Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

Nope, not our war, but we will always assist our allies that are somewhere in the world helping us or lifting us up as their friend in the world. How Ukraine became our allie is scary seeing that Joe Biden and Obama were involved in that place.
They are not our allies. They are our welfare queens. The relationship we have with the Israel assholes is that we give them stuff and they like it. We don't get jackshit in return except Israel's enemies hating us and further in debt with the money we borrow to give to them.

With being $33 trillion in debt why in the hell would be so stupid as to have to go out and borrow more to give to shitheads like the Israelis? We are going in debt over $2 trillion this year, why do we give money to anybody? That is stupidity, isn't it?
Nope, not our war, but we will always assist our allies that are somewhere in the world helping us or lifting us up as their friend in the world. How Ukraine became our allie is scary seeing that Joe Biden and Obama were involved in that place.
Where did Israel aka the IDF, EVER help the USA and NATO in their war against terrorism that cost the US Taxpayer alone already US$ 7 trillion? Israel is an ally to the USA or NATO in what regard or action? they even refuse to send weapons to Ukraine - headed by a Jewish President.
The Arabs retained the "Palestinian" part of the British Palestinian Mandate.
No they did not - obviously you haven't even read up the UN article about Nakba. (read it).


No Palestinians were removed from Israeli territory until the Arabs attacked Israel in 1948.
Obviously you haven't even read up the UN article about Nakba. (read it).
The descendants of those Palestinians that chose to stand with Israel are now full Israeli citizens with representation on the Knesset.
Under Israeli-Jewish reign, and most of them are Bedouins and not Palestinians - and are in general referred to as "dirty Arabs".

You still haven't answered the question:
Why did e.g. the PLO or Hamas come into existence???
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How could Israel have bestowed citizenship on Muslims - I believe they’re about 20% of the total population - when the Jews are trying to “ethnically cleanse” the state of Muslims?

They’re really bad at this genocide stuff, huh?
Apparently so, but Israel has always lived amicably with peaceful Palestinians. They do take exception to Palestinians sabotaging their facilities, bombing markets and busses etc. full of moms and kids, and kidnapping their citizens

Apparently, so I have read, some Israeli Arab citizens have openly supported Palestine and as such are now being watched and, if determined to be traitors to Israel, could be expelled. Of course the Palestinian sympathizers translate this as more evidence of Jews treating Palestinians badly. But then such people don't seem to mind traitors in America either.

Currently I think roughly 21% of the Israeli population is Arab.
No they did not - obviously you haven't even read up the UN article about Nakba. (read it).

View attachment 864917

Obviously you haven't even read up the UN article about Nakba. (read it).

Under Israeli-Jewish reign, and most of them are Bedouins and not Palestinians - and are in general referred to as "dirty Arabs".

You still haven't answered the question:
Why did e.g. the PLO or Hamas come into existence???
I did answer you in various posts. The purpose of the Fatah, the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah., all the various representations of the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood" share the same agenda and purpose. That is to kill all the Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.

And I will not accept your 'woke' version of the history. So you can go spew that someplace else.
Apparently so, but Israel has always lived amicably with peaceful Palestinians. They do take exception to Palestinians sabotaging their facilities, bombing markets and busses etc. full of moms and kids, and kidnapping their citizens

Apparently, so I have read, some Israeli Arab citizens have openly supported Palestine and as such are now being watched and, if determined to be traitors to Israel, could be expelled. Of course the Palestinian sympathizers translate this as more evidence of Jews treating Palestinians badly. But then such people don't seem to mind traitors in America either.

Currently I think roughly 21% of the Israeli population is Arab.
What you and alike always ignore:

As early as December 1948, the UN General Assembly called for refugee return, property restitution and compensation (resolution 194 (II)). However, 75 years later, despite countless UN resolutions, the rights of the Palestinians (5 million+) continue to be denied.

Due to forcefully driving out a million Palestinians - the Jewish population gained the majority - via ethnic cleansing
The remaining "Arabs" are to 70% Bedouins, who were not terrorized and who's land wasn't taken away - if I would be an Arab-Israeli citizen who is being referred to as "dirty Arab" - I certainly would NOT consider Israels treatment towards me as "amicably".

You are still ignoring (off course intentionally) the question:

Why did the PLO and e.g. Hamas come into existence?
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I did answer you in various posts. The purpose of the Fatah, the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah., all the various representations of the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood" share the same agenda and purpose. That is to kill all the Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.
No you did NOT - and the PLO has acknowledged Israel - and has NOT vowed to kill all Jews....
Again, why did the PLO and e.g. Hamas come into existence?
And I will not accept your 'woke' version of the history. So you can go spew that someplace else.
A UN article is "woke" history to you? then YOU should spew your false accusations and nonsense some where else -After all Israel bases it's right to exist onto the UN, as to what you call "woke" history.

READ: or shut the fuck up

What you and alike always ignore:

As early as December 1948, the UN General Assembly called for refugee return, property restitution and compensation (resolution 194 (II)). However, 75 years later, despite countless UN resolutions, the rights of the Palestinians (5 million+) continue to be denied.

Due to forcefully driving out a million Palestinians - the Jewish population gained the majority - via ethnic cleansing
The remaining "Arabs" are to 70% Bedouins, who were not terrorized and who's land wasn't taken away - if I would be an Arab-Israeli citizen who is being referred to as "dirty Arab" - I certainly would consider Israels treatment towards me as "amicably".

You are still ignoring (off course intentionally) the question:

Why did the PLO and e.g. Hamas come into existence?
Nice rewrite of the actual history by the U.N. 'woke' propaganda machine. It left out all the parts of the Arabs attacking the Jews for years leading up to the U.N. assignment of territories and that the Arabs attacked the Israelis the day after the British left. But I doubt you're interested in anything that doesn't make Jews evil in your eyes so have a lovely evening.
Nice rewrite of the actual history by the U.N. 'woke' propaganda machine. It left out all the parts of the Arabs attacking the Jews for years leading up to the U.N. assignment of territories and that the Arabs attacked the Israelis the day after the British left. But I doubt you're interested in anything that doesn't make Jews evil in your eyes so have a lovely evening.
Sure - whatever doesn't fit your brainwashed little Zionist mindset - is a rewrite - incl. UN statements and resolutions.
Everyone is aware about Netanyahu's - petulant attacks towards the UN.

BTW - the existence of Israel, and it's "right to defend itself" is based onto the UN charter - which Israel isn't hesitant at all, to make use off.

Again, why did the PLO and e.g. Hamas come into existence?
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No, curious about what they think. Is your reading comprehension giving you problems?
I addressed the they part too. And believe you are likely very sympathetic to what they think and even could be one of them.
:eusa_shifty: Sooooooo, you don't know what they think and you don't know what I think and yet you keep flapping your lips and drawing conclusions. Really smart! :auiqs.jpg:
I’m getting ready for dinner.
Enjoy the matza.
Maybe you can try to enrage a different Jew
Are you enraged? That's not good for the digestive system especially just before dinner.
... by making fun of the atrocities the Muslim savages perpetrated on innocent children.
It is with humour that my people endured the pogroms and various Holocaustical endeavours.
In these here parts, decent people don’t laugh when Muslims cut off the heads of Jewish babies and set Jewish children on fire.
But in these here parts, decent people don't get sucked into ridiculous rumours such as those you mention and run around like headless chickens in enraged distress- no pun intended.
They are not our allies. They are our welfare queens. The relationship we have with the Israel assholes is that we give them stuff and they like it. We don't get jackshit in return except Israel's enemies hating us and further in debt with the money we borrow to give to them.

With being $33 trillion in debt why in the hell would be so stupid as to have to go out and borrow more to give to shitheads like the Israelis? We are going in debt over $2 trillion this year, why do we give money to anybody? That is stupidity, isn't it?
Israel has half the world in a trance.
Wrong - the Arab-Laegue attacked, upon David Ben Gurion declaring the State of Israel on May 14th 1948. prior to the midnight timeline of British Mandate ending. - and around 1 million civilians were forcefully driven off their lands - incl. via the use of massacres conducted by e.g. Hanganah. Stern Gang, etc. You can read it all up under the term "Nakba".

Jewish militias launched attacks against Palestinian villages, forcing thousands to flee. The situation escalated into a full-blown war in 1948, with the end of the British Mandate and the departure of British forces, the declaration of independence of the State of Israel and the entry of neighboring Arab armies.

You haven't answered the question:

Why did PLO, Hamas etc. come into existence, and WHEN?
GROSS LIE ^^^^ in detail
They are not our allies. They are our welfare queens. The relationship we have with the Israel assholes is that we give them stuff and they like it. We don't get jackshit in return except Israel's enemies hating us and further in debt with the money we borrow to give to them.

With being $33 trillion in debt why in the hell would be so stupid as to have to go out and borrow more to give to shitheads like the Israelis? We are going in debt over $2 trillion this year, why do we give money to anybody? That is stupidity, isn't it?
You speak as if the Arabs are our BFs in the middle east, and Israel is not... Your scruples are scrooped up. Drinking already this morning ?
You speak as if the Arabs are our BFs in the middle east, and Israel is not... Your scruples are scrooped up. Drinking already this morning ?
It is not that we should tell either one side or another to shove it. We need to tell everybody to shove it, including the Israelis bastards. It ain't our war. Israel is a rich country, we don't need to give them anything. Especially since we are $33 trillion in debt, borrowing $2 trillion more a year.

Why should Americans borrow money to buy the Israelis stuff? That is stupid. Why don't the Israelis borrow money themselves to buy whatever they want?
They are not our allies. They are our welfare queens. The relationship we have with the Israel assholes is that we give them stuff and they like it. We don't get jackshit in return except Israel's enemies hating us and further in debt with the money we borrow to give to them.

With being $33 trillion in debt why in the hell would be so stupid as to have to go out and borrow more to give to shitheads like the Israelis? We are going in debt over $2 trillion this year, why do we give money to anybody? That is stupidity, isn't it?
You speak as if the Arabs are our BFs in the middle east, and Israel is not... Your scruples are scrooped up. Drinking already this morning ?
Are you high on hallucinatory drugs? Where in his post did Flash even mention the Arabs? I'll tell you where ....... NOWHERE. You need to learn how to read and stay off of drugs. :114:

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