Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years.

Tennessee pastor Greg Locke, who made headlines last year for a viral rant against gay people, shared his rationalization for supporting the blustery business mogul with his 30,000 followers and 1.5 million Facebook followers.

"People are like 'If you support Trump you can’t be a Christian,'" Locke tweeted.
"Do y’all listen when you talk? Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years. He can use the President if He so desires. Take a seat people."

Pastor Says If Jesus Supported 'Demon Possessed Traitor,' Evangelicals Can Support Trump

Judas is the model?!!! LOL
Please keep religion out of politics. I know you think is is a great weapon but the sword is double edged and does not discriminate.
Grandpa, check your meds. I didn't make the comparison. The demented homophobic preacher / Trump supporter made it.

Now the question is - given the theological bizarreness - of the comparison and the preacher's excuse for Trump's behavior and evangelical support for the guy ... is:

Is the comparison warranted between Trump to a man who betrayed Jesus, either because God desired it, or by consciously choosing to fall to Satan's temptation, thereby committed suicide and cast himself into eternal damnation, and allowing mankind to be saved. LOL
I do not take any meds derp.

YOU created this thread not the nut so take some responsibility for yourself.
You may want to check with your doc on that.
Without Jesus and his Free Will Decision to offer himself up as The Sinless Lamb Of God foretold in Scripture there could be No Salvation. He was God, the Son of God, and at any time He could have called fire down from Heaven, a million angels or done any number of things to extricate himself from The Cross.

But He was The Second Adam come to redeem The First Adam and pay for his Transgressions. Through Adam's Free Will, Death and Sin entered the world, and through The Second Adam's Free Will to offer himself as a Ransom for The Debt of Sin for 'The Wages of Sin are Death' Salvation was made possible, and the eventual Eternal Life that comes with that.

YET, "That doesn't Really Work For You"
He suffered for a day, knowing he would be a King ruling the universe in Heaven as soon as the day was over. What a sacrifice.

It was the ultimate sacrifice.
If he had actually sacrificed anything, I might agree with you

He sacrificed his life for all man's sins.
He’s in heaven ruling the universe at the right hand of God for all eternity. Pretty sweet gig for one day of sacrifice
If Jesus is running the universe, how the fck can Trump be explained? LOL
Tennessee pastor Greg Locke, who made headlines last year for a viral rant against gay people, shared his rationalization for supporting the blustery business mogul with his 30,000 followers and 1.5 million Facebook followers.

"People are like 'If you support Trump you can’t be a Christian,'" Locke tweeted.
"Do y’all listen when you talk? Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years. He can use the President if He so desires. Take a seat people."

Pastor Says If Jesus Supported 'Demon Possessed Traitor,' Evangelicals Can Support Trump

Judas is the model?!!! LOL
Please keep religion out of politics. I know you think is is a great weapon but the sword is double edged and does not discriminate.
Grandpa, check your meds. I didn't make the comparison. The demented homophobic preacher / Trump supporter made it.

Now the question is - given the theological bizarreness - of the comparison and the preacher's excuse for Trump's behavior and evangelical support for the guy ... is:

Is the comparison warranted between Trump to a man who betrayed Jesus, either because God desired it, or by consciously choosing to fall to Satan's temptation, thereby committed suicide and cast himself into eternal damnation, and allowing mankind to be saved. LOL
I do not take any meds derp.

YOU created this thread not the nut so take some responsibility for yourself.
You may want to check with your doc on that.
I have only been ill enough to visit a doctor around two times in the last 10 years. Being active and eating well has made me quite healthy. I feel bad for all you fools that are convinced you need a half dozen pills a day to live life. The medical institution loves you people.
He has used many kings, leaders, presidents throughout the annals of history regardless of where they stood spiritually. This is no new revelation.
Ah, well, it's certainly possible to believe the whole blood atonement thing was set in stone. I personally don't believe in that, and I certainly don't believe that "all things happen for God's purpose." Like Dostoyevsky, if God needs to kill children painfully, count me out of God's plan. But be that as it may, there's a strange irony in the homophobic preacher's comparison of Trump to Judas, esp this week. LOL

And it's just another installment on the weirdness of people who mix faith with politics supporting this immoral, unchristian old man.

Thank you for your admission that you don't know jackshit about what you're talking about. Can you now tell us what the pain of childbirth feels like?
He suffered for a day, knowing he would be a King ruling the universe in Heaven as soon as the day was over. What a sacrifice.

It was the ultimate sacrifice.
If he had actually sacrificed anything, I might agree with you

He sacrificed his life for all man's sins.
He’s in heaven ruling the universe at the right hand of God for all eternity. Pretty sweet gig for one day of sacrifice
If Jesus is running the universe, how the fck can Trump be explained? LOL
The 7 deadly sins rolled into on obese orange blob, now the most powerful man in the world. Crazy.
It was the ultimate sacrifice.
If he had actually sacrificed anything, I might agree with you

He sacrificed his life for all man's sins.
He’s in heaven ruling the universe at the right hand of God for all eternity. Pretty sweet gig for one day of sacrifice
If Jesus is running the universe, how the fck can Trump be explained? LOL
The 7 deadly sins rolled into on obese orange blob, now the most powerful man in the world. Crazy.

That would be somewhat of an oxymoron since there was only one man who was sinless. Doesn't all sin lead to death?
If he had actually sacrificed anything, I might agree with you

He sacrificed his life for all man's sins.
He’s in heaven ruling the universe at the right hand of God for all eternity. Pretty sweet gig for one day of sacrifice
If Jesus is running the universe, how the fck can Trump be explained? LOL
The 7 deadly sins rolled into on obese orange blob, now the most powerful man in the world. Crazy.

That would be somewhat of an oxymoron since there was only one man who was sinless. Doesn't all sin lead to death?

He has used many kings, leaders, presidents throughout the annals of history regardless of where they stood spiritually. This is no new revelation.
Ah, well, it's certainly possible to believe the whole blood atonement thing was set in stone. I personally don't believe in that, and I certainly don't believe that "all things happen for God's purpose." Like Dostoyevsky, if God needs to kill children painfully, count me out of God's plan. But be that as it may, there's a strange irony in the homophobic preacher's comparison of Trump to Judas, esp this week. LOL

And it's just another installment on the weirdness of people who mix faith with politics supporting this immoral, unchristian old man.
He has used many kings, leaders, presidents throughout the annals of history regardless of where they stood spiritually. This is no new revelation.
His use of Hitler was really creative

Man's depravity has no limit. Evil continually.
In His image.

In His image, given free will.
He has used many kings, leaders, presidents throughout the annals of history regardless of where they stood spiritually. This is no new revelation.

Your statements contradict each other.

No they don't, you just don't have the knowledge to understand what he actually said.
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.
That's a whole separate topic, and one we've had threads on. Why do evangelicals support Trump more than any other identified group? Obviously, the one thing ALL evangelicals have to have in common is the view of Bible inerrancy and the Bible sets forth the guide by which they attempt to lead their lives.

Trump appoints judges who oppose abortion and Obamacare's requirements on organizations with any religious connections.

I think evangelicals see hypocrisy in W's and Obama's faiths. Although both are Christians, neither see the Bible as a lifeguide as much as a place for basic moral principles. That is the world is more black and white (no racial puns) for evangelicals. While Trump flip flops on issues literally continuously, there's no doubt he sees the world in a white and black absolute..... although the absolute seems to fluctuate by the minute.

And evanglicals are overwhelmingly white, and they see the world as distinguished between the saved and unsaved, and it's easy for them to identify the unsaved.
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.
That's a whole separate topic, and one we've had threads on. Why do evangelicals support Trump more than any other identified group? Obviously, the one thing ALL evangelicals have to have in common is the view of Bible inerrancy and the Bible sets forth the guide by which they attempt to lead their lives.

Trump appoints judges who oppose abortion and Obamacare's requirements on organizations with any religious connections.

I think evangelicals see hypocrisy in W's and Obama's faiths. Although both are Christians, neither see the Bible as a lifeguide as much as a place for basic moral principles. That is the world is more black and white (no racial puns) for evangelicals. While Trump flip flops on issues literally continuously, there's no doubt he sees the world in a white and black absolute..... although the absolute seems to fluctuate by the minute.

And evanglicals are overwhelmingly white, and they see the world as distinguished between the saved and unsaved, and it's easy for them to identify the unsaved.

Your logic sucks and your lack of knowledge is astounding. So which is it? Is Trump absolutely black and white or is he fluctuating by the minute? It can't be both. As far as evangelicals, most historically black churches in America are evangelical not to mention all the evangelical Christians reached by missionaries across the world in lands with people of color. It may seem to you that evangelicals are overwhelmingly white, but did it ever dawn on you that America is overwhelmingly white and that might be the reason why most large groups in America are overwhelmingly white? You need to quit making yourself look more foolish with each post.
I grew up in the NORTH EAST----in a semi rural, semi suburban WASP VILLE
--------out of a bout a dozen small churches there was on tiny Baptist church.
A town nearby did have a black population-------all the Baptists I knew-----
were black and had a slightly southern accent
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.
That's a whole separate topic, and one we've had threads on. Why do evangelicals support Trump more than any other identified group? Obviously, the one thing ALL evangelicals have to have in common is the view of Bible inerrancy and the Bible sets forth the guide by which they attempt to lead their lives.

Trump appoints judges who oppose abortion and Obamacare's requirements on organizations with any religious connections.

I think evangelicals see hypocrisy in W's and Obama's faiths. Although both are Christians, neither see the Bible as a lifeguide as much as a place for basic moral principles. That is the world is more black and white (no racial puns) for evangelicals. While Trump flip flops on issues literally continuously, there's no doubt he sees the world in a white and black absolute..... although the absolute seems to fluctuate by the minute.

And evanglicals are overwhelmingly white, and they see the world as distinguished between the saved and unsaved, and it's easy for them to identify the unsaved.

Your logic sucks and your lack of knowledge is astounding. So which is it? Is Trump absolutely black and white or is he fluctuating by the minute? It can't be both. As far as evangelicals, most historically black churches in America are evangelical not to mention all the evangelical Christians reached by missionaries across the world in lands with people of color. It may seem to you that evangelicals are overwhelmingly white, but did it ever dawn on you that America is overwhelmingly white and that might be the reason why most large groups in America are overwhelmingly white? You need to quit making yourself look more foolish with each post.
Well KC, Trump appears to not acknowledge his flip flops in that he's definitely on the white side till he flips to the black side, and the white side is then firmly wrong in his opinion. To wit: the omnibus bill.

The LINK was to a white preacher saying Trump was doing God's will as Judas did. But thanks for missing the OP, as you usually do.

And thanks for pointing out that black evangelicals don't like Trump. But that's not really relevant, but thanks for playing.

Religious Landscape Study
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.
That's a whole separate topic, and one we've had threads on. Why do evangelicals support Trump more than any other identified group? Obviously, the one thing ALL evangelicals have to have in common is the view of Bible inerrancy and the Bible sets forth the guide by which they attempt to lead their lives.

Trump appoints judges who oppose abortion and Obamacare's requirements on organizations with any religious connections.

I think evangelicals see hypocrisy in W's and Obama's faiths. Although both are Christians, neither see the Bible as a lifeguide as much as a place for basic moral principles. That is the world is more black and white (no racial puns) for evangelicals. While Trump flip flops on issues literally continuously, there's no doubt he sees the world in a white and black absolute..... although the absolute seems to fluctuate by the minute.

And evanglicals are overwhelmingly white, and they see the world as distinguished between the saved and unsaved, and it's easy for them to identify the unsaved.

Your logic sucks and your lack of knowledge is astounding. So which is it? Is Trump absolutely black and white or is he fluctuating by the minute? It can't be both. As far as evangelicals, most historically black churches in America are evangelical not to mention all the evangelical Christians reached by missionaries across the world in lands with people of color. It may seem to you that evangelicals are overwhelmingly white, but did it ever dawn on you that America is overwhelmingly white and that might be the reason why most large groups in America are overwhelmingly white? You need to quit making yourself look more foolish with each post.
Well KC, Trump appears to not acknowledge his flip flops in that he's definitely on the white side till he flips to the black side, and the white side is then firmly wrong in his opinion. To wit: the omnibus bill.

The LINK was to a white preacher saying Trump was doing God's will as Judas did. But thanks for missing the OP, as you usually do.

And thanks for pointing out that black evangelicals don't like Trump. But that's not really relevant, but thanks for playing.

Religious Landscape Study

Black Republican group endorses Donald Trump - CNNPolitics

Meet the Evangelical Outsiders Supporting Donald Trump

Donald Trump & Black Voters: Pastor Darrell Scott Leads Black Outreach for Trump | [site:name] | National Review
Yeah, this idiot is a serious assclown.

Tennessee pastor's tweet calling Stormy Daniels 'hooker' spurs debate

Evangelicals have literally sold their souls.
That's a whole separate topic, and one we've had threads on. Why do evangelicals support Trump more than any other identified group? Obviously, the one thing ALL evangelicals have to have in common is the view of Bible inerrancy and the Bible sets forth the guide by which they attempt to lead their lives.

Trump appoints judges who oppose abortion and Obamacare's requirements on organizations with any religious connections.

I think evangelicals see hypocrisy in W's and Obama's faiths. Although both are Christians, neither see the Bible as a lifeguide as much as a place for basic moral principles. That is the world is more black and white (no racial puns) for evangelicals. While Trump flip flops on issues literally continuously, there's no doubt he sees the world in a white and black absolute..... although the absolute seems to fluctuate by the minute.

And evanglicals are overwhelmingly white, and they see the world as distinguished between the saved and unsaved, and it's easy for them to identify the unsaved.

Your logic sucks and your lack of knowledge is astounding. So which is it? Is Trump absolutely black and white or is he fluctuating by the minute? It can't be both. As far as evangelicals, most historically black churches in America are evangelical not to mention all the evangelical Christians reached by missionaries across the world in lands with people of color. It may seem to you that evangelicals are overwhelmingly white, but did it ever dawn on you that America is overwhelmingly white and that might be the reason why most large groups in America are overwhelmingly white? You need to quit making yourself look more foolish with each post.
Well KC, Trump appears to not acknowledge his flip flops in that he's definitely on the white side till he flips to the black side, and the white side is then firmly wrong in his opinion. To wit: the omnibus bill.

The LINK was to a white preacher saying Trump was doing God's will as Judas did. But thanks for missing the OP, as you usually do.

And thanks for pointing out that black evangelicals don't like Trump. But that's not really relevant, but thanks for playing.

Religious Landscape Study

Black Republican group endorses Donald Trump - CNNPolitics

Meet the Evangelical Outsiders Supporting Donald Trump

Donald Trump & Black Voters: Pastor Darrell Scott Leads Black Outreach for Trump | [site:name] | National Review

There is seriously no fixing you. Black Republican Group?

Lolz - was that started by Michael the Black Man & Diamond n Silk? :)

Dude, there is no need to constantly YELL around here - Thanks
Tennessee pastor Greg Locke, who made headlines last year for a viral rant against gay people, shared his rationalization for supporting the blustery business mogul with his 30,000 followers and 1.5 million Facebook followers.

"People are like 'If you support Trump you can’t be a Christian,'" Locke tweeted.
"Do y’all listen when you talk? Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years. He can use the President if He so desires. Take a seat people."

Pastor Says If Jesus Supported 'Demon Possessed Traitor,' Evangelicals Can Support Trump

Judas is the model?!!! LOL

People that view their religion as giving them license to believe, say, and do anything they like. To utterly ignore the life and teachings of the very person they claim to follow.

These people are not Christians.
Tennessee pastor Greg Locke, who made headlines last year for a viral rant against gay people, shared his rationalization for supporting the blustery business mogul with his 30,000 followers and 1.5 million Facebook followers.

"People are like 'If you support Trump you can’t be a Christian,'" Locke tweeted.
"Do y’all listen when you talk? Jesus hired a demon possessed traitor to handle his money for 3 years. He can use the President if He so desires. Take a seat people."

Pastor Says If Jesus Supported 'Demon Possessed Traitor,' Evangelicals Can Support Trump

Judas is the model?!!! LOL

People that view their religion as giving them license to believe, say, and do anything they like. To utterly ignore the life and teachings of the very person they claim to follow.

These people are not Christians.
I'm not sure I can say that. It's not up to me to define a person's religion. I did post that my view of what's happening in society is much different from that of most white evangelicals, who overwhelming vote Trump.

Christian Evangelicals: Stop lying to yourselves!
(post 100)

But I found the pastor's focus on Jesus using a sinner to "handle his money" odd. I was under the impression that Jesus didn't have much money. LOL

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