Jesse Ventura Suing TSA

Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.


all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....

If the scanner goes off, isn't the next step a physical search?

Then why are we arguing?

What is it about knowing who he is and knowing that he has a titanium ass that precludes him from concealing a weapon?

I sell guns. I sell a lot of guns to the same guys. I know who they are, the ATF knows who they are, the FBI knows who they are.

Yet EVERY TIME I sell them a gun, they have to fill out the 4473. Hell, I know some of them them so well, I could fill it out for them. But the LAW says THEY HAVE TO FILL IT OUT EVERY TIME, or they can't buy the gun. One day, the guy could get charged with domestic violence, and I wouldn't know about it, but it would show up in the background check. Its the ATF and FBI's responsibility to tell me of that, so that I don't hand him another gun.

One day, Jesse could have a gun in his pocket, or a knife, because his life has been threatened and he needs to protect himself. But because I know he has a metal hip, it doesn't raise my curiosity when the scanner goes off. Its up to the TSA to tell me if he has a gun in his pocket or not, because once we get on that plane, that gun could endanger everyone on the plane, and potentially thousands on the ground. It might not be Jesse that uses the gun (probably wouldn't be, IMO, from what little I know of Jesse), but if someone else got possession of it, who knows?

Knowing who he is, and knowing he has a metal hip, doesn't preclude him from putting other people at risk.

He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him. got that one exactly right.
He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.

Since you're the one wetting your pants over whether or not Jesse Ventura brings a gun on a plan, how about you don't fly and let the rest of us enjoy the civil liberties that are protected in the Constitution. You obviously don't give a shit about them.
If I get a nipple ring and a note from my doctor does that mean I can bypass security? If not, why should Ventura be able to do so?
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The law has already established that airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.

The law has not established that this current form of airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.
The law has already established that airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.

The law has not established that this current form of airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.

You think?

We are your neighbors, friends and relatives. We are 50,000 security officers, inspectors, directors, air marshals and managers who protect the nation's transportation systems so you and your family can travel safely. We look for bombs at checkpoints in airports, we inspect rail cars, we patrol subways with our law enforcement partners, and we work to make all modes of transportation safe.

TSA: Mission, Vision, and Core Values
The law has already established that airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.

The law has not established that this current form of airport security is well within the bounds of a reasonable search.

You think?

We are your neighbors, friends and relatives. We are 50,000 security officers, inspectors, directors, air marshals and managers who protect the nation's transportation systems so you and your family can travel safely. We look for bombs at checkpoints in airports, we inspect rail cars, we patrol subways with our law enforcement partners, and we work to make all modes of transportation safe.

TSA: Mission, Vision, and Core Values

TSA assumed responsibility for security at the nation’s airports and deployed a Federal workforce to meet Congressional deadlines for screening all commercial airline passengers and baggage. In March 2003, TSA transferred from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Homeland Security.

TSA employs a risk-based strategy to secure U.S. transportation systems, working closely with stakeholders in aviation, rail, transit, highway, and pipeline sectors, as well as the partners in the law enforcement and intelligence community. The agency will continuously set the standard for excellence in transportation security through its people, processes, technologies and use of intelligence to drive operations.
Never realized Jesse was such a big pussy

Navy SEAL my ass

im sure he can prove he was.....and he raises a good point......if he goes through onetime and establishes that HE has a Titanium hip.....and he is a frequent flyer.....that should be in the TSA files so when he flies again they know this....end of story....

Tough break for Jesse

Give people with titanium hips a free pass and terrorists will recruit people with titanium hips or grandmas or anyone else you don't check


Idiots don't understand this. The terrorist recruit whites, blacks and everyone in between because they know after 9/11 they are targeted as Arabs. The Christmas day bomber was black. Shoebomber? Black.

You start excluding people, they see a vunerable spot in our security, they will exploit it. Don't think for a second these nuts won't.
He doesn't have to fly if it is too much of an inconvenience to him.

Since you're the one wetting your pants over whether or not Jesse Ventura brings a gun on a plan, how about you don't fly and let the rest of us enjoy the civil liberties that are protected in the Constitution. You obviously don't give a shit about them.

Where does it say in the Constitution you can put thousand of lives at risk because you want to bring a Freaking Gun on a plane? That is by far THE dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Look 99.99999999999% of flyers each year don't want to blow up the plane, but you let that one lady or guy through past security, they can kill hundreds if not thousands of people. You can't risk THAT many people's lives.
The Transportation Security Administration says radiation from one scan is about the same as a person would get from flying for about three minutes in an airplane at 30,000 feet, where atmospheric radiation levels are higher than on the ground. That amount is vastly lower than a single dental X-ray.


"We are confident that full-body X-ray security products and practices do not pose a significant risk to the public health," officials from the Food and Drug Administration and the TSA wrote in a letter last month to White House science adviser John Holdren.

Government insists full-body scanners are safe - Travel - News -

Cosmic Log - Are airport X-ray scanners harmful?
Ok then.

If retina scanners can be fooled, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled, then I guess Jesse needs to drag his titanium ass through the scanners like the rest of us and quit whining like a school girl?

Or he could take the bus. They aren't scanning there.


all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....

After passing security, isn't the next step getting on the plane?
ok fine maybe we should do it the way Isreal does it....or everyone just get on naked and be givin a sheet to fly in....
all im saying if they can document that you have some kind of metal in your body and you are a frequent flyer and it is in their data base then the next time you fly they should not act like your a mystery as to why the scanner goes off.....after your ID is verified.....just proceed to the next step....

After passing security, isn't the next step getting on the plane?
ok fine maybe we should do it the way Isreal does it....or everyone just get on naked and be givin a sheet to fly in....

What do we need sheets for?

He could go thru the naked scanner instead of getting a pat down.
The naked body scanners bathe you in radiation. You really think that's a viable option?

I opt out of the body scanners when I travel.

I had no idea I was even entering one. I stepped in, they told me to put my hands above my head, I thought I was being robbed. They didn't ask, they didn't give me an option and the passenger in front of me went back and asked for an 8 x 10.

I think the body scanners should be illegal. I thought we had a choice.
He could go thru the naked scanner instead of getting a pat down.
The naked body scanners bathe you in radiation. You really think that's a viable option?

I opt out of the body scanners when I travel.

I had no idea I was even entering one. I stepped in, they told me to put my hands above my head, I thought I was being robbed. They didn't ask, they didn't give me an option and the passenger in front of me went back and asked for an 8 x 10.

I think the body scanners should be illegal. I thought we had a choice.

Sooo, where do we get one of those 8 X 10's?

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