Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years.

Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.
That's a whole separate topic, and one we've had threads on. Why do evangelicals support Trump more than any other identified group? Obviously, the one thing ALL evangelicals have to have in common is the view of Bible inerrancy and the Bible sets forth the guide by which they attempt to lead their lives.

Trump appoints judges who oppose abortion and Obamacare's requirements on organizations with any religious connections.

I think evangelicals see hypocrisy in W's and Obama's faiths. Although both are Christians, neither see the Bible as a lifeguide as much as a place for basic moral principles. That is the world is more black and white (no racial puns) for evangelicals. While Trump flip flops on issues literally continuously, there's no doubt he sees the world in a white and black absolute..... although the absolute seems to fluctuate by the minute.

And evanglicals are overwhelmingly white, and they see the world as distinguished between the saved and unsaved, and it's easy for them to identify the unsaved.

Your logic sucks and your lack of knowledge is astounding. So which is it? Is Trump absolutely black and white or is he fluctuating by the minute? It can't be both. As far as evangelicals, most historically black churches in America are evangelical not to mention all the evangelical Christians reached by missionaries across the world in lands with people of color. It may seem to you that evangelicals are overwhelmingly white, but did it ever dawn on you that America is overwhelmingly white and that might be the reason why most large groups in America are overwhelmingly white? You need to quit making yourself look more foolish with each post.
Well KC, Trump appears to not acknowledge his flip flops in that he's definitely on the white side till he flips to the black side, and the white side is then firmly wrong in his opinion. To wit: the omnibus bill.

The LINK was to a white preacher saying Trump was doing God's will as Judas did. But thanks for missing the OP, as you usually do.

And thanks for pointing out that black evangelicals don't like Trump. But that's not really relevant, but thanks for playing.

Religious Landscape Study

Black Republican group endorses Donald Trump - CNNPolitics

Meet the Evangelical Outsiders Supporting Donald Trump

Donald Trump & Black Voters: Pastor Darrell Scott Leads Black Outreach for Trump | [site:name] | National Review

Damn it, you just blew Benhog's narrative.
Tennessee pastor Greg Locke, who made headlines last year for a viral rant against gay people, shared his rationalization for supporting the blustery business mogul with his 30,000 followers and 1.5 million Facebook followers.

"People are like 'If you support Trump you can’t be a Christian,'" Locke tweeted.
"Do y’all listen when you talk? Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years. He can use the President if He so desires. Take a seat people."

Pastor Says If Jesus Supported 'Demon Possessed Traitor,' Evangelicals Can Support Trump

Judas is the model?!!! LOL
I see the man's point.

Trump is doing almost as much damage to Jesus as Judas did.

The pastor and his religion are in the gutter, chained to Trump.
The evangelical Right has mixed their religion with politics, and now they will suffer the consequences so eloquently laid out by Alexis de Tocqueville 184 years ago:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

The Religious Right have chained themselves and their religion to Trump, and are being dragged into the gutter with him.
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.

Is your point that they shouldn't have voted at all, or that they would have been better off voting for Hillary?
False dichotomy.

Only to the intellectually challenged.
Now you have actually managed to create a paradox!

Your limited intellect has restricted itself to two alternatives, and now you are claiming anyone who can see other alternatives is intellectually challenged!


You are a neverending source of amusement, kiddo.
The evangelical Right has mixed their religion with politics, and now they will suffer the consequences so eloquently laid out by Alexis de Tocqueville 184 years ago:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

The Religious Right have chained themselves and their religion to Trump, and are being dragged into the gutter with him.

Many, many, many Christians have walked away from the conventional Church. Me included.
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.

Is your point that they shouldn't have voted at all, or that they would have been better off voting for Hillary?
False dichotomy.

Trump is no more a Christian than you are, but there wasn't much choice.
There were 16 other choices, retard. And the pseuedocons picked the worst one.
The evangelicals have had to give Trump so many mulligans their bible is going to need a rewrite!
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.

Is your point that they shouldn't have voted at all, or that they would have been better off voting for Hillary?
False dichotomy.

Trump is no more a Christian than you are, but there wasn't much choice.
There were 16 other choices, retard. And the pseuedocons picked the worst one.

Poor g, at the end there were only two that mattered. To intelligent people any way.
Bible 2.0: And Jesus spake, "Thou mayest committeth adultery as often as thou wish, just don't baketh a cake for homos."
As for me, I happen to know that voting matters not. I also know that whoever occupies the Office simply plays their part. They do what they are told.
Bible 2.0: "A man may donate money to abortion supporters so long as he profits and gains the whole world."
What would you expect ? Jewish accountant = Demon possessed traitor. Nothing new here...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Bible 2.0: Contests of the flesh are pleasing in the sight of the Lord.


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