Zone1 Jesus said "Unless you turn and become like children, you cannot enter Heaven"


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I think this is Mt 18 something but I'll look it up soon

Anyway, how can an adult be child-like in a very adult-centered world?

I tend to think Jesus meant that we should be like children in the sense tht they are:

trusting of their father/mother

It's difficult to be "innocent" after sinning a lot. Even after you give up egregious sin, the residue from it can be absolutely horrendous (to deal with, get rid of).

Honesty? Ha ha... Who can be totally honest in this very dishonest world? I have gotten into big trouble in my life by telling the truth (of how I feel, how unjust something or other is, etc)

And trusting the Father? Well, since He allows so much evil and misery, it is not easy to always trust Him. I try, that's about all I can say.

So anyhow... this is a curious thing Jesus said.. not sure I totally get it..

Douay-Rheims Bible

And Jesus said:

Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

Mt 18:3
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Children are receptive to believing anything they're told by adults they trust. And then the child can be made captive to lies and disinformation for the rest of their lives.

What else can explain normal and intelligent adults accepting the story about living in the belly of a big fish for several days.

Be like the child, because no intelligent adult is going to buy into it otherwise.
Children are receptive to believing anything they're told by adults they trust. And then the child can be made captive to lies and disinformation for the rest of their lives.

What else can explain normal and intelligent adults accepting the story about living in the belly of a big fish for several days.

Be like the child, because no intelligent adult is going to buy into it otherwise.

so you are an anti-Christ

Your choice, but like I just said elsewhere, I've had beautiful experiences with Jesus (Father, Son and HS), so go ahead and try to dispute THOSE!

Children are beautiful, the most awesome humans of all. If you don't like them, don't think you should imitate them... something is wrong with you, not them.
Children are horrible at making moral choices. People should be adults fully cognizant of the consequences of their actions.
well, Jesus said things that... we.. if the Bible is all you have, seem confusing and at times unfathomable.

I am still attempting to understand what He meant here.

Catholics are not sola scriptura. They do not go by Bible alone. The Bible was written in order to get the fundamentals on Jesus down on paper... it was never meant to be an exhaustive treatise on His life and His Church and etc... But people treat it like that.

The Bible just records Jesus saying this, to become like children

There is no explanation or elaboration. For that, we need theologians and priests who spend their lives studying, preaching on.. understanding.. Scripture.
so you are an anti-Christ

Your choice, but like I just said elsewhere, I've had beautiful experiences with Jesus (Father, Son and HS), so go ahead and try to dispute THOSE!

Children are beautiful, the most awesome humans of all. If you don't like them, don't think you should imitate them... something is wrong with you, not them.
Children have a potential to become evil. They are at the mercy of the parents and other adults they trust. The Catholic priest?
Yes, he meant to not be evil and manipulative as men are. To enjoy the wonderment of life without exploiting others for personal gain etc, sort of like how Donald H does for example
Yes, he meant to not be evil and manipulative as men are. To enjoy the wonderment of life without exploiting others for personal gain etc, sort of like how Donald H does for example

well said

This is why we love children... they are so refreshing after dealing w/ adults all day...
Children have a potential to become evil. They are at the mercy of the parents and other adults they trust. The Catholic priest?
you always try to derail the topic

liberals... who needs them?!
well, Jesus said things that... we.. if the Bible is all you have, seem confusing and at times unfathomable.

I am still attempting to understand what He meant here.

Catholics are not sola scriptura. They do not go by Bible alone. The Bible was written in order to get the fundamentals on Jesus down on paper... it was never meant to be an exhaustive treatise on His life and His Church and etc... But people treat it like that.

The Bible just records Jesus saying this, to become like children

There is no explanation or elaboration. For that, we need theologians and priests who spend their lives studying, preaching on.. understanding.. Scripture.
He meant to place your trust in God in the same way a child trusts their parents. Unfortunately God is mostly an absentee dad. In his place we have innumerable step-dads we call spiritual leaders. Trusting them like a child can be a horrible mistake.
Children are receptive to believing anything they're told by adults they trust. And then the child can be made captive to lies and disinformation for the rest of their lives.

What else can explain normal and intelligent adults accepting the story about living in the belly of a big fish for several days.

Be like the child, because no intelligent adult is going to buy into it otherwise.
Democrats react the same way to the DNC, they believe anything that is told to them as well.

It just comes down to what god or God you place your faith in.
Children are horrible at making moral choices. People should be adults fully cognizant of the consequences of their actions.
Like letting children decide to change genders?

No, no, everything BUT that, right?

He meant to place your trust in God in the same way a child trusts their parents.
I think you've hit on the unvarnished truth with that.
Then the priest will spin the big fish yarn and tell the child that it must believe it, because it's the word of the god.

Isn't that a very sad fact?

So sad in fact that even the true believers couldn't continue to abide by it and so then had to make the claim that the bibles are not to be interpreted as literally true.

Leaving the children adrift and confused!
He meant to place your trust in God in the same way a child trusts their parents. Unfortunately God is mostly an absentee dad. In his place we have innumerable step-dads we call spiritual leaders. Trusting them like a child can be a horrible mistake.
That's not what it means at all IMO.
Hate it when youre inconsistent and people notice, huh? :itsok:
I've been yelled at before for injecting unrelated partisan stuff into the discussion on this particular forum. There's no contradiction. Children do not make good moral choices, That is why they have to talk to adults before they can do much of anything with their lives.
I've been yelled at before for injecting unrelated partisan stuff into the discussion on this particular forum. There's no contradiction. Children do not make good moral choices, That is why they have to talk to adults before they can do much of anything with their lives.
I'm thinking that if children ran the world the world would be a better place.

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