Jets Rookie Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

Do you like irony?

Larry Thomas, the actor who appears in your avatar, is Jewish.

What's an anti-Semite like you to do?
I have nothing against Jews.....just zionists.

True story Shlomo .. :cool:

99% of Jews are Zionists.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.
NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference | FrontPage Magazine

Glad I'm not a Jets fan. I don't think I could pull for a team with someone like this on the roster. I have no problem with people expressing their views, but this crosses the line. And for a player in New York (the city with the largest Jewish population in the US), this guy is making bad choices of who to associate with.

A man supports his country. Lots of people do.

Where is the controversy?

I thought he was an American.

And there are Americans who support Israel.

Do you have a point?
The zionist jews go ballistic when people point out the truth about Israel's racist genocide against the Palestinian people. .. :cool:

There is no 'truth' to be found in supporting Islamic racist terrorists like HAMAS. HAMAS has held hostage the entire population of Gaza, all because they refuse to stop deliberately seeking to murder Israeli civilians.

By calling the HAMAS propaganda 'the truth', a person is supporting their terrorist activities.

It *should* be possible to support the rights of Palestinian people without demonizing Israel and Zionism.
I have nothing against Jews.....just zionists.

True story Shlomo .. :cool:

99% of Jews are Zionists.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.

what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.
99% of Jews are Zionists.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.

what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.
"Oday Aboushi has been touted as being the first Palestinian-American player in the National Football League (NFL), but his radical behavior since being drafted by the New York Jets less than three months ago could get him sent home early. His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."
99% of Jews are Zionists.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.

what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.
What I find amusing is that you are not in Egypt helping the Muslim Brotherhood out. Perhaps you feel like SunniMan does -- that it was Mossad and the CIA behind the unrest in Egypt. Actually, I am more concerned with this than what that Palestinian guy said, and perhaps you can give this Turk's Security Guards lessons in how to shoot better. And, Seal, old man, when we see who thanks you and who you thank, just what do you believe we think about that?
World?s ?Most Dangerous Islamist? Alive, Well, and Living in Pennsylvania |
99% of Jews are Zionists.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.

what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.

What does the Constitution have to do with this? The rights you reference are protected against government interference. Mr. Aboushi is not exempt from criticism by private individuals.
Oh Seal, you're still here. Praise the Lord, I thought you left us again. Hey Seal tell us how wonderful it is to have such a Palestinian here on American soil who's people danced in the streets & passed out candy on 911 & vow death to the USA? Oh by the way, if you don't reply, I will understand. You see, as an American you have that right.

99% of Jews are Zionists.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.

what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.
What I find amusing is that on another USMessageBoard forum just the other day, Sunni Man said that the CIA and Mossad were behind the uprising in Egypt. Only a Muslim or Muslim convert would think of such a thing. Speaking of genocides, I don't think anyone will ever see Sunni Man admit that his newly-adopted brethren have murdered millions and millions of innocent people, nor will Sunni Man admit that his fellow Sunnis are always busy blowing up Shiites. However, we have to remember if an Israeli Jew harms one hair on a Palestinian's head, then it is genocide.

what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.
"Oday Aboushi has been touted as being the first Palestinian-American player in the National Football League (NFL), but his radical behavior since being drafted by the New York Jets less than three months ago could get him sent home early. His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."

What radical behavior? Why is he different from, say, Cuban Americans or Porto Rico Americans? They are all working to free their homeland. I don't see a problem.
what i find amusing is we have an american citisen of palestinian descent being criticized by a zionist zealot nd bigot (who, i am sure, believes israel is a "beacon of democracy"), because this man. oday aboushi, chooses to exercise his first amendment right to lawfully assemble with whom he wants and to voice his opinion in a peaceful manner.

what i find even more amusing is that the person critical of this man exercising his constitutional rights in a completely appropriate manner is being thanked by two individuals who have taken an oath to protect and defend that constitution. they should be ashamed. they won't be.
"Oday Aboushi has been touted as being the first Palestinian-American player in the National Football League (NFL), but his radical behavior since being drafted by the New York Jets less than three months ago could get him sent home early. His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."

What radical behavior? Why is he different from, say, Cuban Americans or Porto Rico Americans? They are all working to free their homeland. I don't see a problem.
Except the Cubans are not using terrorism as a talking point. And FYI, the Puerto Ricans are shooting for statehood, Harold.
What radical behavior? Why is he different from, say, Cuban Americans or Porto Rico Americans? They are all working to free their homeland. I don't see a problem.

If you are so thick-skulled that you can't see the difference, that's your problem. I'm sure you can custom order a Oboushi jersey and wear it every Sunday.

Those of us who oppose people who (1) deny Israel's right to exist and (2) promote organizations that sponsor terrorism will hope that the Jets cut him and that he moves to Gaza so he can be with his compatriots.
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A man supports his country. Lots of people do.

Where is the controversy?

I thought he was an American.

And there are Americans who support Israel.

Do you have a point?

I'm afraid any point would fly over your head, Iinman. You said he supports his country when inferring that he supports Palestine. It was mentioned that he was born in Brooklyn, which means he should be supporting America. The sad fact is that many hyphenated Americans support their country of origin rather than America. EG: blame America firsters like you.
I'm afraid any point would fly over your head, Iinman. You said he supports his country when inferring that he supports Palestine. It was mentioned that he was born in Brooklyn, which means he should be supporting America. The sad fact is that many hyphenated Americans support their country of origin rather than America. EG: blame America firsters like you.
Yet, a very large number of American jews also have duel citizenship with Israel.

And many of the zionist loving jews on this thread support the fascist state of Israel with a passion. .. :cool:
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Yet, a very large number of American jews also have duel citizenship with Israel.

And many of the zionist loving jews on this thread support the fascist state of Israel with a passion. .. :cool:

I am a Zionist, and a Jew, and an American, and these three aspects of who I am have never clashed or resulted in any conflict of interest.

I am perfectly capable of contributing to the American economy with my work efforts, paying my taxes to the U.S. Government, and putting a little bit aside to support agencies like the JNF.
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Yet, a very large number of American jews also have duel citizenship with Israel.

And many of the zionist loving jews on this thread support the fascist state of Israel with a passion. .. :cool:

Jews don't fly planes into American buildings. And why would I support countries and a people who call for death to America and dance in the streets when bad things happen to us? Also,I am not a Jew, but I will proudly fight shoulder to shoulder with them.
The JNF is a terrorist organization with a goal to exterminate the Palestinian people and steal all of their land. .. :cool:

Really? That's funny, because I went to the JNF's National Conference last Spring and there weren't any break-out sessions about extermination of "Palestinians" or stealing land.

There were break-out sessions about innovations in agriculture, the construction of hospitals, exchange student programs, development of green space in urban areas, water conservation and the construction of dual purpose bomb shelter/youth activity centers. No discussions of "Palestinian" extermination, though.

Maybe that will be discussed at next year's conference, right after the presentations on the Jewish control over the world banking system and plans to infiltrate the CIA with Mossad agents.
I thought he was an American.

And there are Americans who support Israel.

Do you have a point?

I'm afraid any point would fly over your head, Iinman. You said he supports his country when inferring that he supports Palestine. It was mentioned that he was born in Brooklyn, which means he should be supporting America. The sad fact is that many hyphenated Americans support their country of origin rather than America. EG: blame America firsters like you.

US citizens can still be patriotic and support their homeland. Those are not mutually exclusive.

Where is the conflict?
"Oday Aboushi has been touted as being the first Palestinian-American player in the National Football League (NFL), but his radical behavior since being drafted by the New York Jets less than three months ago could get him sent home early. His latest infraction was made as he gave a speech at a radical Muslim conference sponsored by a group denying Israel’s right to exist and associated with blatantly anti-Semitic and terrorist propaganda."

What radical behavior? Why is he different from, say, Cuban Americans or Porto Rico Americans? They are all working to free their homeland. I don't see a problem.
Except the Cubans are not using terrorism as a talking point. And FYI, the Puerto Ricans are shooting for statehood, Harold.

[ame=]RT on the Cuban Five - YouTube[/ame]

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