Jesus vs Muhammad: Who’s the moral exemplar?

Muslims have killed 70 million Hindus, alone, perhaps more. Don’t even go there.

Your right! And Christians never killed anyone.

Muslims have killed more, and continue to today

Doubt that. WW1 killed 18 million, WW2 60 million. Give me time to crunch the numbers for previous centuries. I'm sure Christians were responsible for more deaths.

Not many at all; most of the alleged 'killings are just highly exaggerated rubbish; they are entitled to self-defense, despite all the idiotic nonsense about them being required to be total pacifists or something, and that includes having armies and driving Islamo-Vermin and their friends out.

It should be noted that at least some of the Apostles carried swords, and we know for certain Peter did, because he wacked the ear off of some asshole official with one.

Exaggerated? Dead is dead, can't exaggerate that.

This sword business has me confused. Jesus said to 'sell your cloak and buy a sword'. Peter did that, and when he used it Jesus said to him: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword". So when is a Christian supposed to use that sword? When the voices in his head tells him to?

I will concede one point. Muslims kill for the vile reason of religion. Christians on the other hand can hold their heads high. Rarely do they kill for their religion. Christian mostly kill for the far nobler aims of Greed and Avarice.

sometimes-----but NOT for the GLORY OF CHRIST (lately) ----lately muslims slit the throats of infants for the GLORY of a rapist pig and the questionable deity that 'befriended' that rapist thieving dog
Muslims have killed 70 million Hindus, alone, perhaps more. Don’t even go there.

Your right! And Christians never killed anyone.

Muslims have killed more, and continue to today

Doubt that. WW1 killed 18 million, WW2 60 million. Give me time to crunch the numbers for previous centuries. I'm sure Christians were responsible for more deaths.

Not many at all; most of the alleged 'killings are just highly exaggerated rubbish; they are entitled to self-defense, despite all the idiotic nonsense about them being required to be total pacifists or something, and that includes having armies and driving Islamo-Vermin and their friends out.

It should be noted that at least some of the Apostles carried swords, and we know for certain Peter did, because he wacked the ear off of some asshole official with one.

Exaggerated? Dead is dead, can't exaggerate that.

This sword business has me confused. Jesus said to 'sell your cloak and buy a sword'. Peter did that, and when he used it Jesus said to him: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword". So when is a Christian supposed to use that sword? When the voices in his head tells him to?

I will concede one point. Muslims kill for the vile reason of religion. Christians on the other hand can hold their heads high. Rarely do they kill for their religion. Christian mostly kill for the far nobler aims of Greed and Avarice.

Um, Jesus opposed swords. He spoke in parables.


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Your right! And Christians never killed anyone.

Muslims have killed more, and continue to today

Doubt that. WW1 killed 18 million, WW2 60 million. Give me time to crunch the numbers for previous centuries. I'm sure Christians were responsible for more deaths.

Not many at all; most of the alleged 'killings are just highly exaggerated rubbish; they are entitled to self-defense, despite all the idiotic nonsense about them being required to be total pacifists or something, and that includes having armies and driving Islamo-Vermin and their friends out.

It should be noted that at least some of the Apostles carried swords, and we know for certain Peter did, because he wacked the ear off of some asshole official with one.

Exaggerated? Dead is dead, can't exaggerate that.

This sword business has me confused. Jesus said to 'sell your cloak and buy a sword'. Peter did that, and when he used it Jesus said to him: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword". So when is a Christian supposed to use that sword? When the voices in his head tells him to?

I will concede one point. Muslims kill for the vile reason of religion. Christians on the other hand can hold their heads high. Rarely do they kill for their religion. Christian mostly kill for the far nobler aims of Greed and Avarice.

Um, Jesus opposed swords. He spoke in parables.

it's a Pharisee thing
What's the point in determining which of the two were greater? They were both great in their own way.
What's the point in determining which of the two were greater? They were both great in their own way.

Muhammad was “great” if you think a mass-murdering warmonger is great
He did what he had to do to enforce his teachings. The Arabs were a superstitious people, apparently inclined towards fatalism. They would not have been able to maintain their warrior ardor in the long run without such commandments.

Let’s compare and contrast: Jesus exhorted to love your enemies and pray for your persecutors, OTOH, Muhammad had his adversaries assassinated and even genocided in the case of the Jews. He had a female poet Asma bint Marwan stabbed to death, nursing her child, merely for criticizing him in poetry. He’s quoted as boasting that the way to paradise is by the sword. OTOH, Jesus warned that he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Which was probably a teaching meant for people belonging to a higher discipline. The average person would look upon it as an unobtainable ideal, a teaching fit to gather dust in a library shelf. Teachers should uphold their own teachings. Why does no one heed James 3:1? And Jesus would not betray his own principle of "not casting pearls".

Not all of the Quran is a reliable testimony of Mohammed's actions, or his spoken words. Quran consists of hearsay, rumors, Arabic superstitions, possible statements made in historical contexts, and various interpolations.

Jesus preached to love your neighbor as yourself. Muhammad preached that only Muslims are liked by Allah. He killed his neighbors who disagreed
Paul preached that only Christians and Jews are loved by god. They likewise shun those who disbelieve.

On a personal level, Jesus did not marry while Muhammad had a veritable harem with 10+ wives at the same time, during a long stage of his life. Perhaps most notorious among his wives were a 6-yr-old child Aisha (Muhammad was in his 50s) and a former daughter-in-law Zaynab, a scandal that shocked the public as it constituted incest in Arab culture
Polygamy was necessary for the cause. How else would he obtain the manpower?

In terms of conduct, Muhammad and his followers robbed caravans in order to support themselves Indeed, the Koran entices Muslims with promises of “booty” and large-breasted maidens in paradise, sanctioned by “Allah” In fact, an entire book was needed to record Muhammad’s many raids, battles and wars, aptly called Book of Raids
The Quran promises an earthly, realistic, genuine paradise, similar to the Elysian Fields and Valhalla. None of these were rewarded for a belief, but for cultivating their skills and talents.

Jesus and his followers supported themselves by doing honest, modest work.
Jesus, sure. His so-called followers? Hardly.

The Islamic conception of god is agnostic (and thus more pious, by keeping the idea of god out of speculation and debate) and combated a Christian distortion of the trinity symbol, which can be found in ancient cultures.

Muhammad is quoted as sanctioning the rape of female slaves captured on such caravan raids and conflicts, and encouraged rape without birth control. Jesus did no such horrible thing
Funny that you should mention birth control, considering how the Church has always opposed it.

Muhammad was a warmonger who incited numerous battles including the first civil war, Medina and Mecca. Jesus was a man of peace who died for his beliefs while Muhammad murdered others for his beliefs
And Mohammed was successful in his task. The extent which Islam effected itself over the world has been greatly underestimated. It's certainly more far-reaching than Christianity's "progress". I have seen Christians claim that Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages, which is preposterous. The Mohammedan nations had access to the "neo-platonist" works and shone like a bastion of lucid reason and clarity.

Jesus did not come to bring to peace, but a sword. He was a fighter. Also, Jesus failed in his task of delivering the Jews and their non-Jewish proselytes from their delusions.
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What's the point in determining which of the two were greater? They were both great in their own way.

Muhammad was “great” if you think a mass-murdering warmonger is great
He did what he had to do to enforce his teachings. The Arabs were a superstitious people, apparently inclined towards fatalism. They would not have been able to maintain their warrior ardor in the long run without such commandments.

Let’s compare and contrast: Jesus exhorted to love your enemies and pray for your persecutors, OTOH, Muhammad had his adversaries assassinated and even genocided in the case of the Jews. He had a female poet Asma bint Marwan stabbed to death, nursing her child, merely for criticizing him in poetry. He’s quoted as boasting that the way to paradise is by the sword. OTOH, Jesus warned that he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Which was probably a teaching meant for people belonging to a higher discipline. The average person would look upon it as an unobtainable ideal, a teaching fit to gather dust in a library shelf. Teachers should uphold their own teachings. Why does no one heed James 3:1? And Jesus would not betray his own principle of "not casting pearls".

Not all of the Quran is a reliable testimony of Mohammed's actions, or his spoken words. Quran consists of hearsay, rumors, Arabic superstitions, possible statements made in historical contexts, and various interpolations.

Jesus preached to love your neighbor as yourself. Muhammad preached that only Muslims are liked by Allah. He killed his neighbors who disagreed
Paul preached that only Christians and Jews are loved by god. They likewise shun those who disbelieve.

On a personal level, Jesus did not marry while Muhammad had a veritable harem with 10+ wives at the same time, during a long stage of his life. Perhaps most notorious among his wives were a 6-yr-old child Aisha (Muhammad was in his 50s) and a former daughter-in-law Zaynab, a scandal that shocked the public as it constituted incest in Arab culture
Polygamy was necessary for the cause. How else would he obtain the manpower?

In terms of conduct, Muhammad and his followers robbed caravans in order to support themselves Indeed, the Koran entices Muslims with promises of “booty” and large-breasted maidens in paradise, sanctioned by “Allah” In fact, an entire book was needed to record Muhammad’s many raids, battles and wars, aptly called Book of Raids
The Quran promises an earthly, realistic, genuine paradise, similar to the Elysian Fields and Valhalla. None of these were rewarded for a belief, but for cultivating their skills and talents.

Jesus and his followers supported themselves by doing honest, modest work.
Jesus, sure. His so-called followers? Hardly.

The Islamic conception of god is agnostic (and thus more pious, by keeping the idea of god out of speculation and debate) and combated a Christian distortion of the trinity symbol, which can be found in ancient cultures.

Muhammad is quoted as sanctioning the rape of female slaves captured on such caravan raids and conflicts, and encouraged rape without birth control. Jesus did no such horrible thing
Funny that you should mention birth control, considering how the Church has always opposed it.

Muhammad was a warmonger who incited numerous battles including the first civil war, Medina and Mecca. Jesus was a man of peace who died for his beliefs while Muhammad murdered others for his beliefs
And Mohammed was successful in his task. The extent which Islam effected itself over the world has been greatly underestimated. It's certainly more far-reaching than Christianity's "progress". I have seen Christians claim that Islam was responsible for the Dark Ages, which is preposterous. The Mohammedan nations had access to the "neo-platonist" works and shone like a bastion of lucid reason and clarity.

Jesus did not come to bring to peace, but a sword. He was a fighter. Also, Jesus failed in his task of delivering the Jews and their non-Jewish proselytes from their delusions.

Jesus was not a mass murdering warmonger like Muhammad who had to resort to violence, murder, assassination and even genocide to forcibly convert ppl to his bogus “religion”

Jesus is the moral exemplar. He opposed swords He preached to love your neighbor, love your enemies and pray for your persecutors Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 26:52 - New Revised Standard Version

Case closed
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A key characteristic of a prophet is that of moral exemplar for mankind to emulate. Based on this criterion, who was the true moral exemplar and prophet, Jesus or Muhammad?

Let’s compare and contrast: Jesus exhorted to love your enemies and pray for your persecutors, OTOH, Muhammad had his adversaries assassinated and even genocided in the case of the Jews. He had a female poet Asma bint Marwan stabbed to death, nursing her child, merely for criticizing him in poetry. He’s quoted as boasting that the way to paradise is by the sword. OTOH, Jesus warned that he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Jesus preached to love your neighbor as yourself. Muhammad preached that only Muslims are liked by Allah. He killed his neighbors who disagreed

On a personal level, Jesus did not marry while Muhammad had a veritable harem with 10+ wives at the same time, during a long stage of his life. Perhaps most notorious among his wives were a 6-yr-old child Aisha (Muhammad was in his 50s) and a former daughter-in-law Zaynab, a scandal that shocked the public as it constituted incest in Arab culture

In terms of conduct, Muhammad and his followers robbed caravans in order to support themselves Indeed, the Koran entices Muslims with promises of “booty” and large-breasted maidens in paradise, sanctioned by “Allah” In fact, an entire book was needed to record Muhammad’s many raids, battles and wars, aptly called Book of Raids

Jesus and his followers supported themselves by doing honest, modest work.

Muhammad is quoted as sanctioning the rape of female slaves captured on such caravan raids and conflicts, and encouraged rape without birth control. Jesus did no such horrible thing

Muhammad was a warmonger who incited numerous battles including the first civil war, Medina and Mecca. Jesus was a man of peace who died for his beliefs while Muhammad murdered others for his beliefs

These are just a few contrasts between Jesus and Muhammad...Jesus was clearly the moral exemplar for humanity.

You are trying to equate Jesus and Muhammad, but you should be trying to equate Muhammad and Moses and the OT.
Are you kidding me - Muhammed was a paedophile

Why because he married young, in the Book of Jasher, chapter 45 Benjamin got married at the age of 10, and had five boys, and again at age 18 and had five more boys. I wonder what the age of his first wife was. The book of Jasher is mentioned in the OT so one can use it as a resource.

Book of Jasher, Chapter 45
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.

= = = =

Jesus: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ -- Mark 12:31
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.

= = = =

Jesus: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ -- Mark 12:31

Is this from some Jewish site? Like I said better to compare Islam with the Jews.
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.

= = = =

Jesus: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ -- Mark 12:31

Is this from some Jewish site? Like I said better to compare Islam with the Jews.

why " islam with the jews" ? like you said....... The issue is a putative
deathbed quotation from muhummad. The "love your neighbor as yourself..." is a paraphrase
of the first century BC Talmudist, Hillel. Hillel was not a muslim. Muslims consider Jesus to
have been a muslim. Gee, penny, you are very confused. My guess is that Muwatta Imam Malik
was probably a muslim
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.

= = = =

Jesus: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ -- Mark 12:31

The bible also teaches us to treat the lesser among as as yourself, but that doesn't happen either..
Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik, 511:1588

EXPLANATION: Islam teaches that Mohammed’s
later teachings take priority over his older teachings.
Therefore, the later the teaching, the greater it is.
Therefore, Muslims must believe that Mohammed’s
last words were his most important words.

= = = =

Jesus: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ -- Mark 12:31

The bible also teaches us to treat the lesser among as as yourself, but that doesn't happen either..
There are those following Jesus and some not folllowinghimthat do do it

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