Jesus Is Better Than Santa

In fact, who cares what a bunch of pagan savages lost. The purpose is to celebrate Christ. As I said before, any day would do but since it is historically the 25th, we'll keep it that way.

That works. There are a lot of religious holidays in December. I think it is a time of year we need holidays.
I am sorry. But I am enjoying these forums now. As a mod, not so much.

I can understand the stress,.. and some mods on here that shall not be named who are basically,.. in a word,.. imbeciles.
I was just correcting you, meanie :(

I'm not a meanie, you're coming to my thread and trolling it by bashing Christ. Stop playing the innocent victim.
In fact, who cares what a bunch of pagan savages lost. The purpose is to celebrate Christ. As I said before, any day would do but since it is historically the 25th, we'll keep it that way.
The people that wrote your book were savages. Stoning women for having sex, enjoying art and working on Sunday. SAVAGES? Give me a break.
I was just having a conversation. Sorry, I forget how militant you "christians" can be :(

You were downright trolling it and you know it. If you don't believe in Christ or love Him then you shouldn't come to a topic where we talk about those things. Nobody is falling for it and you're not earning any sympathy from me.
Must you be an ass?

Yes and play the innocent victim card afterwards. However, being an ass sort of relates to the topic at hand because back when Jesus was born people rode them. Earliest form of road rage. If a donkey started getting too close to the person in front of them they would turn back to them and yell "watch where you're going you jackass!!!"
As a Catholic I love Christ and know he loves me unconditionally.

I speak for no one else when I say that is my belief and faith.
Yes and play the innocent victim card afterwards. However, being an ass sort of relates to the topic at hand because back when Jesus was born people rode them. Earliest form of road rage. If a donkey started getting too close to the person in front of them they would turn back to them and yell "watch where you're going you jackass!!!"

Oh and btw, this is my own joke. ;)
Even though this version of the first song doesn't have words in it, it's still a Jesus related song and it reminds me how JohnDB and I went to see (separately) TSO live in concert a couple of years back. :)

Of course.

Then yes I obviously agree with you. However, as long as we remember the true reason for the season,.. I don't see why we also can't have fun and include Santa and Rudolph and stuff. After all, having fun isn't a sin. :)
Does that X stand for Christ?
Were you joking. I thought everyone knows that abbreviation.

usage: The abbreviation Xmas for Christmas dates from the mid-16th cent. The X is the Greek letter chi, the initial in the word Χριστός (Christos) “Christ.” In spite of a long and respectable history, today Xmas is objectionable to many, perhaps because of its associations with advertising. It is not used in formal writing.
I knew the abbreviation, I just wasn't sure if the X meant Christ.

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