Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

Being ashamed of being Jewish isn't necessary. It's nothing to be ashamed of. But I understand how you feel. Many Germans felt that way during WW II and Americans are feeling it as we speak.
I didn't say anything about anybody being ashamed but if the Palestinians held any value for human life they should be ashamed of what their leadership did.

Somebody fires 5000 rockets into Israeli neighborhood at dawn so that they will kill a maximum number of people--well over 1000 as it turned out--no reasonable person on the planet would see that as Israel's fault. Or that Israel isn't justified in using maximum force to eradicate the enemy so that they don't do it again which they have pledged to do.
..... if the Palestinians held any value for human life they should be ashamed of what their leadership did.
If I were a Palestinian, I wouldn't be ashamed. Anyway, what good would it do? I am ashamed of Sweden because of what my government did to Julian Assange and if I could slap or punch those responsible I would. The Palestinians are compelled to do anything they can to smote the Zionists. Sweden had no justification to do what it did .... and it continues to this very day. So, why should the Palestinians be ashamed? They shouldn't. They've been pushed against the wall with no way out except with a clenched "fist" and whatever they can hold within it.
If I were a Palestinian, I wouldn't be ashamed. Anyway, what good would it do? I am ashamed of Sweden because of what my government did to Julian Assange and if I could slap or punch those responsible I would. The Palestinians are compelled to do anything they can to smote the Zionists. Sweden had no justification to do what it did .... and it continues to this very day. So, why should the Palestinians be ashamed? They shouldn't. They've been pushed against the wall with no way out except with a clenched "fist" and whatever they can hold within it.
If you think baking live babies to death in ovens, torturing and raping victims, deliberately killing well over a thousand civilians--kids, moms, dads, grandparents--while making no effort to hit military targets is nothing to be ashamed of, I don't think you qualify to be in this debate.
The fact is that the Jewish people are a remarkable people both in overcoming what they have had to overcome and in their accomplishments for themselves and the world.

There is one area though that the Jewish people probably have to accept just like everybody else does. There's going to be some goats in among the sheep, i.e. idiots and/or bad actors.

I cannot imagine being Jewish and thinking that the Israelis are the bad guys in this. But. . .
Yes the majority are good, and yes every tribe has it's trouble making knuckleheads. I choose the majority to support in Israel, but realize that they aren't perfect. To hell with Hamas.
Yes the majority are good, and yes every tribe has it's trouble making knuckleheads. I choose the majority to support in Israel, but realize that they aren't perfect. To hell with Hamas.
Who knows. There might even be a member of Hamas who has a conscience, who doesn't gleefully join into the atrocities they are committing? But the group as a whole sure doesn't demonstrate any appreciation for kindness, good will, fair play, honor, respect for life.

And there is no human living on Earth or who has ever lived, save one, who has not fallen short, i.e. sinned. I'm pretty sure that was in the mind of that one when he said 'judge not lest we be judged.' Falling short, sinning is not what we admire about people, but most people feel badly about it when they do and try to do better. And when they do better, we can admire that.

I'm not sure the vast majority of Hamas are trying to be better. We are witnessing the Israelis be as honorable as possible in their determination to ensure Hamas cannot repeat Oct 7 which Hamas has pledged to do many times over.
you used the word NEUROTIC----without a scintilla of knowledge in the
field of psychiatry----TYPICAL
Personal insults in my opinion are generally from immature or unpleasant people who cannot make an argument any other way. To call another 'neurotic' constitutes a personal insult.

However, the term neurotic does not need to be exclusive to the medical definition. It applies to any circumstance in which a person is unusually anxious, sensitive, obsessive. And to recognize those traits does not require a degree in psychology or psychiatry.

Glad to be helpful. :)
Personal insults in my opinion are generally from immature or unpleasant people who cannot make an argument any other way. To call another 'neurotic' constitutes a personal insult.

However, the term neurotic does not need to be exclusive to the medical definition. It applies to any circumstance in which a person is unusually anxious, sensitive, obsessive. And to recognize those traits does not require a degree in psychology or psychiatry.

Glad to be helpful. :)
not helpful. Neurosis is a technical term----a post is should not be treated like a fart in by your beer soaked friend in the gutter
not helpful. Neurosis is a technical term----a post is should not be treated like a fart in by your beer soaked friend in the gutter
Neurosis yes. But 'neurotic' can be used generally to describe a person's reaction/actions as well as it can be a medical diagnosis. Many words have more than one definition.
Who in hell's bells do you think you are? You are nobody. You have no knowledge, no insight, no experience, and no wisdom. As far as the subject goes you are worthless. :confused:
I’m entitled to give my explanation as to why radical left Jews march alongside antisemites screaming “Death to Jews” - and you are entitled to disagree.

Spewing your obvious disdain for Jews who won’t “fall in line”, such as levying personal insults like saying “you are worthless” is not onky childish but of course untrue.
The fact is that the Jewish people are a remarkable people both in overcoming what they have had to overcome and in their accomplishments for themselves and the world.

There is one area though that the Jewish people probably have to accept just like everybody else does. There's going to be some goats in among the sheep, i.e. idiots and/or bad actors.

I cannot imagine being Jewish and thinking that the Israelis are the bad guys in this. But. . .
I know….its appalling that leftist Jews are so brainwashed by their idea of “oppression” that they support the very people who want Jews wiped off the face of the Earth.
It is absolutely fascinating to me that a poster born and raised in Sweden could possibly come to the conclusion that NOT hating Jews is evidence that one is a Nazi.

This sure isn't the Swedish liberal society I remember from the sixties.
Personal insults in my opinion are generally from immature or unpleasant people who cannot make an argument any other way. To call another 'neurotic' constitutes a personal insult.

However, the term neurotic does not need to be exclusive to the medical definition. It applies to any circumstance in which a person is unusually anxious, sensitive, obsessive. And to recognize those traits does not require a degree in psychology or psychiatry.

Glad to be helpful. :)
Thanks. Glasnot just said I am worthless. It’s apparent he can’t defend his point or refute mine, so he reverts to personal insults.

I shouldn’t have to explain this, but I am not worthless to my family, my friends, my community, my synagogue, and the worthy causes I support.
It is absolutely fascinating to me that a poster born and raised in Sweden could possibly come to the conclusion that NOT hating Jews is evidence that one is a Nazi.

This sure isn't the Swedish liberal society I remember from the sixties.
The whole thing is sickening. I had my Torah class today, and everyone is very upset that it is now seen as a BAD thing to defend Jews. We are not sure where this new era of Nazi-level hate for Jews will end up.
Thanks. Glasnot just said I am worthless. It’s apparent he can’t defend his point or refute mine, so he reverts to personal insults.

I shouldn’t have to explain this, but I am not worthless to my family, my friends, my community, my synagogue, and the worthy causes I support.
Every time somebody regresses into personal insults instead of making a coherent argument, their IQ, education level and entitlement to respect drops significantly. :)

(To the trolls: no, I don't have a link for that so don't even ask.)
These things actually see their hatred as a virtue, too.
I know….it’s awful. Even the Nazis knew that what they were doing to the Jews was inhumane and immoral - and thus took efforts to disguise what evils they were doing. With the current pro-Palestinian antisemites, they are actually shouting their vile hatred from the rooftops.

The answer to the threats of harm (or worse) to Jews has thus far been to shelter in place and remove jewelry that would identify one as Jewish. This is not an acceptable solution in America, and when Trump returns, he will take action to crack down on the Jew-hating creatures - and that can start with the deportation of any non-citizen who marches in support of anti-Jew terrorist groups.

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