Jesus on Marriage...

Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....


This Thread was an Exercise... To see what Lengths people would go to Deny or Dismiss the Consistent Take in all Accepted Translations of the Bible regarding Homosexuality...

I am pro-Civil Union and Anti-Sodomy Laws...

I don't Care what Gay people do to a point...

When it Affects Marriage in Law, the Doctrine of ANY Church, or Public Schools and Young Children.

I Know that the Blood of Jesus Cleanses the Sin of Homosexuality...

But it does NOT Negate the Sin or make Homosexuality not longer a Sin.

A Homosexual has to Acknowledge the Sin in Accepted Christianity today and try to not Engage in that Sin if they want to be a part of say... The Catholic Church.

If they don't want to, they can start their own Church or go to another.

That is ALL I am trying to Illustrate.

But People like ravi and Bodecea want to Change the Church, they don't want to JOIN it....



I understand what you are saying, but that is not the impression I get.

Yes, I DO get the impression that they are unreasonably critical of Christianity, when there are MUCH bigger targets out there.

And, the rights granted the religious and religions in this country are guaranteed by the Constitution - a distillation of it is "live and let live". They can bitch and moan about just Christianity, and without at least a 10-fold bitching and moaning about religions who kill gays, it falls on deaf ears.

The Church can do as they please and that is none of their or the government's fucking business, as long as it is within the law.

Tough shit is the best response for that. If they want the law to do something about that, then they should move to Iran, or any other theocracy.
Ravi has called People on an Anonymous Messageboard "Liars" and "Cowards" more than anyone else and you really Beleive what she just said about herself?...


By the way, she said "Faith in Humanity"...

Amen, we have an Linguini Verified. :thup:


Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.

I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...



Hmmmm. As it has been a long time since I had any religious instruction, I still recall a few things from it.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" rings a bell with me.

And, as I hear the Lord's prayer quite a bit, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Oh well, I guess I got it wrong. But, I sorta like what I DO recall from it. ;)
To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....


This Thread was an Exercise... To see what Lengths people would go to Deny or Dismiss the Consistent Take in all Accepted Translations of the Bible regarding Homosexuality...

I am pro-Civil Union and Anti-Sodomy Laws...

I don't Care what Gay people do to a point...

When it Affects Marriage in Law, the Doctrine of ANY Church, or Public Schools and Young Children.

I Know that the Blood of Jesus Cleanses the Sin of Homosexuality...

But it does NOT Negate the Sin or make Homosexuality not longer a Sin.

A Homosexual has to Acknowledge the Sin in Accepted Christianity today and try to not Engage in that Sin if they want to be a part of say... The Catholic Church.

If they don't want to, they can start their own Church or go to another.

That is ALL I am trying to Illustrate.

But People like ravi and Bodecea want to Change the Church, they don't want to JOIN it....



I understand what you are saying, but that is not the impression I get.

Yes, I DO get the impression that they are unreasonably critical of Christianity, when there are MUCH bigger targets out there.

And, the rights granted the religious and religions in this country are guaranteed by the Constitution - a distillation of it is "live and let live". They can bitch and moan about just Christianity, and without at least a 10-fold bitching and moaning about religions who kill gays, it falls on deaf ears.

The Church can do as they please and that is none of their or the government's fucking business, as long as it is within the law.

Tough shit is the best response for that. If they want the law to do something about that, then they should move to Iran, or any other theocracy.

Actually... With the direction it's going regarding Hiring Practices and Marriage as a "Right", it's not so Clear what the Court might do with what Religions are doing in this Country regarding Gays.

They might Rule that Denying Employment in a Church to an Openly and Unrepentent Gay would be Unconstitutional...

Denying them Benefits, etc.

And of course Denying the Marriage itself, IF it is a "Right".

They don't go after Islam because they Know they have no Chance and taking a REAL Stand there can get them Killed...

But here, they have a Chance to Change Religions...

Only because Christians will not Persecute them for Trying.

Of course ravi and others Feel that my Observations of the Bible and what it Actually says is Bigotry and in that Persecution, but that simply Illustrates just how Dishonest she is as she sits almost 100% Silent on Islam and the Murder of Homosexuals in Law in many ME Countries.


^Most Ironic Post of the Day. :thup:


Difference being, I look at Jesus as someone to affirm my faith in humanity and a greater purpose. You look at Jesus as someone to affirm your bigotry.

Wrong. I look at Jesus as God speaking to humanity. God came to earth and spoke to us as a man. Jesus wasn't some moronic mystic, dear.
Where did I say he was?
Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.

I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...



Hmmmm. As it has been a long time since I had any religious instruction, I still recall a few things from it.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" rings a bell with me.

And, as I hear the Lord's prayer quite a bit, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Oh well, I guess I got it wrong. But, I sorta like what I DO recall from it. ;)

You are Correct... And we are Supposed to Raise our Children to NOT Sin...

How do we Determine what that is as to Illustrate it if not be what is Written?...

And we are Certainly NOT supposed to Embrace Sin or give it Sanction in Marriage as Equal to Man and Wife...

^Based on the MANY Translations of the Bible of course.


I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...



Hmmmm. As it has been a long time since I had any religious instruction, I still recall a few things from it.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" rings a bell with me.

And, as I hear the Lord's prayer quite a bit, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Oh well, I guess I got it wrong. But, I sorta like what I DO recall from it. ;)

You are Correct... And we are Supposed to Raise our Children to NOT Sin...

How do we Determine what that is as to Illustrate it if not be what is Written?...

And we are Certainly NOT supposed to Embrace Sin or give it Sanction in Marriage as Equal to Man and Wife...

^Based on the MANY Translations of the Bible of course.


Embrace sin?

Who wants you to be gay?

And, so the fuck what if THEY sin?

Live and let live.

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.


Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Maybe the point you are missing, Si, is that Christianity is often called the basis for our country. Making laws based on the Bible is why Christians get slammed over it. If we were a Muslim country, it would be Muslims that got slammed.

Well, maybe not. It's probably illegal in many Muslim countries.

In other words, Islam does not affect our COUNTRY and most of us are more concerned with our country where we have a voice as to what happens.

But that is straying from the topic.

Banning gay marriage on a very tenuous condemnation from the Bible is pretty unAmerican.
Hmmmm. As it has been a long time since I had any religious instruction, I still recall a few things from it.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" rings a bell with me.

And, as I hear the Lord's prayer quite a bit, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Oh well, I guess I got it wrong. But, I sorta like what I DO recall from it. ;)

You are Correct... And we are Supposed to Raise our Children to NOT Sin...

How do we Determine what that is as to Illustrate it if not be what is Written?...

And we are Certainly NOT supposed to Embrace Sin or give it Sanction in Marriage as Equal to Man and Wife...

^Based on the MANY Translations of the Bible of course.


Embrace sin?

Who wants you to be gay?

And, so the fuck what if THEY sin?

Live and let live.

Embracing it isn't the same as me saying they want me or anyone else to be Gay...

It's to Expect more than Tolerance...

It's the Expectation that Homosexual Coupling be Treated as Equal in Law and Marriage to that which Creates us and we are Designed by Nature to be.

Live and let Live in Deed... I concur... It's why I Support Civil Unions and have ALWAYS been Against Laws that keep Consenting Adults from Engaging in whatever Sex they want.

They don't seek to be Left alone or not Persecuted... They Seek for Society to say what they do is Good...

It's not enough when we have said "we don't care what you do in your bedroom"...

No, it turns into Filth and Deviancy on the Streets in Pride Parades.

And Attempts and Re-Translating the Bible so that it say something Different than it has since being Translated.

It turns into Demands that Homosexual Coupling be called Equal to that which it is Naturally, Physically and Factually NOT Equal to.

It's not me or anyone else being Mean or Bigotted to Observe the FACT that it's not Equal...

It's simply an Honest Observation of what is in Response to Demands of "Gay Marriage" that are all over the Press almost on a Daily.


Ravi has called People on an Anonymous Messageboard "Liars" and "Cowards" more than anyone else and you really Beleive what she just said about herself?...


By the way, she said "Faith in Humanity"...

Amen, we have an Linguini Verified. :thup:


Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.

I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...




:rolleyes: You are so dense.
Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Maybe the point you are missing, Si, is that Christianity is often called the basis for our country. Making laws based on the Bible is why Christians get slammed over it. If we were a Muslim country, it would be Muslims that got slammed.

Well, maybe not. It's probably illegal in many Muslim countries.

In other words, Islam does not affect our COUNTRY and most of us are more concerned with our country where we have a voice as to what happens.

But that is straying from the topic.

Banning gay marriage on a very tenuous condemnation from the Bible is pretty unAmerican.

Consistently a Coward ravi is. :thup:

As for Marriage... In Loving the Court referred to it as "Fundamental to our Very Existence and Survival"...
Homosexual Coupling is NOT that and Observing that Fact is NOT Bigoted. :thup:


Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.

I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...




:rolleyes: You are so dense.

Incapable much?... :lol:


Yup, and I went further into that little statement that he made and spoke about the eunuchs.

Also, yes, Jesus' words are found in the bible, but I'm talking about the words themselves (which are usually done in red text), not what the old or new testament has to say about it.

Jesus was not saying people are born homosexual. Is that what you were trying to get Jesus to say?
Yes, some believe that the eunuch was a metaphor and... Eh, just read this.

I don't think you've read through most of the comments here... I already addressed this.

There is no other way to address this. God created us male and female. Homosexuality is not normal.
Not really.

I mean, yea, it's not normal when looking number of heterosexuals in comparison to that of homosexuals, but that doesn't make it "immoral."

Anyways, I'm not arguing what the bible said... just what Jesus said. The bible clearly states its opinion on homosexuality...

There are rules and guidelines to biblical interpretation. Some things are literal, some poetic, some historical, and some are parables. Jesus never condoned homosexuality. To do so would have been against the Word of God. The Words of Jesus and the Word of God are one and the same.
Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Maybe the point you are missing, Si, is that Christianity is often called the basis for our country. Making laws based on the Bible is why Christians get slammed over it. If we were a Muslim country, it would be Muslims that got slammed.

Well, maybe not. It's probably illegal in many Muslim countries.

In other words, Islam does not affect our COUNTRY and most of us are more concerned with our country where we have a voice as to what happens.

But that is straying from the topic.

Banning gay marriage on a very tenuous condemnation from the Bible is pretty unAmerican.
I do think SOME do want laws based on the bible. But, maybe I am naive, I think most value the founding principles of the country.

I honestly don't know. We also have a hell of a lot of Muslims here and many don't stop trying to push sharia law into our laws, in case you haven't noticed. And, FYI, sharia law is based on Islam and most Islamic countries have their holy book running the show.

I am no fan of the religious right because I am have too much libertarian in me. Hate that shit.

But, I also am not a fan of those who refuse to call a spade a spade, regardless of source.

And, to your last line, I agree, as long as no churches are required to do it if they don't want to do so.
Last edited:
Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Maybe the point you are missing, Si, is that Christianity is often called the basis for our country. Making laws based on the Bible is why Christians get slammed over it. If we were a Muslim country, it would be Muslims that got slammed.

Well, maybe not. It's probably illegal in many Muslim countries.

In other words, Islam does not affect our COUNTRY and most of us are more concerned with our country where we have a voice as to what happens.

But that is straying from the topic.

Banning gay marriage on a very tenuous condemnation from the Bible is pretty unAmerican.

You can't ban something that never was. Same-sex marriage has never been legal in the USA until recently.
To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Maybe the point you are missing, Si, is that Christianity is often called the basis for our country. Making laws based on the Bible is why Christians get slammed over it. If we were a Muslim country, it would be Muslims that got slammed.

Well, maybe not. It's probably illegal in many Muslim countries.

In other words, Islam does not affect our COUNTRY and most of us are more concerned with our country where we have a voice as to what happens.

But that is straying from the topic.

Banning gay marriage on a very tenuous condemnation from the Bible is pretty unAmerican.
I do think SOME do want laws based on the bible. But, maybe I am naive, I think most value the founding principles of the country.

I honestly don't know. We also have a hell of a lot of Muslims here and many don't stop trying to push sharia law into our laws, in case you haven't noticed. And, FYI, sharia law is based on Islam and most Islamic countries have their holy book running the show.

I am no fan of the religious right because I am have too much libertarian in me. Hate that shit.

But, I also am not a fan of those who refuse to call a spade a spade, regardless of source.
If our laws ever get based on Sharia law I will object to them in the same way if they conflict with the constitution. As of now, it is only used in arbitration courts and has no bearing on the actual law. Just like Jewish law.
And on your edited point, the one that you added in. I agree 100%. IMO, no church should be made to perform a ceremony that they don't believe in. And no church that wants to perform said ceremony should be disallowed from doing it.
To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Maybe the point you are missing, Si, is that Christianity is often called the basis for our country. Making laws based on the Bible is why Christians get slammed over it. If we were a Muslim country, it would be Muslims that got slammed.

Well, maybe not. It's probably illegal in many Muslim countries.

In other words, Islam does not affect our COUNTRY and most of us are more concerned with our country where we have a voice as to what happens.

But that is straying from the topic.

Banning gay marriage on a very tenuous condemnation from the Bible is pretty unAmerican.

You can't ban something that never was. Same-sex marriage has never been legal in the USA until recently.
Dude? You sound like someone from the pre-civil war era saying that slavery was justified under our constitution.
Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.

I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...



Hmmmm. As it has been a long time since I had any religious instruction, I still recall a few things from it.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" rings a bell with me.

And, as I hear the Lord's prayer quite a bit, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Oh well, I guess I got it wrong. But, I sorta like what I DO recall from it. ;)

Christianity was never intended to be a religion. It is a relationship. But, people being people, they are more comfortable with rules and rituals and they have made a religion out of it. Or more correctly hundreds of religions out of it, each one developing their own scriptural interpretations, installing they own customs and practices, and each attempting to be the most Christlike. In the process to many judge the others as inferior or in error or sinful. Or that group that rejects it all and considers those who believe as the bad ones.

And thus we have exchanges like too many on this thread--people blaming each other, accusing each other, insulting each other, and feeling self righteous about their own sense of virtue and purity and demonstrating smugness about how superior their point of view is to that of everybody else.

And I feel pretty safe in thinking that it probably makes Christ weep.
And on your edited point, the one that you added in. I agree 100%. IMO, no church should be made to perform a ceremony that they don't believe in. And no church that wants to perform said ceremony should be disallowed from doing it.
See, I didn't think you wanted to force the churches to do something they don't want to do. IMO, that's just as un-American as denying equality under the law.

It seems as if mal is accusing you of wanting something you are totally against. ;)

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