Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

^^^^ yet another islamo-nazi meme
None, just telling it like it is.

Many of these these Jews in America care a lot more about that Middle East country than they care about the country they live in. They are the ones (along with some other stupid Americans) that push the foreign policies to provide welfare for the Israelis when we are $33 trillion in debt.

How about supporting no welfare for anybody when we are in so much debt?

Piss on the Palestinians
Piss on the Syrians
Piss on the Saudi Arabians
Piss on the Iranians
Piss on the Israelis.

It ain't our war.
I’m entitled to give my explanation as to why radical left Jews march alongside antisemites screaming “Death to Jews” - and you are entitled to disagree.

Spewing your obvious disdain for Jews who won’t “fall in line”, such as levying personal insults like saying “you are worthless” is not onky childish but of course untrue.
Nobody is obliged to accept your world view.
If you think baking live babies to death in ovens, torturing and raping victims, deliberately killing well over a thousand civilians--kids, moms, dads, grandparents--while making no effort to hit military targets is nothing to be ashamed of, I don't think you qualify to be in this debate..
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, I always say. Now, I have no reason at all to believe any of that crap you wrote but the Zionists did teach the Palestinians how to wage terrorism so maybe the Palestinians think it's time to return the favour? :eusa_think:
And there it is. "Worthless" doesn't mean "subhuman" or "Untermensch" but hey we've got to convince ourselves that GLASNOST is an anti-Semite so let's just say "worthless" does mean "subhuman" and "Untemensch" and then anytime we feel like it we can say, "It's already been proven that he's an anti-Semite!" The ploy has been working pretty well for nearly 80 years so let's stick with it. :lol:
Thank you for seeing how obvious it is.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, I always say. Now, I have no reason at all to believe any of that crap you wrote but the Zionists did teach the Palestinians how to wage terrorism so maybe the Palestinians think it's time to return the favour? :eusa_think:
And in this post we see how clueless the antisemites are.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, I always say. Now, I have no reason at all to believe any of that crap you wrote but the Zionists did teach the Palestinians how to wage terrorism so maybe the Palestinians think it's time to return the favour? :eusa_think:
And in this post we see how clueless the antisemites are.
It might be a good idea for you to ask them first. :ssex:
And in this post we see how clueless the antisemites are.
We see how extreme their antisemitism is in that they think the people trying to limit the loss of innocent lives are worse than the savages who went house to house to set Jewish children on fire, put babies in the oven, rape women until they died from internal trauma, and hack off heads with a shovel.

And then he would claim he’s not an antisemite.
..... the savages who went house to house to set Jewish children on fire, put babies in the oven, rape women until they died from internal trauma, and hack off heads with a shovel.
Why shoot, that ain't nuthin'! Hot dang, I could tell about the time in Missoura when we was in downtown Cincinnata and we was powerful thirsty ....... what a night that was! :pinkygirly:
It might be a good idea for you to ask them first. :ssex:
Ask them what? Why they are antisemite? Why they twist the truth and lie about the history? Why should I ask them. I prefer to expose the evil that they are.
We see how extreme their antisemitism is in that they think the people trying to limit the loss of innocent lives are worse than the savages who went house to house to set Jewish children on fire, put babies in the oven, rape women until they died from internal trauma, and hack off heads with a shovel.

And then he would claim he’s not an antisemite.
Antisemitism by definition requires hatred of a group. And in order to hate the group in this case, they have to pretend the Palestinian leadership and military has not committed those atrocities but the Israelis have. It's sick. it's disgusting. It's immoral. It's evil. There is even an element of insanity to it.

I hope and pray such people stay in a tiny minority and that those still capable of morality, logic, critical thinking, and understanding the truth will win out every time.
Ask them what? Why they are antisemite? Why they twist the truth and lie about the history? Why should I ask them. I prefer to expose the evil that they are.
No, I was thinking that you ought to ask them why you think they are antisemites and why they think you lie about history and twist the truth. I mean, I already know that you're full of BS and I'd like to know if they have the same opinion of you. Aren't you curious too? :eusa_think:
No, I was thinking that you ought to ask them why you think they are antisemites and why they think you lie about history and twist the truth. I mean, I already know that you're full of BS and I'd like to know if they have the same opinion of you. Aren't you curious too? :eusa_think:
Curious about what you think? Not in the least. You've made it quite clear. Nor do I care what terrorists and those committing the atrocities in Israel think. They've also made it quite clear they are undermänsklig. Anyone who does what they have done to innocent people is.
No, curious about what they think. Is your reading comprehension giving you problems?
I addressed the they part too. And believe you are likely very sympathetic to what they think and even could be one of them.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, I always say. Now, I have no reason at all to believe any of that crap you wrote but the Zionists did teach the Palestinians how to wage terrorism so maybe the Palestinians think it's time to return the favour? :eusa_think:
^^^^ yet another islamo nazi meme

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