Its the ATF and FBI's responsibility to tell me of that, so that I don't hand him another gun.

One day, Jesse could have a gun in his pocket, or a knife, because his life has been threatened and he needs to protect himself. But because I know he has a metal hip, it doesn't raise my curiosity when the scanner goes off. Its up to the TSA to tell me if he has a gun in his pocket or not, because once we get on that plane, that gun could endanger everyone on the plane, and potentially thousands on the ground. It might not be Jesse that uses the gun (probably wouldn't be, IMO, from what little I know of Jesse), but if someone else got possession of it, who knows?

Knowing who he is, and knowing he has a metal hip, doesn't preclude him from putting other people at risk.

He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.
it can be fooled......from Security Magazine.......
Fooling the system
Many secure facilities employ iris scanners, which analyze the features that exist in the colored tissue surrounding the pupil including rings, furrows and freckles. To help prevent “fake eyes” from being used, these systems shine a light into the user’s eye to monitor pupil dilation. However, they have been routinely defeated in the laboratory by several astute experimenters. To accomplish this, a high-quality digital image of an authorized person first was obtained by the experimenter, then enlarged to show the eye detail and subsequently printed out on high-quality photographic paper. Then, a small hole was cut in the photograph where the pupil was printed to expose the pupil in the experimenter’s own eye. The experimenter would then place the photo up against his eye so that his pupil could be seen behind the hole. This very basic and inexpensive technique was effective in routinely fooling the iris scan readers of several manufacturers.

Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.


all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....

After passing security, isn't the next step getting on the plane?
He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.

Since you're the one wetting your pants over whether or not Jesse Ventura brings a gun on a plan, how about you don't fly and let the rest of us enjoy the civil liberties that are protected in the Constitution. You obviously don't give a shit about them.
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Ventura is an idiot. First of all, there are mountains of cases establishing the legality of airport security searches that go back to the early 70's.

And in the 1970s were they patting people down in a sexual nature and subjecting them to scanners that produce nude images of their bodies. Oh, they weren't? That's right, they weren't. You can shut up now.
Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.


all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....

If the scanner goes off, isn't the next step a physical search?

Then why are we arguing?

What is it about knowing who he is and knowing that he has a titanium ass that precludes him from concealing a weapon?

I sell guns. I sell a lot of guns to the same guys. I know who they are, the ATF knows who they are, the FBI knows who they are.

Yet EVERY TIME I sell them a gun, they have to fill out the 4473. Hell, I know some of them them so well, I could fill it out for them. But the LAW says THEY HAVE TO FILL IT OUT EVERY TIME, or they can't buy the gun. One day, the guy could get charged with domestic violence, and I wouldn't know about it, but it would show up in the background check. Its the ATF and FBI's responsibility to tell me of that, so that I don't hand him another gun.

One day, Jesse could have a gun in his pocket, or a knife, because his life has been threatened and he needs to protect himself. But because I know he has a metal hip, it doesn't raise my curiosity when the scanner goes off. Its up to the TSA to tell me if he has a gun in his pocket or not, because once we get on that plane, that gun could endanger everyone on the plane, and potentially thousands on the ground. It might not be Jesse that uses the gun (probably wouldn't be, IMO, from what little I know of Jesse), but if someone else got possession of it, who knows?

Knowing who he is, and knowing he has a metal hip, doesn't preclude him from putting other people at risk.

He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.

Yes, and proceeding to the next step is already the protocol anyway, poor Jesse just got tired of it. The end result in Jesse's case may allow him to establish some sort of fast track through security but it should be only for himself. I wonder how many would change their mindset toward this story if it were Patrick Kennedy who was tired of security taking longer on account of his metal hip. :lol:
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He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.

Since you're the one wetting your pants over whether or not Jesse Ventura brings a gun on a plan, how about you don't fly and let the rest of us enjoy the civil liberties that are protected in the Constitution. You obviously don't give a shit about them.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that I have civil liberties too?

That's quite a convenient perspective for your argument, isn't it?
I have the right to travel on a plane knowing that the guy sitting 3 rows up on the right doesn't have a knife, gun, or bomb.
He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.

Since you're the one wetting your pants over whether or not Jesse Ventura brings a gun on a plan, how about you don't fly and let the rest of us enjoy the civil liberties that are protected in the Constitution. You obviously don't give a shit about them.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that I have civil liberties too?

That's quite a convenient perspective for your argument, isn't it?

No, I haven't forgotten that at all. In fact, I very specifically pointed out that you don't care about them, thus acknowledging that you have them. Your civil liberties, however, do not give you the right to infringe on mine and when you advocate for this police state nonsense that's exactly what you're doing.
I have the right to travel on a plane knowing that the guy sitting 3 rows up on the right doesn't have a knife, gun, or bomb.

No you don't, because as we've all been told by supporters of the police state nobody has a right to fly.
I have the right to travel on a plane knowing that the guy sitting 3 rows up on the right doesn't have a knife, gun, or bomb.

Yep, and the company who owns the airplane has a right to insure it and it's customers aren't used as missiles.
Since you're the one wetting your pants over whether or not Jesse Ventura brings a gun on a plan, how about you don't fly and let the rest of us enjoy the civil liberties that are protected in the Constitution. You obviously don't give a shit about them.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that I have civil liberties too?

That's quite a convenient perspective for your argument, isn't it?

No, I haven't forgotten that at all. In fact, I very specifically pointed out that you don't care about them, thus acknowledging that you have them. Your civil liberties, however, do not give you the right to infringe on mine and when you advocate for this police state nonsense that's exactly what you're doing.

But Jesse Ventura's (and apparently yours as well) civil liberties should trump mine?

Well aren't you quite the elitist, huh?

As stated above, my civil liberties provide me the comfort of knowing the guy 3 aisles up and two seats over, AND the celebrity up there in 1st class, hasn't put me in a position of danger.

My civil liberties are EXACTLY equal to yours. Shit on mine, and you're shitting on yourself.

The world isn't all about you, and it isn't here merely for your, or Jesse Ventura's, personal convenience.

The rest of us matter too.
The law has already established that airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.

Why all the hyped up drama as if we are in a "police state"? :cuckoo:

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