1. You started out with the use of a term, "Contrived Trinity," which leads me immediately to discredit anything you say. However, discussion is good. So, just what part is contrived, and what part is actually from the Scriptures?
My previous posts should give you my prior answers to all of this, however I have had a lot of enlightening today, and feel that although the trinity is not quite right, it is a simple way of explaining what God is. Not Jesus, but more..
2. You said, " God says in the bible that there is only one God. If there is only one, then it is blasphemous and going against commandment to worship three. " Christians do not worship three Gods, and there is nowhere that you can come close to assuming that in the doctrine of the Trinity.
OK I understand thats how you see it, thanks to Care4all- but if this is true, then why does anyone worship Jesus as God, and not God?
Why do they keep referring to the verses saying that the word was made into flesh, and what not, and WORSHIPPING A MAN who is NOT God, then? And why did Jesus keep saying he did not work on his own behalf but that of his Father, and only by the authority given to him by his Father? And why does it say that GOD raised Jesus, because Jesus could not raise himself? And why then, are God and Jesus still considered a two party team, even in Revelations? I have a much better explanation than all this horseshit.
It says in Revelations, at the end, that we will inherit the kingdom of heaven.. I am sorry I misread it, Jesus does not inherit the role of God, apparently. He and God are still a team, just like in the beginning, from the moment Jesus was made BY God.. when God said "Let there be Light".. and there was..
No its not. The trinity is NOT in the scriptures.. but a deeper understanding of Jesus and God (separate, not equal in Stature- Jesus was the light, MADE by God.. the Lamb of God.. never God.. although he had a lot of God in him.. this is hard to explain without verse, and I would rather not do a looong drawn out post.. I will say that trinitarians were a heck of a lot closer to the truth than I gave them credit for, though.. =) )
Trinity means three, and the basis is on the F, S and HS. However, there is also the mighty counselor, and other sons of God, as it is written in the bible. It is illogical, then, to proclaim that Jesus is God. This is really what I am against.. Jesus may be God-LIKE, but he is just NOT a God. He was a sheep, like us- God's only begotten son, who was sent here to save us from our sins, and to show us that we will have a second chance at survival and mercy.
??? Explain that please.. You don't believe that is a biblical reference? Well, please, do go through the thread again and you will see all the posts I have made regarding this utterance of Jesus.
And really, why worship Jesus if you don't believe he is God. Why are you defending this if you don't believe in it? Who do you worship? I think nobody because you seem very indifferent overall.
John 14:10 Don't you believe that
I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11Believe me when I say that
I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him,
for he lives with you and will be[c] in you.
Yes- God created Jesus and GAVE him to us, a MAN, as a sacrifice to save us from our sins, and everlasting death. That is the greatest gift of all.
That does not identify Jesus as God. It identifies him as our savior. That is who he is. Our savior.
Messiah= Christ/ Savior.. Not God.
Misquoting the bible now? It says "these three are in agreement". They are not one and the same, though. I am in agreement with God. God and I, are as such, ONE, also. That does not make me a God, though
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8- That would indicate not a trinity, but an octouplet. More than three.. Counting Jesus, God, and the holy Spirit, you got eight.
The only begotten of the father.. To be heralded and thanked.. But not to be prayed to.
Yes this is true, because Jesus told us the words of God.. I also see you are being ignorant to the next verse, as you played dumb to verse 10 of John 14, as I quoted in this post for you.. He is in me and I am in him. That makes sense. Its a love thing, for Jesus, and a Created by in my image thing for God. Just like Adam was..
"They shall call him" does not indicate that is who he is, though.. Just the prophet letting us know of what is to come. God said:
21She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,[c] because he will save his people from their sins."
Uhhhh if you aren't glorifying the one true God, then you are not one with him, either. This, to God, is damaging and destructive. It is unholy and against his own commandment to us.
10. You said, in response to my statement that arguing in the wind is a waste, " You are very welcome to join!! I am hoping this will turn into a good solid bible study for us all. I also hope that this forum will help you to know God's love and devotion to us and to YOU. He loves you.. I think you know that, of course, or you wouldn't have come here. He is calling to you.. Time to listen up.. "
This is a very judgmental statement, and a clear indication that you have a desire to dismantle our belief in the trinity. So, that makes you the one who wants to be destructive
NO You are being really sensitive. I was GENUINELY EMBRACING YOU TO JOIN THE DISCUSSION. No need to get your feelings so badly hurt over that. Get over yourself. You have said in your own post things that were SO overwhelmingly FLIPPANT that I thought you were joining the discussion because you were looking for something bigger out of your life. Excuuuuse me for welcoming you- I promise NEVER to do that again!!!
However, I can overlook that because of the awesome relationship I have with God. I have had a real and personal, living and loving, walking and talking, daily relationship with God in Christ for 53 years now. I have studied the scriptures deeply for the last 40 years, to teach it. I have been taught by great seminary professors in the seminary, and also in college. I have been led into awesome learning experiences by the Holy Spirit over the years, many times. I am learning more now, in my older age, than all my previous years. I have a very personal relationship with God, and walk where many Christians will not walk, as I carry my cross to His glory. So, I know the Savior. I am born again. I am called to teach, gifted to teach, and have been teaching in my church for about 28 years. So, I am listening up, and the things you have said are not what I am hearing. While these things are not crucial to my salvation, they are good for discussion. Thanks.
Stop ignoring scripture, then, Mr Self professed scholar.. You are spreading the wrong teachings. I am done with you.. I dont make time for serpents, liars, and ignorant people, particularly ones who are far too well educated on the bible to pretend that they were unaware of certain verses that came RIGHT AFTER the one they themselves preach..
Oh and being a preacher does NOT put YOU above anyone else, either- in fact, teaching things WRONGLY only puts you in danger. I will pray once for you.. Then I wash my hands of this.