Jesus on Marriage...

None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

You've been given a shitload of links by many clearly explaining it. The King James bible is a translation >50 times removed from the original "Word", with clear history of a political leader's agenda involved in the mass translations.

Falls in the category of blind faith....

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.

I think they can only believe in God on their own terms. And that is pretty sad.
I thought this thread was about what Jesus said about marriage... not what the bible said.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman and the words of Jesus are in the bible.

Yup, and I went further into that little statement that he made and spoke about the eunuchs.

Also, yes, Jesus' words are found in the bible, but I'm talking about the words themselves (which are usually done in red text), not what the old or new testament has to say about it.

Falls in the category of blind faith....

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.

I think they can only believe in God on their own terms. And that is pretty sad.

^Most Ironic Post of the Day. :thup:


Has anyone discussed this verse yet?

Jude, verse 7......."just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire."

NASV......New American Standard Version.
Yes, it was discussed more than once. Thank you for proving that you haven't read anyone's posts but your own, and perhaps mal-for-brains.

I'm not going to go through the entire thread. Thanks for the info, but you can keep your snarly juvenile insults for yourself. Obviously, I'm being effective to bring out such nastiness. Showing your true colors is what I'm after.
I thought this thread was about what Jesus said about marriage... not what the bible said.

Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman and the words of Jesus are in the bible.

Yup, and I went further into that little statement that he made and spoke about the eunuchs.

Also, yes, Jesus' words are found in the bible, but I'm talking about the words themselves (which are usually done in red text), not what the old or new testament has to say about it.

Jesus was not saying people are born homosexual. Is that what you were trying to get Jesus to say?

Falls in the category of blind faith....

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.


Some have no problem calling people "bigbots" for saying marriage is a man and a woman, yet would never accuse Jesus of being a bigot for saying marriage is a man and a woman. That is a problem.
See, as I was raised an American, I follow the laws of this country, not the "laws" of the church.

Secondly, governments have made marriages contracts, not the bible. The government in the USA is the one who puts the stamp of approval on these contracts and grants the parties to the contracts special legal status, not the church or the bible.

The bible simply references the relationship.

And, if some are homophobic, I really don't give a shit, as long as the law prevents them from denying rights to gays (or anyone). Bigots, like poverty, will never leave us, at least in my lifetime or any of the next several lifetimes to come.

But, that is pretty cool, because I can be a bigot to bigots.

And, I digress - my point is, we are a nation of laws, not of religion. So, I really don't give a shit what the bible says about gays. I do give a shit what the LAW says about gays. I don't want them to be discriminated against, and I certainly don't want them to be granted any special rights. We are all equal under the law in this country.

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.

I think they can only believe in God on their own terms. And that is pretty sad.

^Most Ironic Post of the Day. :thup:


Difference being, I look at Jesus as someone to affirm my faith in humanity and a greater purpose. You look at Jesus as someone to affirm your bigotry.
I thought this thread was about what Jesus said about marriage... not what the bible said.

It is... And it's about other things.

Jesus Defined Marriage using his Father's example... Man and Woman... Go look it up. :thup:



I don't think you've read through most of the comments here... I already addressed this.

There is no other way to address this. God created us male and female. Homosexuality is not normal.
I think they can only believe in God on their own terms. And that is pretty sad.

^Most Ironic Post of the Day. :thup:


Difference being, I look at Jesus as someone to affirm my faith in humanity and a greater purpose. You look at Jesus as someone to affirm your bigotry.

Wrong. I look at Jesus as God speaking to humanity. God came to earth and spoke to us as a man. Jesus wasn't some moronic mystic, dear.

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.


Some have no problem calling people "bigbots" for saying marriage is a man and a woman, yet would never accuse Jesus of being a bigot for saying marriage is a man and a woman. That is a problem.
See, as I was raised an American, I follow the laws of this country, not the "laws" of the church.

Secondly, governments have made marriages contracts, not the bible. The government in the USA is the one who puts the stamp of approval on these contracts and grants the parties to the contracts special legal status, not the church or the bible.

The bible simply references the relationship.

And, if some are homophobic, I really don't give a shit, as long as the law prevents them from denying rights to gays (or anyone). Bigots, like poverty, will never leave us, at least in my lifetime or any of the next several lifetimes to come.

But, that is pretty cool, because I can be a bigot to bigots.

And, I digress - my point is, we are a nation of laws, not of religion. So, I really don't give a shit what the bible says about gays. I do give a shit what the LAW says about gays. I don't want them to be discriminated against, and I certainly don't want them to be granted any special rights. We are all equal under the law in this country.

So in your world every American from the founding of this nation that has believed marriage is a man and a woman is a bigotted homophobe. Beautiful.
I think they can only believe in God on their own terms. And that is pretty sad.

^Most Ironic Post of the Day. :thup:


Difference being, I look at Jesus as someone to affirm my faith in humanity and a greater purpose. You look at Jesus as someone to affirm your bigotry.

I'm not on Ignore?... :lol:

My Observations of what the Bible says Equates to Bigotry?...

Why would you spend so much Time trying to Defend what the Book your Faith is Based on calls Sin and Abomination REPEATEDLY?...

It's Curious really.

You what Christianity to something that's Easy for you... Assuming you really give a Shit about it to begin with, which I REALLY Doubt. :thup:


^Most Ironic Post of the Day. :thup:


Difference being, I look at Jesus as someone to affirm my faith in humanity and a greater purpose. You look at Jesus as someone to affirm your bigotry.
THAT is an excellent point.

Ravi has called People on an Anonymous Messageboard "Liars" and "Cowards" more than anyone else and you really Beleive what she just said about herself?...


By the way, she said "Faith in Humanity"...

Amen, we have an Linguini Verified. :thup:



Falls in the category of blind faith....

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.


Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....

Difference being, I look at Jesus as someone to affirm my faith in humanity and a greater purpose. You look at Jesus as someone to affirm your bigotry.
THAT is an excellent point.

Ravi has called People on an Anonymous Messageboard "Liars" and "Cowards" more than anyone else and you really Beleive what she just said about herself?...


By the way, she said "Faith in Humanity"...

Amen, we have an Linguini Verified. :thup:


Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.
Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman and the words of Jesus are in the bible.

Yup, and I went further into that little statement that he made and spoke about the eunuchs.

Also, yes, Jesus' words are found in the bible, but I'm talking about the words themselves (which are usually done in red text), not what the old or new testament has to say about it.

Jesus was not saying people are born homosexual. Is that what you were trying to get Jesus to say?
Yes, some believe that the eunuch was a metaphor and... Eh, just read this.

It is... And it's about other things.

Jesus Defined Marriage using his Father's example... Man and Woman... Go look it up. :thup:



I don't think you've read through most of the comments here... I already addressed this.

There is no other way to address this. God created us male and female. Homosexuality is not normal.
Not really.

I mean, yea, it's not normal when looking number of heterosexuals in comparison to that of homosexuals, but that doesn't make it "immoral."

Anyways, I'm not arguing what the bible said... just what Jesus said. The bible clearly states its opinion on homosexuality...
Some have no problem calling people "bigbots" for saying marriage is a man and a woman, yet would never accuse Jesus of being a bigot for saying marriage is a man and a woman. That is a problem.
See, as I was raised an American, I follow the laws of this country, not the "laws" of the church.

Secondly, governments have made marriages contracts, not the bible. The government in the USA is the one who puts the stamp of approval on these contracts and grants the parties to the contracts special legal status, not the church or the bible.

The bible simply references the relationship.

And, if some are homophobic, I really don't give a shit, as long as the law prevents them from denying rights to gays (or anyone). Bigots, like poverty, will never leave us, at least in my lifetime or any of the next several lifetimes to come.

But, that is pretty cool, because I can be a bigot to bigots.

And, I digress - my point is, we are a nation of laws, not of religion. So, I really don't give a shit what the bible says about gays. I do give a shit what the LAW says about gays. I don't want them to be discriminated against, and I certainly don't want them to be granted any special rights. We are all equal under the law in this country.

So in your world every American from the founding of this nation that has believed marriage is a man and a woman is a bigotted homophobe. Beautiful.

Clearly you hallucinate.

And, for the record, I think the teachings of Christ are pretty awesome. What I can't stand is any lack of critical thought to much of anything. I have to wonder why any analysis of ANY religion is often viewed as an attack (or "accusation" - how bizarre was that?) on the religion.

It's just a simple analysis. Yet it invokes so much fear in some.


Because in many Instances... Like you see on this Thread from people like Ravi, it is simply an attack...

They know that Christians who Believe the Translations that are in EVERY Church in the Country are Accurate about Homosexuality are Emotionallly Involved in it and when someone Insistantly tries to Debunk it, over and over and over again yet spends NO time trying to Debunk other things in the Bible, it's Obvious what their Goal is.

Either Changing the Church or Agitating Christians who they can't Stand.

You will see Harsher Actions here Against Christians for not "Tolerating" Homosexuality than you will Islamists who Kill Homosexuals as a matter of Law in many ME Countries right here on this Messageboard.

It's Self-Evident.


To the bolded: I couldn't agree more on that.

But, Ravi just brought up an excellent point - too many use their interpretation of the bible (or the interpretations of the bible which they were taught) to justify their bigotry against homosexuals. And, honestly, I don't deny anyone a right to their bigotry. Just as my right to ridicule their bigotry should never be denied, as well.

But, to your bolded, I see THAT way too much, too. And, it's not just on this board.

It's ridiculous. Now, not being all that faithful, and certainly not of any organized faith (I just believe there is something bigger than I and omnipotent), if I am going to compare how humane religions, or the majority of their practioners are, I'd certainly view most religions of the judeo-christian-type as folks who are the best bet for me to hang with and to hang with them in this country, if I were a homosexual.

Yet, somehow Christians get the lack of tolerance for some of their bigotry, rather than Muslims who are not just bigots, they kill. That makes no sense.

Unless.....someone has some sort o score to settle with their religion of their childhood.

I was raised RC, but never ever got into it - just always looked at it as a bunch of cool stories. Since I can recall, I never bought any of it. So, when old enough, I just left it. No hard feelings at all. So, I tend to think I can look at it objectively, moreso than some who might have some bitter or even horrific experiences with their church.

And, I digress again.....


This Thread was an Exercise... To see what Lengths people would go to Deny or Dismiss the Consistent Take in all Accepted Translations of the Bible regarding Homosexuality...

I am pro-Civil Union and Anti-Sodomy Laws...

I don't Care what Gay people do to a point...

When it Affects Marriage in Law, the Doctrine of ANY Church, or Public Schools and Young Children.

I Know that the Blood of Jesus Cleanses the Sin of Homosexuality...

But it does NOT Negate the Sin or make Homosexuality not longer a Sin.

A Homosexual has to Acknowledge the Sin in Accepted Christianity today and try to not Engage in that Sin if they want to be a part of say... The Catholic Church.

If they don't want to, they can start their own Church or go to another.

That is ALL I am trying to Illustrate.

But People like ravi and Bodecea want to Change the Church, they don't want to JOIN it....



THAT is an excellent point.

Ravi has called People on an Anonymous Messageboard "Liars" and "Cowards" more than anyone else and you really Beleive what she just said about herself?...


By the way, she said "Faith in Humanity"...

Amen, we have an Linguini Verified. :thup:


Well, I looked at the point made, not the person making the point. To me, it's irrelevant whether she personally does that or not. The point is still a good one.

I don't Agree that Jesus is about Faith in Humanity... I Think it's Absurd point that she Thought Sounded good when she Posted it.

It really makes NO Sense in Releation to Jesus and the Bible.

Faith in Humanity is what Christianity is all about?...




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